
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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December 21, 2017

the flames [browser]

You're on a journey to ignite the fire and make your way through 10 devious levels in the puzzlescript puzzler The Flames by Rosden Shadow. (note: tricky from level 1, as always in puzzlescript: Z key to undo a move and R key to restart a level)


Anonymous said...

Not fun it you can't get anywhere.

Anonymous said...

my head hurts and I can't even beat lvl 2. seriously

Anonymous said...

um, any hints? i can't make any progress at all.

Hespetr3 said...

Need hints. Stuck almost immediately.

palat said...

For level 1:
- push the wood 2 positions up and 1 position to the left
- get under the flames and push 3 positions up (the wood is on fire now)
- now push the burning wood to the right to the other wood

Anonymous said...

Each Level was exhausting- I resigned in level 4

1-3 are difficult enough, so my energy was too low...

Anonymous said...

I gave up on lvl 6. last night I went to bed with headache

Unknown said...

Level 2: what you need to do is to get the barrel - the one you can push - to the darkest part of the wall, which I think is a ditch you have to push the barrel into, _without_ catching it on fire.

I'm stuck on level 3. It looks like I have to burn one barrel but not the other, and I can't think of one thing I haven't tried. (Also, the game didn't remember where I got to yesterday).

Anonymous said...

Even with that hint, I don't understand level 2 :(

PlayerOfArmor said...

Wow, the socoban-themed puzzlescript games are on the rise

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

It seems the game doesn't save, but I would like to throw in my 2 cents. I don't think the game is too difficult, I mean it is difficult, but it's also fair, so I dig it.

Unknown said...

I had a feeling this would be the case, but it peaks in difficulty at level 5. And if I had any further criticism, I don't feel the walking to the next stage adds anything as opposed to just having an intermission screen with the dialogue and then spawn in the next level. but I have to repeat, this is a good game.

Unknown said...

a hint for 2:what you burn and order of moving things are a big deal.
3: prolong when the barrel you need catches fire, but more importantly how you start the fire chain. if you just push it to the left, you waste movement while the fire spreads. I don't know how to give a hint for 4 without just saying what to do.
for 5: You only need 2 barrels to win. What held me up was not figuring out wasted space and barrels, you can just move the barrel you don't need to a spot you can use anyways.
I saw someone struggle with 6, again, I don't know how to offer a hint without just saying how I did it, same for 7

Unknown said...

@Bronson Leach,

re. level 3, I already tried pushing it down and then to the left, and still don't have enough moves; I can't get it to the other wooden wall without setting the one in the middle alight first, so I can't see any other way of starting the fire that isn't _closer_ to the barrel I need.

Unknown said...

... and as soon as I posted that I realised what you meant. Wow, a burning barrel will still make a bridge, how counter-intuitive. I don't really understand your hint for level 5, but I think I've figured it out anyway ... wow, look at the time, have to come back later (I wish it saved your progress!)

Unknown said...

Now stuck on level 7, and instead of being one step short I seem to be 4 steps short ... can you tell me what to move first? Pushing the brazier takes 2 steps less than going round it, but that's not enough and it's also then in the way ...

Unknown said...

for 7 I pushed the barrels out of the way first to get the brazier to the impeding barrel, when I make the bridge to finish the level none of those barrels are on fire. although, re-reading, I think you meant 8, which admittedly i only solved the first time by trial and error, I put the rightmost one in the top bridge slot and then by route move the brazier over to get the other barrel into position, by the end you move the final barrel at the last possible moment.
I'm sorry, I know i'm not very good at writing hints, but it felt good to beat this and I thought i'd try anyways.

Unknown said...

@Bronson Leach,

You're right, I did mean level 8. So I guess you start by pushing the brazier to avoid going round it, and it gets pushed back when you go back for the second barrel. I'm still two steps short, though, going that way. To start with the top bridge slot means 2 extra steps unless I've left the other barrel where it started, in which case I need the extra steps when I go back to collect it. (I suspect I'm spending much more time on this than it's worth!)

Anonymous said...

gah i promised myself i'd pay attention to what level i'm on -- since so far as i can see there's no way to tell once you're on the level -- but i forgot. i know it's either 8 or 9. *the flames are immobile.* from what's said above, i think it's level 9. anyway, i'm stuck. hints please?

Unknown said...

For 8 what i did was after moving the brazier, I moved the left barrel right and then down in order to move the right barrel into position to then move it straight down and then go back and finish the bridge with the left barrel.
yeah 9 can't move the brazier and has 3 ways to start, one doesn't have enough barrels to ignite the stack and the other doesn't give you enough room/time to make the bridge. The right way also has you movea burning barrel onto ash to make a different barrel the bridge.

Anonymous said...

help for level 6?

Unknown said...

Level 6 is trial and error, unless you have a better feel for how long the barrels take to burn than I do. I don't think there's a short cut, you just have to work out where to put your first barrel, then where the next one has to be to catch fire before the first one turns to ash after you push the brazier past it, and so on.

I'm stuck on level 9 this time. I eventually worked out how to ignite the stack, but whichever side I started on, by the time enough barrels have burned for me to push one out of the way, I don't have enough moves left to form the bridge.

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you do level 2??

Joel said...

Ah finally finished! Thanks to Bronson Leach^^^^ for pointing out the burning wood + ash on level 9. Don't know why I didn't see it earlier.

Cool game and Merry Xmas! :-)

Unknown said...

Got it! thanks to Bronson Leach's hints on levels 3, 8 and 9. I didn't find level 5 that hard, but perhaps that's because I'd seen the hint already.

It's possible to solve level 10 without setting fire to the wall, but when you leave it's suddenly burning anyway. Got to have the dramatic ending!

Anonymous said...

I'm also stuck on level six, I can get that last barrel thing one away from the block blocking the exit before it turns into ash. Not sure where else I can cut down on spaces for the path.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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