Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Îs there a way to reset a stage in this game?
Yes the TAB button does that.
excellent and challenging logic game. thanks bart! :-)
How do you turn the blasted sound off???
Good game, but ruthless, 1/2 step off & give up!
I'm stuck on stage 16, any suggestions?
Push the last pumpkin top left as alast in the water .. it gonna roll down infront of the skull..
I need the passwords ... I didn't write them down and now I need them cuz I want to resume my game. I can't even remember what level I was. has anybody can help me? it's a hard game btw
You have to place the pumpkin statues in such a way that when they come to life they act as a shield. They will roll in front of the bolts if you place them correctly.
Pour l'instant (= for now):
I don't see any way that level 14 can be done.
You have the 4 blockers needed, but no way to get them in place.
I even tried overhanging the water, but still got zapped!
To anonymous at level 14: you can push 2 or more blocks at once...
Hated the 'half-step' issue, but otherwise really fun and well-thought out. I think floors 11 and 20 were the only ones that required a bit of quickly-timed keyboard work, but not too bad.
Man that sound drives me crazy!
how do you complete level 7?
I also don't get level 7. How do you kill the towers that burst into flames when they come alive? The sword doesn't do it, neither does putting them in the water, nor making the rolling boulders crash into them.
For 7, you use both of the pumpkins to bridge the water on the right, to get behind the brain. Use the right brain to bridge the water on the left, and push the top brain one block to the right, into the water. The brains have shields on three sides, so they can only be killed with the sword on their one vulnerable side. Also, be careful to put the vertically rolling pumpkin in the water first, or else it will kill you when it activates.
The password I got for level 20 is not quite the same as Fred Poup's.
Although I think level 20 is the last one, I might have to give up on it. After a large number of tries to get through the first pumpkin patch, I've only succeeded once, and then the other pumpkins got me. I think it must be necessary to get between the two of them and run at the same speed - and again on the way back, because if you kill them before getting through the tunnel their remains will get you. Does anyone have a sure-fire method for getting past the first lot of pumpkins? Whatever worked that one time, I haven't been able to repeat it.
Tried again and finished it. My strategy for getting through the pumpkin patch is to start when the bottom one is at the near end and the top right one is near the far end; which doesn't work every time, but often enough.
Stuck at 4
Made it to 17 but can't work it out.
I don't know where your problem with 17 is, but the problem I had was: If I put the brain to the right of the crystal, or in the water just above there, how do I get behind it to the vulnerable side? to which the answer is that the barriers either side of the treasure chest are the kind you can cut through with the sword. I also thought the first skull should go in the isolated water square so you can cross it in either direction, but having tried it again, I think it needs to be lined up with the gap in the flagstones.
You were right about the problem - it took me too long to realise that I could cut through.
I finished it - and really enjoyed the game,
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