Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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January 08, 2020
memory push [browser]

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Not as pretty as Flockoban, but nearly as challenging in only 9 levels. Thanx yet again, Le Slo. When I get out of bed in the middle of the night because I think I've solved a level, that's when I know I'm into a good puzzle game. Probably unhelpful, cryptic hint for level 9 -- Remember, "X" marks the spot.
Anyone willing to give another hint on level 9 (or maybe just a hint on how to interpret the first hint)?
The X flashes when two blocks can't move. To solve level 9 you need to get two blocks frozen in position so you can move the third block out of the way. Good luck.
Whew, finally got it. I was having real trouble envisioning how it would end so I wasn't sure what I was trying to do, but I eventually got there. Great little set of puzzles.
I'm stuck already on level 3. I can see where I'd get one free move at a time by having one going up and down, but I need two moves to get the other one onto the middle row and going the right way. I've got a long way into earlier Le Slo games before needing help, but I think this one isn't for me.
Levels 3 and 9 are the toughest, with levels 6 (sneaky) and 8 (easy to see hard to accomplish) close behind. For level 3 you want one square heading east towards the targets when you push the other one down (or up) behind it. Then, when you push one square up (or down) into the righthand target, the other square is already in place and won't move. Good luck.
@Stage name,
I thought I'd worked out how to get into position to do the move you describe, but there isn't room, given that I can't stop a piece by pushing it against one that's already stopped, and once one is heading east towards the targets, it'll get there on the next move.
Unknown,you need to freeze one block one space to the right of its start position. With the second block on line with and headed for the targets, when you push the frozen block behind it, the second block will move onto the left target. Then push the first block east, then the second block north or south. Now the first block has moved east onto the left target. Finally push the second block onto the right target.
Ah, it was the first part of that I wasn't getting. That did it for level 3, but now I'm stuck on level 5: the last one is always one too far back. Is there something obvious I'm missing?
For lvl 5: Move left block under middle block; push right block down one, then up two, right one and left one. Now start the conga line to the targets.
Thanks, Stage name. I've now reached level 8, which I thought I'd worked out a solution to, but there isn't quite enough space to the left. I'll have to work backwards by drawing on a screenshot.
... and now I'm stuck on level 9! I see the hints about blocks blocking each other, but I don't see which two. I think I know what the endgame has to be ...
(one coming down from the left target and stopping because it's hit either the other one coming in to land on the rightmost column, or me pushing it)
... but can't work out how to get there. Any more hints, please?
When two blocks are trying to move into the same space they freeze in position. Get the two upper blocks frozen so you can move the bottom block out of their way to the left.
Ooh, _now_ I see it.
Finished, hurrah! That seems like a lot of asking for help but it's only 3 of 9 levels, could be worse. Now, back to what I "should" be doing ...
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