
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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March 26, 2018

braincross [browser]

ZBlip is back with a new puzzler. Follow the clues to find the correct tiles in each level of the picross inspired Braincross.


veewee said...

how do you play this game? I click, I use the arrow keys...nothing happens!

Anonymous said...

veewee. Have you tried your mouse (or trackpad)? The mouse works best for me. Hope this helps.

Bart said...

First follow the tutorial clicking the yellow arrows, then click individual tiles or click and drag a row of tiles.

recidave said...

i love this game, but very addictive... NSFW !

veewee said...

Where even is a tutorial? Where are yellow arrows?

I load the page, get a Run Game button, which I click.
Next I get 3 options, if you will, First Time, Levels, and Get The Free App..there's also a menu option in the bottom left corner.
I can either click First Time, or get to the same screen when clicking Levels, then Intro, and then selecting the first level.
Then I'm at a puzzle...and then nothing seems to happen when clicking, dragging, arrowing...there's also no yellow arrow to be seen! There's a crossword type grid, and clues above and to the left...but I don't seem to be able to do anything at all..
so sad...

Bart said...

The yellow arrows are in bottom right when I play and choose First Time

veewee said...

oh wow! ok...they show up once I make my Chrome window full screen

thanks Bart!

Debbie said...

Excellent game! Thanks for posting it, Bart!

Kaden Vanciel said...

How do you solve Level 33 in the intro levels?

veewee said...

anyone working on the hard levels?

they are hard indeed!

veewee said...


Start with the second row down. It's not that easy to see, but that's a group of one, a gap, and then a group of two

does that help enough?

veewee said...


that second row tells you all you need to know about the first and third row

Kaden Vanciel said...

@veewee I can't seem to properly interpret the rows.

veewee said...


ok, the second row down dictates that that first square is filled, the second is a gap, the 3rd and 4th are filled.
The first square has a filled square underneath it and a gap above it.
The third square again has a filled square underneath and a gap above.
The fourth square has a filled square above it, and a gap underneath.

The first row should have one grouping of filled squares according to the clue...and you now know that this is just fourth square (since it's already filled and has a gap next to it).

In the third row you now know that the clue pertains to the first three squares.

does this help you along enough?

Kaden Vanciel said...

@veewee Thanks.

Kaden Vanciel said...

Now I am stuck on level 36.

Ed Murphy said...

Level 2-3 seems to have two solutions that fit the clues, only one of which it accepts

Sample said...

Ed, do you mean the 3rd level of the challenge levels or the hard levels?

Sample said...

I just realized that the level names show up in the completion screen. I thought it had two solutions as well the first time. Pay attention to the clues in the middle of the left side, however. There's only 1 solution.

Anonymous said...

It's a nice game. I wish there was a way to save your progress. (Or if there is, where is it?)

Anonymous said...

continued ... Ah, I see I can go to "levels" and there is a record of where I was.

veewee said...

@ Kaden re lvl 36

still stuck?

First thing to notice the third column clue, three adjoining blocks..this means that the middle square of that column has to be filled. Since all three blocks in the clue have arrows both ways the square directly to the left and directly to the right are also filled.

The clue for the bottom row dictates that there is a group of unknown length, then a gap, then a group of two filled squares. Regardless of what number are in that first group, the fourth square in that row is going to be filled.

Looking at the clue for the fourth column, this then means that the fourth square in the fourth row is filled.
This fulfills the clue of the fourth row.

can you take it from there?

Ed Murphy said...

You're right, I redid 2-3 and worked it down to a unique solution

Kaden Vanciel said...

@veewee Still stuck. There are no YouTube walkthroughs.

Unknown said...

I liked this game a whole lot! yes, it caused me to procrastinate for hours on end in order to finish all the levels... but it was worth it because of how satisfying it was to finish a particularly difficult puzzle. <3

veewee said...


did you manage the hard levels?
I am very stuck on the first one...

loerdag said...

This was some of a brainteaser. I usually find picross to easy, but this was tricky. Hard levels 1 and 2 were way harder than the rest. The other levels were a bit to easy, but that might be the same for others that do picross.

wyatt (leslie on FB) said...

gee, thanks bart... for another obsessive time waster... LOL...
i've got it going on both my desktop and laptop...
great game :)

Anonymous said...

Level 51 seems to have an error to me. It's unsolvable.

Kaden Vanciel said...

I made it to level 41. Now I'm stuck again.

Kaden Vanciel said...

Never mind. It's level 52 now.

Kaden Vanciel said...

Actually, I got past that, and other ones. I'm currently on Level 8/20. Now I'm stuck THERE. Is anyone there to help me?


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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