UPDATE: the developer sent me an updated version of their game with 'more levels, better level arrangement and spoiler free level names': out of bounds v2.
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Wow, that's addictive. I'm stranded at "move the hole" I think the level is called.
Very good game. Haven't finished yet.
Completed. Last level is hard!
hey, Rogerup! is challenge 2 the last level? I just can't get it
3 challenges in total. If you're stuck on number two (as I was) ... reconsider the fate of the first green guy.
Challenge 2, yes. That's a struggle. I've tried killing the first green monster and not killing it. Still stuck.
Came back today, though...
I'm totally stuck on challenge 3 - any hints?
Could you give more help on challenge two please? I've spent so much time on it and I'm really stuck.
for challenge 2: consider which hole you fill with the first green monster. keep in mind the other green monster will need to get past the locked door to fill in the last hole.
Okay, finally finished challenge 2.
Do not only consider which hole to fill with monster #1 but also which hole to fill with monster #2. That last one was what I needed to discover.
@Hespetr3 Do you do anything with the top box?
@Anonymous if I understand you correctly, no.
Ok, thank you!
Hahaha! All you folks are talking about challenge levels.. Um.. for us slower people.. any clues on the level where there are two blue critters moving up and down? I forgot the name of the level but it looks like an F lying on its side. You can only move one square... I ain't gettin' it... Le sigh.. so much for my Mensa application.
Very good game!
@slower people
I think you mean the level where you should create an offset in the critters.
push the square to the path of one of them to stop in moving in parallel, so you can pass.
@long peter
Apparently, I'm really slow. The level is Asynchronious (sic?) .... two prongs pointing towards the bottom of the screen. Only one square moves. If you move it, there is no way to get back into maze to get to the flag. I'm really starting to hate these puzzlescript games. There are never any walkthroughs for stupid people like me...
Hi "Really slow" Your are almost there
You are in level 11?
Move the square below the 1 monster to extend its path.
If he walks in it ones , they are asynchrone.
Then push the block back so you can walk true the level
@Long Peter hahahah! That was so simple it hurt... I've spent two days trying to do that. Thank you!!
@Anonymous 26 April 2018 at 18:43
Thanks for the tip. Got challenge 2.
Going to challenge 3. Looks hard!
Great game, thank you.
I'm also stuck on Challenge 3. Help please!
Never mind. Got it!
Hi, I am one of the makers of this little game :) and I'm glad that you enjoy it.
Here is an updated version, with more, improved levels as well as spoiler free titles:
I'm personally stuck on 'Witness'; no matter what I do, I can't make any headway.
Never mind; I just figured 'Witness' out. :)
i can't figure out slime party... too many green guys
Great game!
has anyone got a clue for slime? I have no idea how to get past all the green guys
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