Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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April 30, 2019
the tail of the serpent [browser]

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Nice one...
Looks simpler than it is...
like it
Nice game.
I got stuck at level 17. I don't see how to cut off his tail in this one...
lvl 17:
Push the blocks, by going backwards.
Don't go head first, Don't connect them to the snake
You may need to use some Sokoban skills.
Fantastic. I'd say this is one of the best Ludum dare games I've ever played. Creative, unique, and challenging while still being intuitive.
Hardest was Lvl 22 for me. My winning strategy was to run blindly through the forest of combinations until I stumbled onto the solution.
22 is really hard. What I did was start taking notes how the permutation would change over how many iterations of cutting of the last two of the tail in reverse order, until the initial two were in places they fit, and than backwards engineered what the order of the rest had to be. I was really frustrated in the beginning but it was really satisfying when it worked.
Great Game! I really enjoy these kinds of games. I find it frustrating that there are no walkthroughs available that give substantial help. One tip for completing level 22 successfully: you need to begin correctly or you will never solve the puzzle. Once you're going in circle, just start over and save yourself a lot of headaches and time.
22 was frustrating for me as well until I figured something out. You do not have grab them all and then try to keep cutting of the tail to keep remixing them, you can (with the right movement) get the correct combination right from the start. IF anyone wants a solution just post here and I'll help out.
@WJ I think I have found the solution you describe -- what's confusing to me is I couldn't get any of the tail-cutting/mixing solutions to work at all, I just kept getting trapped in loops.
Without giving too much away, I also think my solution is fairly elegant, as it makes use of the upper-most space of the left column, which I think the "tail-cutting" solution does not require -- guessing, obv., since I never got a tail-cutting solution to work.
The tail cutting solution never worked for me either @UG. I struggled with that for a while before I decided there must be a better solution.
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