Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Not a fan of the fact that you can get stuck at a loop near the Hollow King early on. Fun prior to that though.
Quite good so far. Reminds me a lot of VVVVVV.
Really a huge fan of the whole playing experience, classic controls, different difficulty modes, and overall aesthetic.
However, I'm trapped at the hollow king. The only way out I can see is going to up to the right but I cannot for the life of me get past the Hollow King's fireballs and as far as I'm aware I can't attack.
The way past the hollow king is to first focus on getting to the blue landing, then it's one step back and then jump. Making that last jump is just matter of depending on the old adage, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day".
That said, I did give up later in the game. I wonder if anyone has made through YOLO style?
Thanks. It worked!
I'm using Chrome...so far I only ever get a black screen...=(
I got to the you lose part, and it reset all my progress :( Then I gave up because I'm not going through all that again. This is a REALLY long game.
^ Same thing happened to me, and I was at 98%. >:-(
But still a really fun game!
My saved game was erased between last night and this morning :(. I had beaten the game with secret code, but was trying to go back through and get 100% completion. I think I was missing two money bags. What a shame, it's a really fun game, but I can't see playing it all again.
What browser are you guys using? Safari just gives a black square, same for Chrome apparently.
Noooo, 99.22%! Tantalizing. There doesn't appear to be a long-term save feature, but if you go through lose and hit enter, you end up back at the beginning with no abilities and keep your treasure. Since (backwards spoiler alert) "neercs esol eht ni erusaert fo eceip a s'ereht", this makes 100% annoyingly difficult. I found the cats and lots of secret alcove places, but apparently not all of them...
It might have to do with the gap in the ceiling of "The Grand Vault," that seems to be the only place I wasn't able to explore, even with all the abilities. Just can't quite reach it.
I lied, I came back and played again so I could finish it. Finally got 100%, and it has nothing to do with The Grand Vault. If you haven't yet, Nat R, check SPOILER: $t$h$e$s$e$c$r$e$t$p$a$s$s$a$g$g$e$ for the sneakily hidden bag.
I'm at 99.22 % too, $t$h$e$s$e$c$r$e$t$p$a$s$s$a$g$g$e$ you say? Wait noooooo! I already found that one where is the last one!!!! Someone please list everywhere this is one and I will look there. I already found $t$h$e$l$e$v$e$l$t$o$t$h$e$l$e$f$t$o$f$y$g$g$d$r$a$s$i$l$ and $h$y$d$r$a$i$s$a$m$y$t$h$ and $t$h$a$t$r$e$a$l$l$y$s$m$a$l$l$l$e$v$e$l$a$b$o$v$e$t$h$e$b$i$g$l$a$v$a$p$i$t$i$n$t$h$e$e$d$e$n$m$a$w$a$r$e$a
Hey thanks Kiel, I probably did miss that one. It's the same color as the background, isn't it? Maybe I'll go back and look really hard around there. @meow, did you find the cats? Most secretest place in the game, maybe even harder to get to than the tiny room.
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