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April 07, 2019
vampire garden [browser]

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Only robots say first!
fun game.
I am stuck on #43 " Delay "
Any help?
Also I would have number pathed slightly differently.
The only level I was able to do between 43 & 54 was 50!
And ya the path can't be numbered in an uncrossing line.
I guess 50 levels before taking a break counts as addictive
For 43: Move right and push the lower block against the wall, move down and under it just before the sun comes. Then push up to reach the other block and oscillate a bit. Push those two blocks up and position them even with the pause button. As soon as the sun begins to pass, move the right block up and push the left block over to the button. If done correctly, this allows you to move the other two plants out of the shadows and then unpause the sun.
I'm stuck on level 46, Bunker. I guess I need to get a block onto the right-hand pause switch first, but I can't get there and back in time.
46: Don't rely on the existing bunkers (2 blocks side by side), make a new one in between. Once you embrace that concept, it becomes simple.
I can't resolve the lvl 21... I think I need to put one flower at the top and the sunflower at the bottom but I don't know how...
@Kiel B:
A-ha! ... Now stuck on 51, Safety. Also, I really need to stop wasting time on this and do something constructive.
51 is a beast. That was probably my biggest struggle so far (I'm up to 62 right now). You have to push that block up to the top stationary block, move it to the left side of that block, then move it down. But you have to be very precise and use the teleport pads to escape back to safety each cycle once you get that block moving to the left. Then you move that block down the board until it leaves a single space direct path down to the plants. You adjust your timing so you can wiggle down there before the sun comes back, push the plant up, push the other one right and then use that mobile block as your cover, pushing it up a few spaces to cycle the sun over to the new plant.
This game is so incredibly complex and precise. I wonder how long it took to design and program all these levels?
Anonymous re. lvl 21: Sorry, I don't remember how. I know I moved one block up (with night-blooming flower) and one down, but can't easily reconstruct the solution.
Kiel B: I get as far as "move it to the left side of that block", i.e. immediately left of the highest stationary block, at col. 6 row 3, then oscillate at the safe zone on the left to save a couple of moves (going via the top teleport pad) when I try to "then move it down", but I'm still one move short, by any of several routes. I don't suppose you could describe the route you used?
I'm stuck at Level 30: Barrier. Is there a secret path somewhere or am I missing something?
Once the block is on the left side, go to the bunker on the left side of the screen. Move right one space as the edge if the sun retreats, then teleport to the top. Move over to the block and push it down the screen. You should be able to reach the second to last row with the block then move your vampire around the right side before the sun reaches you. Now you are under the block, and can push it back up the screen until the sun retreats far enough to use the left teleport. Now the block is in a more accessible position. After your teleport, move immediately back to the right chasing the sun and push the block left one tile, then escape back to safety. It takes several cycles to work the block down into position to be able to access the plants.
Like I said, that one is a beast!
Anonymous at 15:38: the barrier is mostly movable blocks. If you push two down and one to the side, you can get through.
Kiel B,
Ah, I see what I was missing! I'll have to come back to it when I have more time.
Thanks, Kiel B! Now I've finished that section, it's time to give it a rest.
@Anonymous on 9 April: Are you still looking for help with level 21? I've worked out a solution (which I think is neater than whatever I did the first time). It involves oscillating on the top wall, and moving things down before moving any up beyond the long wall.
What is up with level 70?.anyone did it?.
For level 70, you have to put the plant on the left red spot...
any help with level 15 ?
Thank you!.
Level 15: first plant is the lower one to the far left, teleport up, then second plant to the right until bat is above teleport, use the same hide out for all day phases.
I don't think it's possible to get the plant onto the pause button on level 70, but it is possible to get it that far left, with green above it and purple below it, and push down. Then you can get the top right purple onto the right spot and the green onto the left spot.
I figured it out after Anonymous13:25's hint,it works with the plant on the left button.!.
any hints for levels 76, 79 and 80 ?
I can't see how you _got_ the plant on the left button, but OK! A lot of these have multiple solutions.
Now I'm stuck on 76, Arrangement. I can get the green blocks onto the pause buttons but the sun is covering the path up, and I can't move them off and back without getting caught.
level 70 :
i push the plant to the 3rd column from the left, i go around it with my green block, so that it lands on the left side of the plant... then i push the purple block to the bottom, push both blocks on the right and push the plant up...
So there's an interesting feature, notable to me once I got past level 21 or so, that sometimes you can complete a level in an "unsustainable" way, e.g. meet the completion conditions in a way that, if the turn were to proceed for one more impulse, you would certainly die, because you're at the edge of the board or behind a one-block shield or something. But because you met the conditions, the turn is ended successfully instead.
This took me a while to figure out, I was apparently restricting myself to "sustainable" solutions. It's an interesting point of divergence between the actual game and my mental model of the game. I suppose it would be a flaw in the "world-building" if anybody had promised me that, but of course nobody did.
I've solved 76: Anonymous at 17:19, you need to get the green blocks to the bottom right, and the flower near the pause buttons to where the other one started, before you can pause the sun at the right place.
... and now I'm stuck on 78, Sorting. I reckon I know where everything needs to go - and you do have to use _everything_ - but I can't work out how, or where to start.
for level 78 : push the yellow blocks 2 squares up, and then push the 2 upper purple flowers under them... that's where i started
Thanks, Anonymous at 20:55! That did it. Time for another break ...
are levels 79 and 80 really solvable ???
Anonymous at 20:47,
I'm sure they are. I'm also stuck on 79, but I've solved 80. When you get your vault near the top river, you have to get between the rows and push one side up and the other sideways.
(I haven't solved 81 or 82 either, but I don't think I've run out of things to try.)
congratulations for level 80 ! even with your hint, i'm afraid i'm still unable to solve it
Starting from where the top row of your vault is next to the river: push the purple up 2, the green right 2, and hide in the bunker at the top. Then push the purple down and then it's a bit fiddly to get them locked together again.
thanks !
that's what i had been trying to do for ages... but this time, it worked :-)
I'm still stuck on 79, where I can't think of anything else to try. Also 82, where I can disentangle the yellow blocks from the green and purple, but then I'm at a loss. Has anyone got any hints? (I haven't tried 83 yet; it looks suitably tough.)
Does anyone have a walkthrough video for level 51? I'm confused how it's even possible to solve, since I can't pull the plants. If I push the one up to move the one on the right, the puzzle becomes impossible to solve. Unless there's some mechanic I'm not picking up on?
Hi, Other Unknown (that could be confusing)!
I don't have a video, but what you're not picking up on is that those are green shoots, which need to get some sun, but not necessarily at the same time (in contrast to the sunflowers). As for how to solve it, there's a lot of comments from me and Kiel B near the top of this thread which might help.
level 70 : what's the trick to push the plant to the left ? I'm more than stuck here ... please help I'm begging
haha it really works ! once you write it, something unblock (so obvious now) !!!!
(original Unknown here)
I've solved 82! Still completely stuck on 79 though. Is anyone who's finished it still reading?
don't know what to do either with level 79...
Is anyone who's finished this still reading? A week later and I'm still stuck on 79. I've also tried 83, and can't figure it out either.
for level 83 :
first, you push the purple up
then you go left with all the blocks, and you oscillate left-right till you can go to the upper portal... then you manage to reach the other portal between the green blocks
then you push the purple to the right, go up to the portal, go down to push the yellow twice, and the plant to the right, then you go back between the green blocks
then you push the plant and the purple blocks to the far right, and the yellow down
then you manage to put the plant (that is between the green blocks on the right) between the green blocks on the left
you push the purple blocks on the right place
then, you put the plant that is between the green on the upper portal, and then... it should be easy...
still haven't found any idea for level 79...
today's Anonymous:
Thanks a lot! Now only level 79 is missing! But now I can see the ending, except that one flower is only a shoot, because of the missing level. Big improvement though!
Level 79 - try the following:
Bring the flowers one block to the right, cover the purple flowers with the purple tetris shape and a yellow block, push the green tetris shape to the left to uncover the leftmost yellow flower. Escape to the right while sun will shine over the yellow flowers and you're safe in the shadow (no cover for player).
This is not the order of the moves but describes the end game position (screenshot)
I can detail the steps taken if needed.
That's the position I've been trying to reach all along (or one place to the left, or a mirror image, etc). Thanks for the confirmation (and for someone who's solved it replying at all), but I'm still stuck.
Am I right in thinking that you move the purple tetris shape one up and two left (relative to the flowers) and oscillate somewhere before moving the yellow into position? Because I can't see any way you can do all that in the time otherwise. But all the intermediate positions I've tried (which yellow is which side of which block) leave me unable to get the yellows into that corner before either getting the sun on me or on one of the purple flowers. Perhaps my starting moves are all wrong, but I tried putting the yellow in the corner before moving the purple and that didn't work either.
Yep, plenty of moves and hiding and oscillating.
1. Bring the yellows down on the same level with the green and purple blocks. Yellows should be left and right of the green and purple blocks. Hide and oscillate under green and purple blocks.
2. Raise the purple block one up, push right the yellow and go up and left to push the purple block over the green one. Hide and oscillate under yellow (up/left) and green blocks.
3. Bring the yellows on the right side so you can hide and oscillate under the green and yellow block (the one of the upper left of the yellow rectangle). Requires more than one set of moves and hiding/oscillating.
4. When sun yellow greyed column is over the block purple, you should be under the yellow block: push yellow up once, push green block twice left and push purple block left once. Go back over yellow block (the closest one, the one you've pushed up once) and push it down until it covers the purple flower.Move towards right until sun shines over both yellow flowers and you're done. (Position detailed in this screenshot)
Hope it helps.
THANK YOU. I've been stuck on that for weeks!
It was step 3 I had a problem with, but once I knew what position I was aiming at, I finally spotted the hiding-place I'd overlooked. Hurrah!
You need to change the parity: to waste one step so that you're on the right space when the dusk line reaches you. You can do that by jumping to the teleport pad (the bat-landing) from an even number of spaces away.
thanks! I did in the end solve it myself...the only reason I deleted my post. I`m sure, though, that I will need help again soon!
I'm completely stumped as to how you're supposed to move the plant leftward in level 70. Neither of the two purple blocks on that side of the river can reach the plant without one of its counterparts running out of room to move, so it has to be the green block. The green block can move horizontally to the column to the right of the plant, but I don't see how you can get it into the plant's row once it's that far over. Going over the top puts your control block flush against the river, so you can't push it back down. Going under the bottom puts your control block against the bottom edge, so you'd need to use the purple block to push it back up, but the purple block can't get far enough right to push the green one back up on the right side of the plant.
What am I missing here?
You need to push the plant right until you can get up a row and go up-and-over the plant, not the wall. Then you can push it back towards the left. After that, you might find the comments on level 70 higher up this thread to be useful.
Aha! Tricky stuff. The levels in this game necer cease to impress me with the precision of their design.
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