Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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YAY! A new Eyezmaze game!! :D
I think I spoke too soon... maybe this is a game for when I'm not already about 2 hours late getting to bed ;) hehe!
I am stuck, I am trying to get the treaure from the dog.
The only room I haven't interacted with yet is the one with the big yellow border. I guess you are supposed to do something with it after being electrocuted?
Somewhat at the same spot, but not quite sure what dog you're talking about... What room/floor is he in?
Tried getting 'fatter' (so you would touch the yellow edges) and going to the yellow room while 'electrified', but it doesn't seem to do anything...
The dog or bear is in R 1-B. He is guarding some kind of treasure.
The electrified state only lasts for 5 or 6 room changes. The shortest route to the yellow room is one too much.
Yeah, I was afraid you where going to say that... I can't seem to figure out how to open that room...
Do you remember how you opened R 1-B?
Room 1-B is empty for me...
Ah, R 1B, sorry... didn't open that one
Never mind, figured out how to open R 1-B.... Can't get the bone there.. I'm stumped.
And how do you open it ? I m stuck
You see that giant button in R2-B? Maybe you need some more 'mass' to press it down...
Luckily there's a path to R2-B if you happen to eat a bit to much in 2F-1C!
You have to die electrocuted to interact with room 3f 3A
Brilliant! Thanks!
I can't open the blue door. or find red #4 or the key.
So I can't get to the massive button as fat boy.
I stayed electric after I died & reset to floor 1.
The game has crashed on me & I can't restart it.
Any help ? I will check back in a day or 2.
You need to teleport yourself to get the #4 key. Can't remember which floor it is on. There is also a #6 that needs to be found.
Any hint on getting the key?
Well that ended with a big bang
You need to be very light to access the key, light enough to float...
I haven't been able to get to the roof. I also can't figure out how to interact with the button? that says 99.
99? 99 what? 99 shiny round gold things?
You've been collecting them, right?
I guess I won as I have $1,000,000,000,000.00.
I also have 2 tips, 1000 kg is a good weight / size.
There may be a map, but you still need to make notes.
I've done everything but don't know how to get out.
Electric room, pitfall room, gave the dog a bone. Now just wandering around aimlessly. Is there an exit door that I've forgotten about? a key? Do I need to be invisible or some other weight?
Thank you
If you've given the dog a bone, you should have gotten the gold weight. With that you can train even further (trust me, try how far you can go).
Oh wow thanks!
I got infinite heart kisses.
All that money, no use on "floor 10".
I just found the key, the yellow room and the bone. This game got me so used to clicking on arrows and buttons I didn't think at first of clicking on the chasm itself (when I'm light enough to float).
Anonymous on 30th who can't open the blue door: you need to find the blue 1,2,3 and click them in the right order. They're all in different rooms. To find red 4, you need to be small enough to fall through the trapdoor in 2F-3B and go through a portal. It won't help with the massive button though (which I'm sure wasn't there the first time I reached the roof). That's where I'm stuck. Speaking of which -
@Eltonno, "Luckily there's a path to R2-B if you happen to eat a bit to much in 2F-1C!" - I can't find that path. If I'm 100kg, I'm clearly not heavy enough, but if I'm any bigger, I can't get to the stairs in 4F-2A, or thru the door 1B to 1C on that floor. Is there another route to the roof that I haven't found yet? And are the plates of meat in the corners of the food room anything, or just an indication that's where the food is?
There is definitely a path from 2f-1C (food room) to the roof when you're *huge*, but you need the key to open *big* doors. You can see it on the map, and remember that there are sometimes multiple stairways between floors.
@Anonymous just now,
I think I see what you mean - the key I used to get into the yellow room also opens another door, which I hadn't realised was important - but I've run out of time. Back later.
Thank you Anonymous, I'm in the milky way now!
Got it! Wow. Still not sure how I got past the dog after feeding it the bone and opening the box, though.
Now I feel like I should start again and work out how I could have done it without all the running around in circles .... tomorrow.
Great game!
Now that's what I call a successful diet!
This was so much fun!! Thank you, Bart!
How do I clear my save file? I want to play it again! I tried erasing all the site cookies (this usually works), but when I reloaded the site it took me straight back to Diet Success, with no apparent way to restart. This is quite unusual for Eyezmaze, usually restarting is an integral part of his games...
That said, I did love it the first time, although I didn't figure out the button or the charge switch without looking at the comments here. I especially love Eyezmaze's games that don't rely on the Grow formula, since it can be hard to stay motivated in Grow games. (This was sort of the opposite, ha ha.)
@Nat R,
Look at your inventory (treasure chest). There's a dustbin, which gives you the "bin the save data" option.
Oh thanks Unknown! I didn't notice that. Here we go again!
How do you float? Also how do you get the heart key? The only places i can go on the roof are a1 a2 b2 and c2 i dont know what to do plz help
Floating is like walking across an invisible bridge; it's how you reach the room with the key in it. To do that, you need 6 barbells. It sounds as if you have 4. The 5th is in a corner of floor 4, beyond the blue door, and the 6th is in a corner of the roof, behind the red door.
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