
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 01, 2020

strange keyworld [browser]

Can you make it through Strange Keyworld? A puzzle platformer by GMshara where the terrain and the controls are linked to each other.


Anonymous said...

This is a really neat idea!

Riiick said...

Very cool, I'm not sure if getting all the collectables makes any difference though.

Anonymous said...

Incredibly good. Don't stop until you know for sure that it's over.

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck in a tunnel that keeps repeating and my only real option is to go right. Help?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous at 19:33:

The room before the tunnel contains a clue.

Anonymous said...

Do you need to be able to type "?" in order to finish the game?
Got to a section where it seems that would be the only way to progress.

Nat R. said...

I got to "E N D ?" and I feel like I missed a collectible, but of course I now can't go back. When it got to the room with the vertical shaft, a few rooms before that, I thought it had looped back to near the beginning, but apparently not. Anyway, this is pretty cool and for the most part it's pretty well done, but I really don't feel like starting over to hunt for secrets. It would be nice if there were a checkpoint system so you could return to previous areas.

Anonymous said...

How do you get past the vertical shaft made of arrows and spaces? It won't let me wall jump on them, and I can't figure out how to get the collectable on the other side of the left arrow key wall.

Anonymous said...

You're supposed to be able to wall jump up that shaft, but the first time i got there I couldn't do it either. I played from the beginning later, and then it worked fine.

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 20:36 - no you do not need to be able to type a "?"

Try poking around in the room before that one.

Anonymous said...

in the room right before the E N D room, you can do something that it looks like you arent supposed to be able to. (it involves the "->" key)

spoiler: //////y/o/u//c/a/n//s/l/i/p//u/n/d/e/r//i/t//////

Anonymous said...

I find the controls pretty confusing. I can't really figure out what I'm supposed to be doing. Skippin it.

Anonymous said...

are you supposed to chain turning-around-wall-jumps for the last collectible????

Zoyciteyouma said...

For the last collectible I managed to get on top of the stair step keys and that proved to be easier (i.e. doable).

Anonymous said...

I agree with anon's comments on controls. On an older laptop I'm having a hard time getting the jumps off fast enough to actually do anything. Looks like a good game but its not playable on this machine.

Reese said...

This game is very unique and I found it fun up to the part where you have to make a bunch of hard wall jumps (the section at 11:40 in the video). I couldn't get past that section, so I looked up a walkthrough on youtube:

Anonymous said...

oh that last collectible is barely possible then haha; in the playthrough posted above they did it by somehow jumping off the wall on the left even though the wall on the left was the left key

glad it got really difficult and stayed interesting! lots of these novel games suffer from either poor graphic design or poor level design, but this one really held it together

Anonymous said...

I got to the part with 3 pass through & reverse wall jumps.
The guy in the video say it took him 15 mins to get past.
I am not as good & now my keyboard is jamming on me.
YOU WIN. My computer is now broken.

Nat R. said...

Thank you Anonymous with the real ending. That is clever, I should have seen that gap in the floor. I actually played through it twice more, because the first time I got to END, it didn't occur to me what to do next and I quit again. But I got really good at a lot of the jumps, including the walljumps off away-facing arrow-key walls. They are possible, just require a lot of timing. And I got the last collectible by chaining turning-around-wall-jumps a couple of times, as well as getting on top once. Just give it a few tries.

Nat R. said...

(If you really don't feel like it, the collectibles don't actually seem to do anything, so you can just skip it.)

Anonymous said...

Is there anything else when you get to the actual "END" key? I can't reach it.

Doodles said...

@Anonymous Is there anything else when you get to the actual "END" key?
Simple. Do the same thing you'd do with any key in this game.

Anonymous said...

@Doodles My keyboard isn't in english, so I didn't think of that smh.

Xsch said...

I'm in a room where it says "BOX", "SPIKE" and "DOWN" and it's impossible to jump over the spikes, also I can't go back because there's no letter "A" or left arrow. Any hints?

Anonymous said...

typing BOX could be useful ;-)

Anonymous said...

Unity stopped working twice while playing the game... :( I lost the patience to finish it. I like the concept though!

ROBOT said...


Anonymous said...

whoa! calm down robot dude!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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