Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Anyone else stuck at the elevated platform with the 5 white blocks on top of it?
All 5 blocks can leave the platform, but only if they help themselves.
Kiel B:- that hint helped. For those still stuck:- the three blocks that at first seem stuck make up the final bridge. You don't have enough space to move the 3 "stuck" blocks off. So you have to make the platform larger. Neat game, thanks, Bart!
Level after that: another hard one. Solution is to make an L shaped bridge.
Next level: I decided to quit the game, and that seemed to clear up the problem nicely.
Enjoyed this one, though my aging laptop huffed and puffed to complete it. Didn't know until the end that I was supposed to be searching for special stones. But you can backtrack to get them. With one more movable column I could have gotten to that island to the left of the final platform. Now I'll never know, though I did get all three stones.
Went back to that level after a break. It's not so tough. Use blocks to increase platform area, etc. etc.
Next level, Moon Temple, aaand I'm stuck again. Can't push entrance blocks close enough to stuck block on platform. Hints?
Special Stones?! I was barely just getting through as it was! Any hints for the Moon temple?
For those with slow machines, the developer just added a "press Q" too disable unnecessary animation.
Bo progress on Moon Temple.
The Moon Temple has three parts. Part 1: Put a column by the side of the bridge to reach that extra column you need. Part 2: You need to move the upper two columns into the spaces between the rocks. Build and break down bridges of lower columns to reach them. Part 3: Same as part 2, build and rebuild the bridges you need to reach all the columns you'll need.
Moon Temple 1: move a south block to the hidden ledge between the bridge and the tiny pond. You can now jump from the bridge to the top of this block and push out the north blocks from behind. I thought it was a glitch, but Stage name confirms it (thx Stagey). It seems each bridge tile is on two levels at the same time, like a portal or ladder connecting both levels. I must quit before this intriguing game devours my entire evening.
Dang, took me almost 3 hours to complete it (plus collecting all stones).
But overall it's actually a great game for a simplistic graphic. And obviously one of the most challenging puzzlescript games. I like it a lot!
Just please don't play it on your coffee break, though. You probably won't have much time to tackle it~
I've made it past the five columns and the L-shaped bridge. Sounds like people are saying the next area is the Moon Temple but 1) the area I'm in doesn't look like a temple, and 2) The only indication of level names I've seen is the sign near the beginning of the game that says "The Floating Isles of Endymion." I'm thinking there must be another sign ahead that indicates the Moon Temple but I'm not there yet.
I've been reading the comments here and trying various things, but I've been stuck now for a few hours. Don't want an outright solution but would appreciate hints if anyone is willing to help. TIA!
Ooh yes, spatial awareness! This is my time to shine! Sokoban isn't that entertaining for me on its own, but height puzzles help a lot. Currently working on the Sun Temple bit, maybe I'll come back and post some hints later on.
Just beat it but 0/3 stones found... The puzzle I was working on (which contains three pillars on a narrow high path) is the last one you really need to solve to beat the game, but it looks like there's a "stone" in each of the three "temple" areas, so I'll have to try and get those tomorrow maybe. This is much more intuitive for me than the average PuzzleScript, I like it a lot!
@Nat R I also finished with 0/3 stones found. I think I took the easy route to complete the last bridge but think that there is a way to get to the extra section on the left if I had used all of the blocks. However, there does not seem to be a way to step back to an earlier section that you have completed to enable you to redo a section.
Hit "R" to return to the last save point (those blue crosses). I believe the last save in the game will permit you to get all three stones. At least, that's how I did it.
Finally got to the end with 3/3 stones. Excellent challenge - this one gets my early vote for Game of the Year.
@ Stage name I collected the 2 crosses after that point and can now not go back. the only way to do it is start from the begining
For the third stage of Moon Temple (where you have to move two pillars off the left & right sides to push them down a bridge), I believe you have to do the right one first, if you do the left I don't think you can't get the right.
This really is exceptional.
@Meblin Yeah, those two optional save points, which appear to be just for fun, actually lock you off completely. I had to come back to it a few days later and do the whole thing again. It's not too difficult if you remember the general ideas of the solutions, and getting the stones isn't actually a lot harder than getting to the end, if you see where they are. (The star stone is actually easier than I thought it was, I was trying all sorts of moving path gimmicks to try to save pillars but it didn't help. So don't overthink it.)
Also, for anyone else wondering about location names, yes, anything that's been mentioned in capital letters refers to a sign. I believe the only ones are the sign at the beginning, the three Temples, and one called the Cliffs of Madness which is just a bit of a labyrinthine section and doesn't have any block puzzles.
I'm at the Moon Temple and I've done part 1 (I don't think there's anything useful I can do with the other south column?). Then there was a long path between water, with 2 columns on each side accompanied by rocks, surrounded by water; now I'm at a courtyard which I can't get all the way round, with a column on a rock which I also can't reach. So there doesn't seem to be anything I can move, before the next checkpoint. Do I have to pass that, although I haven't solved anything after the checkpoint in the courtyard, in order to get the columns I need for part 2? I can see an odd design, which I guess is the Moon stone I need to collect, and I want to be able to get back to it.
Replayed the game and discovered there are now two adjacent new save stones, past the crucial point where you must build the long bridge to the 3rd special stone. If you save at either, or both, of these new save points, you can no longer return to get all three special stones as previously. What an odd re-design choice. My advice to those who haven't yet played the game -- avoid those last two saves. They're a sort of trap.
Just finished with all 3 stones- glad I didn't run into any of the save problems others mentioned. I agree, this is a really good PuzzleScript entry!
I've now solved part 2 of the Moon Temple, including picking up the special stone. That was hard! You have to get the two upper-level columns at least part-way to their destination, using all 5 of the lower ones, before you can spare one of the latter to fill in the gap in the courtyard rim in order to get at the moon stone. The perspective then makes it difficult to tell where you can go in the courtyard, at least I found it so (and hard to see what you're doing when you've got a half-built bridge in part 2 proper, for that matter).
That took such a long time, I'll leave part 3 for another day.
Complete, but 0/3 stones.. still no idea where they were, how you knew that they were any more special than any of the other stones blocking paths etc.. not going thru it all again but a great game.. good puzzles with tricky perspective requiring some careful thinking.. SPOILER: I didn't appreciate a 'glitch' in the rules when building access off the 'ladder' bridge to get between the 3 columns on the upper level - you could step off the 'ladder' onto the columns toward the beginning but not further along, like the bridge was either higher or lower (a ramp) depending on where you were along it when it should be 'either/or'.. a minor issue easily resolved by making the access longer.
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