Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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February 11, 2019
colors of your world bis [browser]

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Seems much easier than the original.
If it seems easy, then replay it in "Challenge" mode...
"Easy" is definitely a relative term. I normally dislike platformers. They're mostly a matter of teaching your fingers the controls. Dexterity helps but until you can reliably press "C" instead of "X" you're gonna bite the dust a lot. That said, I thought this was an attractive, well-made game, not too maddening, not too easy. It reminded me of the only two "action" games I ever liked, Ferazel's Wand (Mac only) and Galapagos (from Anark). I played two sections of Challenge mode here and thought, okay, that's enough self-torment.
Still no option to turn down the sound.
I can't cope with the c, x, z control. Would be better if jump was up and then either c, x, or z for dash etc.
Seems like a great game though.
The easiest platform game I've ever played in my life.
Challenge mode = The second hardest platform game I've ever played in all my life.
The normal mode challenged me enough...
I'm done for the moment xD
Thanks for the game!!! :)
This game feels to me like a miniature version of Celeste, but with more significant progression. I felt this way about the original to some extent, but the Challenge Mode makes the resemblance way stronger. I like it, but I also hope Timmie and Kat make something more unique and original in the future, if they decide to make more stuff together.
"Huh, this seems like the same game as before."
"Oh, what's this, challenge mode?"
"Is this gonna be li-- yep, son of a bi..." XD >:-( XD
Just as frustrating as Super Meat Boy. And still, just like SMB, I keep playing the challenging stuff. Why? It's fun!(......?) And I like the music anyway.
Honest hard levels that never feel (that) cheap because the controls are (almost) spot on. Never that far from a checkpoint when you die (constantly). And I'm stubborn enough to try grinding it out. No joke maybe, I think I got killed like 1000x over just now. At least. Every way imaginable.
I'm willing to bet I was almost through the final screen because it was long compared to all the others. So when I reach this flying bird with multiple connected death jumps to a blind sideways mushroom guarded by obnoxious speedy stars only to plant my face right into a spike after doing all these precision acrobatics just to attempt it...that's where I dipped.
Still claiming victory, lol. Because then I found out your progress isn't saved. So no to all that jazz again.
But great job with the game, devs!
I gave up on Challenge Mode when I reached the level with the 3 sets of sliding stars and spiked pillars. It was in the third section where it's snowing at night.
Deaths: 2710
Is that the Minecraft font?
if i hear that death sound one more time i will most likely commit arson
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