
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 05, 2018

bring the ice cube to the goal without exposing it to heat [browser]

Can you bring the ice cube to the goal without exposing it to heat in the latest one level puzzlescript puzzler by Stephen Lavelle? (Z key to undo a move)


Anonymous said...

Beat it, nice idea.

PK Levine said...

Kind of easy to figure out IMO, but I like the "one-level puzzle" games. They're a nice bite-sized change of pace.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm really not getting this one...

Anyone have a hint for me, just can't get my brain around how to 'switch' the heat source and the ice cube..

long Peter said...

I think giving a hint is spoiling the whole 1 level game.

But you have to lock the heatsure ( is it a flame?? ) somehow with the 2 boxes,
without melting the ice cube

Anonymous said...

Nvm, power of posting... Got it.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I need help too!!

Anonymous said...

Same as the other Anon......solved it ha ha

Anonymous said...

I've been trying for days and can't make progress. I know you can block the light by putting the candle in a corner, but I have no way of moving that way without melting the ice. Please help before I go mad!

Hespetr3 said...

What Anonymous said at at 02:02.

PK Levine said...

For those who really want the answer spoiled, I've uploaded a screencap with instructions. Please note that this is not a "hint." It is the solution. Because long Peter already gave the best hint possible above.

Hespetr3 said...

@Pk Levine thank you. Now I can get on with my life.

Ine said...


Long Peter said...

@PK, thanks for the compliment

But for the people who don't want to look at PK spoiler yet,
below a short step by step plan how to solve it.
-- Without Spoiler --

Don't mind the ice cube. let it melt, focus on the boxes and heatsure
Just look for a way to block the heatsure some how.

If you found it, restart and go to step 2.

Still don't mind the icecube.
Look for a place and method to lock the heatsure without letting head come in the right room.
Don't worry about the ice cube.

3: If you found how to lock the heat, the final step is to get the trap set, without melting the icecube

TiCKed said...

It took me way too long to figure out:
- What item was "the source of heat"
- What the "goal"

Stupid pixelated graphics. :)

long peter said...

After finishing this one level game,
I started to wonder, what levels are possible

Are there any levels to think of that don't:
-- Use the same principal as this level.
-- Are to easy or to obvious.

after a bit playing around with the "hack" function.
I tried to make some levels.

If you like to try them you find the levels below:

***** Instructions *****

Press the Hack link on the bottom of the screen.

Copy the below code in to the edit/code window.
Place it below the original code. [below: line 158: message very good

press rebuild and press run

use the edges of the test window to draw the test window bigger

when you press play , after level 1 of 1 my bonus levels should appear

****** code ******
Message Bonus bij long Peter


Message Bonus 2 bij long Peter

Message I hope u en liked it

Message One more, don't know if it is possible

WeeEck said...

As a one level game it pretty simple. would make a great multi level game if other features were brought in like something different to cancel the heat.

long peter has already shown that multiple cubes and goals can be used i have not been able to solve his final level yet but using the same process if you make the "cells" 4x3 it is possible.


long peter said...

I tried 2 more levels.




If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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