Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I can't load the game... :-(
The browser you are using is probably not supporting WebGL. Maybe you are using Internet Explorer?
See Neutral's comment: "SIGN" is created with Unity + WebGL. Game playing requires a browser (check here) that supports WebGL
If only they could all be new Neutrals...
I read the comment and I've checked and it should be okay...
I'm using 5 browser (and no one works):
- Chrome v. 63.0.3239.132 (Official Build) (64 bit)
- Mozilla Firefox v. 57.0 (64 bit)
- Microsoft Edge v. 40.15063.674.0 - EdgeHTML v. 15.15063 (After a long long wait, it gave me the message: "An error occurred running the Unity content on this page. See your browser JavaScript console for more info.The error was: Expected '}'"
- Internet Explorer v. 11.850.15063.0 (Just to try everything and it says: "Please note that your browser is not currently supported for this Unity WebGL content. Press OK if you wish to continue anyway.")
- Chromium v. 58.0.2993.0
What can I do?
I'm currently stuck. I have: The wooden plate from the table at the start, the orange mushroom, the spool of thread, the piece of paper with the ID, the remote control, the orange triangle and the violet/pink square. Can anyone give me a hint as to where to go next?
Also stuck but without the pink square. Where was that.
@Anon At the desk, open the middle drawer (should have an arrow inside) then step back and face towards the television. The square should be on the side of the drawer.
You can find the password for the computer in one of the channels on the TV.
@Anon Thanks. Now I kinda want to strangle whatever joker came up with that clue.
Lovely, as usual. Tricky at spots, and thanks to Ray for the clue for the correct view for the pink square. I could see it, but it wouldn't let me get it from the view of the door. Silly me, if I had just used a different perspective! Got the rest on my onesies. Thanks, Bart. I have missed Neutral games...
Finally made it out, and other than that one bit with the computer password it was a pretty smooth going. Enjoyable, and nice to see someone experiment with 3d stuff in escape games like this.
I can't figure out the sheep/tree password clue :( Tried every combo I could think of with 6 letters
@Heather Try copying *exactly* what you see on the TV.
Super stuck. Have mushroom, pink square, wire, torn paper, remote and triangle. cannot figure out password to computer.
@Chem Man I got stuck on the password too. It's on the TV, and once you figure it out, you'll probably want to punch whoever came up with that puzzle.
I'm kinda stuck on the light switch part now... There are four codes that I can find when the lights are off, but I can't make heads or tails of what they're supposed to represent.
@ray10k I feel like I'm going crazy, usually these escape games don't get the better of me. I tried typing literally what I saw...even "ssword" since that was on the TV screen. There is steam coming out of my ears lol, perhaps I should let it sit a while and it'll come to me.
@Heather I feel the same.
OMG... GOT IT!!!
Anonymous at 19:13, the pictures on the front help with the codes (substitution) that are behind them...even the picture that isn't there. You have to leave a lot of things "open". Be careful not to bonk your head in the dark! =)
@Heather The code on the screen is censored with asterisks, but what happens when you type a code into the actual password field?
@ray10k That clue/solution kinda makes me want to punch someone :P lol
@Heather You and me both, then.
The cube puzzle was great! Almost made up for the password puzzle. (keyword: almost) It's great to see Neutral's still around. Now I just wish gam.ebb and Tomatea would resurface like this.
Thanks as always, Bart!
Computer password? Bad game design. Bad! To your corner! Dunce cap on! Bad!
Neutral, awesome as per usual... Loved all the puzzles
Thanks Bart
Can't figure out 3 number code on the desk drawer or the colors in the wood wall cabinet.
Yay!!!! Did it!!!!!!
Just started my reading week, so I'm pumped to get started on this! Neutral's games are the best
Can't find yellow cube...
Ahahaha the password puzzle is the best!!
Love the cube puzzle. Nice one!
A * very * nice one.
The password riddle is funny - but logical and easy if you just try to type on the computer. The cube puzzle needs a little bit more creativity and is quite a good one.
Let's hope Neutral will restart publishing games regularly...
Where is the orange triangle?
@anonymous look around the table where the computer is
Unable to work out the code for the desk which is really annoying as have worked out everything else to this point. Tiny clue please :-)
@Caroline The three digit code? You need the picture next to the lion and the cubes. And maybe a piece of paper to write things down...
@Bart OMG love it! Thank you :-)
In fact for the 3 digits riddle, using the 3D objects manipulation is pretty handy... that's quite an UX improvement - and this puzzle illustrates perfectly how it can improve the gameplay.... I did not use a paper thx to it !
That was amazing. Very impressive.
@ray19k I want to strangle whoever came up with that puzzle.
What "cubes", for crying out loud?
And quit bitching about wanting to punch someone for the computer password. That was actually diabolically clever.
where are the cubes everyone is talking about, pls help
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