Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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January 23, 2020
heartreasure [browser]

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Excruciatingly cute, but good fun. Had my usual Unity game blurring, though not too bad.
Took me a while but got it all
kind of annoying when it has to load all up before Adblock restrictions.
Worked on Firefox .
Also had to mute the tab cause I can't see any sound controls.
so damn cute! thank you bart!
Need some help getting red, green, and blue open - any hints?
Each of the 5 areas will tell you when done.
Areas have to open in order.
play piano as in the clue "G F C"
I can't open last section even though the power is on.
Do I have to play"C D F E' B' "?
If so, how do I ?
Anonymous 17:20
The green area opens by pressing the G-F-C keys on the keyboard. (For those who cannot read music, the key on the left is C.)
Any hints to open the red area would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks.
Power of posting. Found red.
I don't read sheet music, so I found this site helpful for solving the two piano puzzles: https://www.musicnotes.com/now/tips/how-to-read-sheet-music/
Can you help me find the hearts in the yellow zone ?
@Anon 18:49
from left to right:
- left apple in tree
- black sprinkle above keyboard
- above that at the end of a star chain
- sprinkle on right lollipop in forest near the river
- card in sundae below caterpillar's head
- in the back, top right watermelon seed
- left jellybean in the tree
- lower right corner of the blackboard
It took me a distressingly long time to realize I had to hit the notes on the piano in yellow zone rather than my actual keyboard
I have only unlocked the yellow area, no idea about the rest. Found no creature who digs holes, no way of turning on the power and no way to play the Sol-Fa-Do musical notes =(
pffff, ok, unlocked.
now to find everything is hard!!!
Each area contains the way to unlock the next. So look around in the yellow area and you will find something that helps to unlock one of the other areas. (Hint: it's not the hole-digger.)
Yay! I found them all! :-)
This game was amazing. Love the artwork too
I am sure being able to read the music notes helps you play the piano but I don't know music
Okay so I got the keyboard... now I have no idea who digs holes or how to turn on the power...
@Bart... any help?
Stacey. Who dug the holes? In the bottom left of the green area, there is a number of holes with a worm poking out of one of them. Keep clicking on the worm as it moves from hole to hole until it stops.
For those who can't read music, the white keys from left to right are C-D-E-F-G-A-B. The flat keys are the black keys to the left of the white key. So E-flat is the second black key from the left. B-flat is the first black key from the right.
Stacey. Turn on the power? In the red area, there is an electrical outlet on the side of the tower with a plug end of a cord next to it. Click on the plug end to plug it into the outlet. Then follow the cord to the music signboard. Go to keyboard and play those keys. See my notes about how to read the music in my previous post to you.
Hope this helps.
Note: I stopped playing with a couple of hearts left to find, and when I opened it again, I had to start at the beginning again. It didn't save my progress.
Thank you Anonymous!!! I am now at 40
okay... 45 cleared yellow and blue :-)
49 hearts,, all areas clear,,, where is the last heart i stg
Unknown 21:14. Like you, I had cleared all the sections and still was missing one. Only place to look was in the middle section. The last heart I found was on the right-hand edge of the sign in that section. If you have cleared the red, green, yellow and blue sections, it must be in the middle -- the very first section where you originally started. Hope this helps.
I got to 49, and I couldn't find the last one, so I turned on an auto-clicker program and just started scanning the remaining area for the heart. Didn't take long. <3
BEST TIP: Complete each area before you move on to the next, to limit your searching area for hearts. If you're missing just a couple, it's much easier to search one area than all five for your missing hearts.
The colored hearts don't count toward the 50. 14 in the first area, 8 in the yellow area, 10 in green, 8 in red, and 10 in blue. You have to know basic sheet music and piano notes to open the green and blue areas. You can complete each area before moving on to the next (all hearts are visible as soon as the area is visible).
Loved this game! Simple and cute, but great execution!💛 Thanks, Bart!
Finally found that last heart. Finished in about 15-20 minutes, with the single hint "Areas must be unlocked in order." For some reason I wasn't putting together the staff and the piano keyboard even though I play piano. Anyway, very cute, some of them were freaking tiny, but the music track isn't half bad to have to listen to 10 times, which is the most important part. A game like this with more annoying music would be unbearable (unless you muted it of course).
Loved this.
A lot of fun. Reminds me strongly of Hidden Folks, by Adriaan de Jongh: https://adriaandejongh.nl/
Awesomely cute little game! Found them all!
Very cute and fun! Music was pleasant enough to hear on loop. Enjoyed the mix of finding and puzzles. As @Stevens Miller said, reminds one of Hidden Folks. Thanks, Bart!
I really enjoyed this game, and I'm hoping they collaborate to make another like it. I liked the artwork, animation, simplicity and minimalism, music, control, and everything --- a rarity for me that it all comes together in such a simple game.
It also reminded me significantly of your work, Bart.
Everyone keeps talking about the music, but I'm not getting any sound. Do you have to do something first? I've found everything in the first section and yellow section, but nothing I do on the keyboard works, so I must be missing something. Help!
i have the power on but it won't open the blue, I've played the notes and its plugged in
Anyone know of games that are similar to thi one?
Anonymous 29 January 2020 at 22:34, did you not read the prior comments? Similar game here:
Hidden Folks
@Stevens Miller, I've played Hidden Folks before which is why I was asking if there were any other similar games besides that.
can't seem to find the last heart in the central area. i found the first 13, but after clearing all the other areas, i still can't seem to find it.
Hello. I still don't get de blue area. I don't understand it. I have treid everything. Sorry for my bad Englisch. I am not from England or the US.
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