
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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March 19, 2020

a new bontegame: green [mobile]

After YELLOW, RED, BLACK and BLUE I'm proud to present you today my latest mobile game in my colour puzzle series, here's GREEN! If you are familiar with my colour puzzles then you know the drill: can you make the screen green in each of the 50 levels?
You can watch a YouTube trailer for the game here, enjoy my new song for the game on Spotify or Bandcamp or click straight on your favourite app store to download the free game:

It feels weird launching this amid a pandemic, but I hope my free game can bring some distraction and joy in these troubling times. Take care and stay safe everyone. Please feel free to share the game or let me know where and in what circumstances you are playing the game, enjoy 💚


shazam666 said...

NO browser game ??? pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase !

Anonymous said...

Need a browser game((( Pretty please

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bart! My work has already closed, so this will be a fun distraction while I'm at home :-)

I hope you're staying safe and well too.

Unknown said...

Excellent timing Bart! We are home for a long time. It will be nice to have a brand new Bart game to play!

wyatt (leslie on FB) said...

thanks so much, bart!
you're the best...stay safe <3 xo

Zeke said...

Looking forward to the browser version!

Stevens Miller said...

Don't feel weird by releasing a new way for people who are isolated from each other to have some fun while alone. That's good for our mental health and makes it easier to stay home. There's never been a more important call for people like you to create the things you do. Thanks for doing it.

Kaden Vanciel said...

I'll expect a browser edition in about a few months.

Xexus said...

Awesome ... still many colors to go before you have to pull out the crayon box for inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Merci Bart !!!

Anonymous said...

I don't get the logic of lelvel 41 the sequence is 153482796 it doesn't work and the hint tell me to push 163429758 with only the 1 and 4 at the same place

imterriblystucked said...

I've started to watch netflix and resort to anything except watching tv because the news channels are making me anxious and paranoic. This game means a little moment of calm for me. Thank you very much...

Wylywyz said...

Thanks Bart, another great distraction - badly needed in the present circumstance.

Bart said...

Thank you so much everyone!
Belgium is in lockdown since last week so we are isolated here in the house but we are fine. I hope you're all doing well too!

For level 41: number 1 is in 1st position so press 1st button, number 2 is in 6th position so press button 6, number 3 is in 3rd position so press button 3, and so on...
So the order to press the buttons is 1 6 3 4 2 9 7 5 8

shazam666 (kongregate) said...

@Kaden Vanciel : "I'll expect a browser edition in about a few months." a few MONTHS ????? nononononon ! MAINTENANT ! PITIEEEEEE !!!!

Anonymous said...

I am just guessing here as I don't have mobile but...
isn't 1, 3, 4,& 7 all at the same place?

Anonymous said...

Just finished Green, when is Purple coming out??

NotMyRealName said...

I loved the new edition to the color games personally I beat it in about an hour but still a whole lot of fun with schools being shut down here in the US.

Kasturi said...

Most colleges here in the US have shut down so I've been stuck at home and actually been looking forward to online classes because I have nothing else to do haha! This is a welcome surprise for sure :) Hope everyone else is staying safe and healthy!

Bobo The Bear said...

Nice easter egg in Level 40 - all the previous color games (red, blue, yellow, black) are also represented in the same way that green is.

veewee said...

Dankuwel, Bart, your games are awesome, and a little entertainment is much appreciated right now.
Best of luck to everyone out there - let's work at keeping as many of us safe as possible!

AMM said...

Thank you for launching this during a pandemic! We are supposed to say home, here in the USA, and this will help with some of the boredom! Hoping you are safe and healthy!

Urban Garlic said...

Enjoyed this a lot, and also thanks to @Bobo_The_Bear for pointing out the easter egg, that's also very nifty!

Doralyn said...

Thank for this, Bart! It was a lot of fun and had a nice flow!

Bart said...

Well done Bobo, you found the 4 easter eggs :)

Some more explanation about level 14 and 41:
Level 14 and 41 look the same, but you can interpret the sequence in 2 ways.
Level 14 is about the position of the number, level 41 is about the numbers of the positions.
So the sequence for level 14 is 1 5 3 4 8 2 7 9 6
But for level 41: number 1 is in 1st position so press 1st button, number 2 is in 6th position so press button 6, number 3 is in 3rd position so press button 3, and so on...
So the order to press the buttons in level 41 is 1 6 3 4 2 9 7 5 8

Stacey said...

this could not have come at a better time. avoiding all comments. Thanks Bart!! Stay safe xo

Anonymous said...

Wow sounds amazing! Please be sure to also release this as a browser game too because that would be great.

Yu said...


I love how you always create new puzzles and how challenging they can be.... I'm stuck in 14 already!!!!!!!

Yu said...

The cactus is kidding me????? xD

Yu said...

And now stuck in 23 =(

colinbashbash-alt said...

Thanks Bart! fun fun

Yu-chan said...

Complete!! And nice Easter egg!! Also, I noticed the way I was trying lvl 14 was actually the way to solve lvl 41:P

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Bart, for providing some much needed entertainment during this pandemic. May everyone stay safe and healthy. It may be a long while before life returns to normal. And, Bart, your games are awesome!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Bart nice game! Didn't need much hints, but watched a couple of ads just for support :)

Anonymous said...


Voodooschaaf said...

I just stop by for thank u for GREEN.
Made my day as always.

Thank u Bart.

Nikolai Boyanov said...

Can you make GREEN on web, please?

Anonymous said...

hurry up and release green on browser. tired of waiting for it.

Anonymous said...

what's taking so damn long. hurry up

Jonathan Peach said...

Bart Bonte What color is come after green?

Dragon Girl said...

Hi! i love your games! The color series are my favorite games maybe after you do all the color in the color series you could do a rainbow one for the final color game and you would have to turn the screen RAINBOW

Allison said...

Could someone PLEASE explain level 41 to me? I am SO CONFUSED by this one! I mean, with all the hints (the last one that told you the exact order) I passed the level, but I don't get the reasoning behind it, and it's kind of driving me bonkers.

Bart said...

Level 14 and 41 look the same, but you can interpret the sequence in 2 ways.
Level 14 is about the position of the numbers, level 41 is about the numbers of the positions.
So the sequence for level 14 is 1 5 3 4 8 2 7 9 6
But for level 41: number 1 is in 1st position so press 1st button, number 2 is in 6th position so press button 6, number 3 is in 3rd position so press button 3, and so on...
So the order to press the buttons in level 41 is 1 6 3 4 2 9 7 5 8

Allison said...

Oh my goodness. I got a response from Bart himself! And now that I look back, I see you had already explained this, so thanks for indulging me. I totally get it now, and feel kinda' dumb. I was focusing way too much on the fact that the answer boxes were rotated and was trying to rotate the image, or numbers or sequence. Once I got that in my head, I just couldn't get past that mental block of rotation. My guess is you rotated it so people would know it was a different level and different answer.

Unknown said...

I am a HUGE an of yours ever since I tried out Green! I didn't know you created Factory Balls or Sugar, Sugar (my childhood favourites) and have downloaded every app you have to offer! Huge fan! I must admit, some levels got me stumped haha! I love every game as it's the same and yet so different and unique! I've just got Black and Yellow to finish in the colour series :). I hope there'll be more to come! :D


I have heard the browser game.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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