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May 27, 2020
shackle [browser]
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I couldn't read the text at the bottom of the screen so I resized.
I navigated the symbol menu to the full screen option.
Now I can't read the text at the top of the screen.
I will play this game, but I have a need to read everything.
Ignore the text & press space for stairs.
I thought it was easy & had too many keys...
Can't get past half way now, duh I suck.
Currently stuck on level 47. Can't figure out how to press the green switch w/o losing the chain.
Stephen's games are consistently excellent, and it's nice to see another even more ambitious one :-)
I'm up to 46 without too many problems, but I'm loving it so far.. I think Ali Nikkah's Vertebrae has retrained my brain to understand these tail mechanics intuitively, especially as it has significantly more onerous movement restrictions.
Finally got 47. Still need to figure our 41, 44, and 46 though.
Nice one! Stuck at 9 though...
Nevermind, got it!
I'm now pretty stuck on 46, I can see two potential paths, each of which creates their own fail-state. Hmmm!
41 - What you can do in this level is pretty contained, I'm sure you'll find the right approach if you persist. I found the level name to be a soft hint, though nothing radical is being introduced here, so don't think there's some pivoting mechanic you're missing!
44 - I think I got an unintended solution for this one, as my solution didn't use one of the blocks :/
For level 44, you need to use 5 box on the 6. Place a square of four box just before the switches, and find a way to push them both in one move with the fifth box.
I didn't figure 46 and 47
I was stuck on 5.1 , but when I came back the next day I saw the way.
Now I am skipping some like 5.6 cause I can't see any way.
like there is only 1 button but it has 2 blockers...
Also it is 2 space from blocker to freezer...
So you can't possibly push the button without death or getting trapped.
There is a solution for 5.6, but it is not intuitive. where don't you think to put the box to start?
Man, this one escalates in difficulty quickly. Bears resemblance to Vampire Garden in this regard, also a pretty simple concept with surprisingly difficult puzzles.
Thanks for the help with 41 and 44. Now just need to get 46
Oh, and before I forget, to solve 47 you have to employ a trick that no other level uses to hit the green switch. Hopefully this hint helps!
I need a bit more help for level 47 !
(for 46 too, by the way)
I'll give one more hint then for 47: Once you cross into the next section that has the loose iron ball, do not connect your chain to it. You need to bring it to the prior section without connecting it.
Finally managed to get 46. The trick to it is that you'll need to push a crate into the spot where the iron block is on a switch. That's all of them now!
Spoke to soon. There's secret levels once you beat all the main ones that you can unlock!
Still don't have it for 46. Do we need to attach the iron ball on the switch before pushing a crate there?
Admittedly having trouble reproducing/remembering my exact solution, but I believe so. The iron ball on the switch needs to be pulled out before the crate can be put in.
Wait, re-got it. Here's what you do. Push a box on the left-most switch (This will destroy your current iron ball). Then push the remaining crate up next to the iron ball on the switch. Then push the other remaining iron ball up, pushing the crate beyond the red panel that is down leaving the the two iron bars diagonal from one another. Then go back, go around and up through the other red panel (the one next to the blue switch). Push the crate in the top right corner left one, then push the iron ball that the player will now be next to down so it does not attach. Then go back up, push the crate in the top right corner to the blue switch in the top left corner. Then, attach your chain with the ball on the red switch. Then, push the crate on the left red switch to the right red switch. Then use the left red switch to destroy your chain (not the ball). Then push the crate on the red switch onto the blue switch. Then put the now two remaining iron balls onto the remaining blue switches.
Add-on to my above explanation, will need to move around the other iron ball and crate beforehand to prepare a bit, otherwise you won't be able to move the crate and iron ball without accidentally connecting to it.
thanks a lot, I think I tried every start move except this one!
Glad to help. Hopefully you can help me on the secret levels, currently stuck on the blue switch part of level 3+ and level 4+
thanks for 46 !
still don't get it for 47...
I'm stuck on level 26 or 5.4, if I understand the notations people are using. I have to get round 2 corners with freezers, and I can get rid of the ball and get round the first corner, but I need to get rid of the chain as well (the trick I used to get past the first freezer won't work on the second one), and since I can't push it, I can't see how.
I've looked at the remaining levels in that group and they're all pretty daunting! Maybe I'll get some inspiration if I come back another day, or maybe this is just too much for me during lockdown.
on level 26 (or 5.4) you get rid of the ball but do not get rid of the chain, you need to pass the freezers with it
Oh, now I see it! I've seriously run out of time, but I've solved a few more and now I stuck on level 5.8 or 30. How to flip the box onto the switch while landing on the safe square myself? Perhaps coming back to it tomorrow will do the job.
Here's what you need to do for 47. After bringing over the loose iron ball from the 2nd section of the level to the first section of the level, you need to attach your chain to it by putting the chain through a crate by using the freezing pad. From there you just drag the crate down to the green switch, and can avoid destroying your iron ball in the process.
Any advice for level 42 - barrier?
Thank you, Anonymous !
@Unknown Here's what you need to do for 30. Put the crate right below the red inverse panel, and use the freezing crates to get the chain overlaying the crate, with the player on the switch. go left once, then just go straight up.
For 42, the best advice I can give is that there are only two items that need to be destroyed. The first item is an attached iron ball, the next is the chain.
Thanks, Anonymous- for 42, the issue I'm having is less with getting the number of objects, and more with triggering the switches and reaching the door without getting stuck
Ah, here's what you need to do then. Put the items in this configuration on the row with the switches:
The bottom two switches and the top switch are pressed, leaving the 2nd from the top switch unpressed. You can then move the renaming crate from the left side of the switches to the remaining switch.
...Formatting got a bit messed up on my previous comment, just have a crate to the left of the crate on the 2nd from the bottom switch.
Thank you for this great game! I finished 1-47 with the help on 44 and 47 from the helpful folks here. Quick question - can anyone tell me why there are 3 "slots"? Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't tell any difference in them, but am more than happy to complete the levels 3 times. Very enjoyable!
Not certain why there are 3 save slots. Have you tried the bonus levels yet? Currently stuck on 3 and 4 of them.
Thanks for the reply about the slots - don't know where the bonus levels are. After completing 47 on slot 1, I just went out the exit and it took me to single easy level that said the game was complete.
To access the bonus levels, you need to have completed 1-47. The middle tile in the exit room (the easy level you described) will lower into the floor. You now have the ability to use the red switch to kill the player character. That unlocks the bonus levels (with a new mechanic to boot!)
Thank you anonymous for explaining the bonus rooms!
Glad to help. If you figure out how to win levels 3 and/or 4 let me know
Thank you so much, Anonymous (03:55)! So clear now
There needs to be YouTube walkthroughs of these games.
Thanks, Anonymous at 02:07. I'd thought of that while I was AFK but you got there first. After that I didn't have much trouble with stage 6, but the first one on stage 7 (level 34, I think) is going to take some thought, or sleeping on it again; and it looks as if I'm getting close to the parts everybody found difficult.
@Kaden You are so right. Walkthroughs for and those infernal puzzlescript games.
I still can't solve level 46, its the only one I have left :(
Anyone got any hints for lvl 22 Scarcity?
Can't figure out how to get a third item...
for level 22, you have to be on the blue switch when the iron ball (still attached to you) is on the red one...
Could somebody please tell me how level 41 is done? I just can't figure it out
Here's what you want to do for 41. Put the crate one space above and one space right of the freezing pad. Then get using the freezing pad, get the chain overlayed over it, with the player on the left, and the iron ball on the right (on the red switch). Then move right until the player is above the red pad. Then just walk down, the iron ball will push the crate onto the switch.
Here's a link to a youtube playlist that shows a walkthrough of the game:
When I used the playlist, I skipped around in the videos. The 7th video has the solutions to levels 41 & 46.
Huh, I wonder if the person making the videos will also handle the bonus levels?
Anyone made any progress on the third and fourth bonus levels yet? For the third one I can make it past the red switch section, but am stuck on the blue switch section.
I wondered where people were seeing level names, then I discovered if I hit F11 I can see more of the board above and below the main part, though there isn't a scroll bar (on Firefox). So that's also how people are so confident of level numbers!
A walkthrough you say? Must try to solve more of stage 7 myself first ...
stuck at level 47... how can you activate the green switch without loosing your chain ?
For 47, you need to put your chain through a crate using a freezing pad to attach it to an iron ball on the other side.
Finally figured out how to do it... on the right side :-)
Like Anonymous 9:51, I would be very please if someone could give any hint for 3+ and/or 4+
For the blue switch level 3+, get the 3 balls in the main area stacked against the left wall in the bottom corner with the crate completing an L shape. You should then be able to use the trick from 47 to reconnect under the crate, and then push north to slingshot the crate back to where it started, killing yourself and resurrecting in the process! You can then walk over the balls to the bottom left chamber.
Can anyone help with the chamber behind the red switch? I can get in via the back door (without ball or chain), but then I need to resurrect somewhere to get my chain back to complete the room. I can do that in the top right chamber but can't then get out again!
Have worked out the red part of 3+ and have completed it...
I'm stuck on the first bonus level. I can't leave anything on the red switch when I go to the room with the blue switch, but there aren't enough items to make a path back - I always resurrect too soon. I thought I could see how resurrection works, but apparently not?
Unknown, for the first bonus level, you need to make a path to the red block by the exit, you don't need to press the red switch again, just use the blue block to 'die'
Unknown on first bonus level - there is no need to go back, rather go forward...
Thanks, Lighty an Anonymous 17:55. Now I'm stuck on level +3: I see Anonymous 13:52's spoiler, but I can't see how to do that without leaving the block there, and I need to leave the block on the green switch or there was no point!
Got the spoiler for the red part of 3+,
still can't get it for the blue switch
Unknown +3 - the ball goes on the top right green switch, not the crate.
Anonymous +3 - You need to separate your first ball using the red switch in the main area (you'll need to position ball 2 before this to avoid picking it right back up). Then you can pick up ball 3 and nudge the crate left. Then push ball 1 to the bottom left and go back and separate ball 3 as you did with ball one. You can then push balls 2 and 3 down and left to the far wall to make the L - you have to move them together as you can't separate them. Then you are ready for the final flourish - freeze, attach to ball one and push north!
Anyone managed +4 yet? The methodology seems simple - drop an item on the far left blue switch withouit sacrificing any other items then build a bridge from blue to green and use that to escape. But how to do the first part???
Thanks 19:30, finally got +3 !
A little bit confused on the explanation for +3. How exactly to you separate from ball 3? At that point using the red switch is impossible, and I can't see a way to do it with the blue switch?
to separate from ball, use the red switch going to the right switch, not down.
so many anonymouses, here ! :-)
Congrats and thanks, 13:52 !!!
Still havn't found a way to solve 4+...
Erm, I think I might be missing something. If you're talking about using it to separate before doing the red switch section, then going to the right means you are unable to avoid re-attaching to the first iron ball, since it's be right there to the left of the right red panel. If it is after the red switch section, then it becomes impossible to use the red switch to separate, since the right-most red switch is no longer pressed. I'm rather confused to be honest.
OH, wait, I get it now. You used another iron ball to avoid re-attaching to it since it won't attach you if there are 2
Still stuck on 4+ as well. It seems that you need to avoid destroying any of the crates or iron balls in order to win.
I think for 4+ using the red switch to kill you character to free the attached iron ball may be helpful in some way.
I reckon for 4+ you should be able to do something with a slingshot onto the green button whilst you go onto the green block which would mean you need fewer overall items. The freeze tile would seem to suggest this with trapping a block someway, though not spent too much time on it so far.
I have found for 4+ that it is possible to only have to sacrifice two items, one for the blue switch, and one item to be destroyed. If it's possible to do with 6 items, that may be the ticket.
Still don't understant how to pass red section in +3 level
there was a spoiler up there on June 1. SPOILERneedtojumpontofreezerafterresurrectionSPOILER
hope this helps ;-)
Yes I saw it, but really don't get it
build a way to the freezer, to resurrect on it
When you're resurrected, you have a chain, but when you resurrect on a freezer, the chain is folded up, so you can get round the corners.
In +4, I discovered you can re-link to a ball through another ball, but as with the blocks, it gets flung off when you go round a corner. I wondered whether there was a way of doing it where it would stay attached, perhaps by combining the trick from level 47 with respawning on the freezer, but I haven't been able to make it happen.
Tounetou - before you go along the freezer alley, you need to make sure the red button is pressed outside first so you can push the ball up. This, along with anonymous' tip to put the ball on the green switch, not the block, should help.
I feel I've been over all possibilities on level +4, so I can only think there is a new mechanic that I have missed (or it's impossible)!
A train (with ball or crate as payload) on an appropriate row/column would help. For instance a west facing train on the row of the green switch would allow you to simply slingshot your payload onto said switch whilst you headed north to death, resurrection and the exit! Also a vertical train on the second column could be driven west into the siding pushing an item onto the blus switch without sacrifice. However, the problem is you can only make trains on the row/column of a freezer square or one row/column either side, and, as far as I'm aware, you can't crab them to an adjacent row/column, or turn them 90 degrees from vertical to horizontal or vice-versa!
It's definitely a conundrum. We either have to avoid destroying any items, or have to make it work with only 6 items. Although that's assuming the blue switch isn't a red herring of sorts.
Still haven't made any progress on +4. It's almost tempting to try to contact the creator of the game to get a hint from them on how to complete it.
Finally managed level +4 thanks to a hint that the author Steven Millar has posted on!
Spoiler in rot13...
Genvaf pna ghea pbearef (jvgu fnpevsvpr) naq lbh arrq n gvpxrg ba gur jrfgobhaq terra genva gb rkvg!
OMG I got it! I don't have time right now to try the Eternity level and I don't know whether it's supposed to be solvable or a sandbox, given the name.
speculation above "red herring" it isn't. Neither do you have to preserve all the items; everything you destroy serves a purpose.
I found the compass point in Bob's rot13 spoiler confusing, then realised you have to do a lot of driving backwards. Much trial and error ensued.
@Unknown and Bob.
Mind giving some less cryptic clues/guidance?
Ok. got it.
Extra hint for anyone who needs in rot13:
Vs lbhe nggnpurq onyy trgf qrfgeblrq naq gurer vf nabgure onyy jvguva enatr, lbh jvyy nggnpu gb gung onyy vzzrqvngryl.
Still stuck on +4. I feel like I'm still missing something
Wait, got it. Wow, that is nuts!
My word Eternity looks like pure madness.
I think I have rough idea for how to handle Eternity. To reach the goal, you need two items between the two left-most red panels, and all blue switches pressed. With the placement of the 2nd item between the red panels, that will kill the player and give them a method of crossing over to the exit.
feel so frustrated : still don't understand how to solve 4+
Would you like a hint for 4+ @Marie?
OK, much thanks for the hints for 4+. This one was really frustrating, but the solution is satisfying
Another hint in rot13:
Lbh arrq gb qb gur arj gevpx bs oernxvat bss gb "ghea" lbhe genva rknpgyl gjb gvzrf. Gur nvz vf abg gb fcna gur oyhr naq terra fjvgpurf, ohg gb fyvatfubg n pengr bagb gur terra fjvgpu.
Good luck, and much thanks to everyone in these comments!
Anyone have any success on Eternity yet?
Thank you for all the hints, everybody !
Let's go to Eternity ...
On Eternity, assuming that all the furniture on the board plays a part in the solution as per previous bonus levels, I can't think of a reason for the bottom left freezer being there, but think maybe that is the key to solving this final puzzle!
Any ideas?
Scrap the above, I now think that the bottom left freezer is there to prevent an unintended (and relatively simple) solution :-(
The bottom left freezer being next to the ball on the blue switch, I think it's there to prevent you putting that ball back after moving it, without opening the green gates.
I can see two possible starts: killing yourself at the blue V, which is going to result in pulling a ball down with you (ending up with 3 loose balls in the lower right area and no way to get any of them to the top), or breaking the chain in the same V, which makes it possible to open the green gates, but then what are they for? If you use them to swop the ball on the blue switch with the block on the green switch that you can get to all sides of, you can then push that ball into the V, kill yourself and get your chain back, but then there aren't enough things on red switches to detach yourself from that ball and pull out the one on the lowest green switch, and I can't see how to get a ball up to the top once the green gates are closed anyway.
Every time I think I've found something, I get stuck again!
@Unknown Same. Feel like each time I've found a solution something gets stuck. Although in regards to the possible starts, there is one start which I don't think you have considered as you did not mention it. Using the green switches, you can kill yourself with a green panel, thereby avoiding the destruction of the chain. However, this does drag the iron ball down off of the green switch, but it can be put on the green switch by taking the rightmost path back up and carefully maneuvering so as to avoid attaching your chain to it. Maybe this will help?
@Anonymous 21:11,
You're right that I hadn't thought of dying there, but how can you take the rightmost path back up? If you've still got the chain, the top freezer stops you going round the corner.
It takes some finagling, but you can bring the player with the chain up the right-most path back up. You'll need to go back and forth a bit but you can do that. You kind have to go up, than down and up and down again, re-using the lower freezing pad there to eventually turn your chain the opposite way so that you'll eventually land on the upper freezing pad on the path standing on your chain.
didn't get the hints for the +4 turning train...
Unknown/Anonymous - I think we're all trying the same sorts of things, maybe together we can figure this out! I'd figured out that the rightmost bottom freezer was there so that you could traverse the passage northwards whilst carrying a chain, and in fact this is the only way you can get out of the bottom right area with both the blue and red switches covered.
Here is my ALMOST solution - perhaps you guys can find a way to turn it into an actual solution! As per discussion many days ago, I'm assuming that we need to end up with 2 items on the blue switches, 2 on the red, and 2 between the red gates as we kill ourselves on the top red gate, ressurect and head south to the exit.
1. Place crate on the freestanding grren switch and open the green gates whilst detaching ball (but not chain) as descibed by Anonymous above.
2. Nudge ball off blue switch so that you can later get back from the top left area to the bottom right whilst carrying a chain (and potentially a ball too).
3. Move the crate from the green to the red switch.
4. Pick the ball up from the bottom green switch and...
ALMOST solution A:
5. Nudge the ball back on to the blue switch - except you can't as the bottom left freezer prevents you!
6. Place your ball onn the red switch breaking your shackle in the process
ALMOST solution B:
5. Place your ball onn the red switch breaking your shackle in the process
6. Nudge the ball back on to the blue switch - except you can't avoid attaching to it!
7. Return via the passage to the top left area, move one ball to the remainig blue switch and use the second as one of the items between the red gates.
ALMOST solution B seems the most promising to develop - if only I could swap the crate and that ball on the blue siwtch without losing my shackle (or swap them and then get my shackle back)!
Yeah, that lower blue switch is real troublesome. It seems like you're meant to remove the iron ball from it, but getting it back on is a pain in the neck. I'm honestly not sure how to deal with it just yet. I think there's something we have to be missing. Although, a bit of information I've come across as being apparently integral to the solution, is bringing something back up to the top without having all of the green switches pressed. Apparently by pushing an iron ball up the middle passage, and then using the red switch to off yourself, you can re-spawn on the freezing pad and attach to the iron ball there, and bring it topside. Not sure where this fits in, but I've been experimenting a bit to try to find it. Maybe you'll have more luck!
One other thing before I forget. I think there has to be a way to destroy one's chain without the usage of the blue switch panels. It's the only way that that the iron ball, could be pushed back onto the blue switch. Assuming you move it off the blue switch to the left.
there's another "almost solution", where you put the crate near the bottom blue freezer, with all the balls on the green switches... BUT in this case, I've got no chain to remove the bottom ball...
ok, I got it !!!
It implies putting the crate on the bottom blue switch, with a chain :-)
(not sure I could do it again, though)
Congratulations Marie!
I'm glad one of us has escaped!
Marie, do you remember whether you never broke the chain, or got it back somehow?
In the former case I can't see any way of getting the ball from the lower switch out of there without attaching to it, or of separating from it to leave it on a switch; whereas if you've lost the chain (as in your previous comment) I can't see how to get it back without either pushing the loose ball onto the other blue switch (where you then have to drag it back down to the bottom where it gets stuck, because it's not on the other red switch) or loading all the red switches and killing yourself at the top of the left corridor (after which there aren't enough items to cover the red switches again).
At least now we know it's possible!
I think I never broke the chain...
You have to find a trick to get the bottom ball on the blue switch and leave the one on the green switch... so that you can reopen the green way almost till the end...
Hope it helps
Sorry for my english, I meant : to take the bottom ball from the blue switch
Glad to see someone got it, but admittedly I still feel very lost.
I thought I'd got it with the help of Marie's comments, but I haven't. If I pull out the ball on the blue switch, move the block from the green switch to the red switch above it, and disconnect from the ball at the other red switch, intending to move the block back to the green switch (moving the balls on the other green switches around a bit) and "reopen the green way" ... I can't get the block off the almost-top row without putting the balls from the top row in positions I can't get them back from.
I think I still need more hints (I'd take spoilers at this point, because "Eternity" looks like being how long it'll take).
I don't know the limit between hint and spoiler, so be careful with what I write after that :
-> Be sure you leave the ball on the bottom green switch almost till the end : when the crate is next to the bottom blue switch, and there is no other ball in the bottom part (and there's a ball on the upper red switch)
-> Don't put the crate on the upper red switch, manage to put a ball instead (cause at one point, you need to bring the crate to the bottom part)
-> As you leave the ball on the bottom green switch for a long time, you can use the upper "green way" to break your chain (by opening/closing it)... and you have to use that trick many times
-> you need 3 balls (all together) on the bottom part to free the ball on the blue switch
-> as long as there's nothing on the bottom blue switch, you can bring back a ball from the bottom part to the upper part
-> remember that you can avoid attaching your chain to a ball if there's another ball "next" to it (you have to use that on the bottom part, and then on the upper part to put the final ball on the red switch)
Hope it's enough (and not too much) to help you !
Thank you, Marie!! Spoiler or no, I'm just happy to be through the level. The trickiest part, I found, was placing the three balls on the green switches in the upper level and moving the crate to the bottom level without reattaching the chain. FYI for those still working on the level-- if it starts to feel circuitous/repetitive, you're probably on the right track :)
Thanks Marie - I'm finally free of my shaclle!
Although interpreting the end sequence, perhaps not!
Still stuck for now. Gonna have to to give these hints a good look through to get it.
Finally got it! I'm free!
Also, slightly inaccurate hint up there, you want to repeatedly use the green switches to kill the player, not break their chain.
Reading Marie's comments (yes, the difference between hint and spoiler is very subjective), I thought I'd got it, but it turns out I haven't. Specifically, putting a ball on the top red switch (one of the ones from the top green switches, I assumed) means the green doors close, so after bringing the other ball down (3 balls altogether = one next to the blue switch, one on the bottom green switch and one more), I can't get the ball from the blue switch out of that cupboard without connecting to the one that has to be left alone. Meanwhile it looks as though several other people have worked it out. What am I doing wrong?
At the point you're talking about, the aim is to get the blue-switch ball out of the cupboard by positioning your third ball diagonal to the ball on the green switch. You will do this by nudging the blue-switch ball back on the blue switch, connecting to your third ball, disconnecting on the red switch, and pushing it back diagonal to the green ball to connect to the blue-switch ball. The only ball that has to be left alone is the ball on the green switch.
Hope this helps!
Thanks, Anonymous at 16:40. I tried that and it didn't work, then it did (another thing you have to do twice!)
But, aaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, now I'm going round in circles in a bad way. The green path is open and I've got the crate to the lower blue switch and one left. I think the next thing I need to do is move the ball from the isolated green switch to the red one above it, but I've failed to do that without connecting to it, unless I connect to one of the balls on the top green switches first; but if I do that I have to drag that ball to the bottom (again), where I can split from it, drag the ball off the bottom green switch, and put the crate back on the blue switch ... but then I can't get one of the balls onto the other blue switch because the blue blocks in the V pop up. If I didn't put the crate back on the blue switch, I could get the ball back into the upper part but then I'm still connected to it and the green door isn't going to close on me.
Maybe I need to sleep on this, yet again.
You're so close, Unknown! A helpful hint for where you're at, I think, is that you need to place a ball on the upper blue switch from the upper level, not the bottom level. Think of pushing a ball onto the switch, as opposed to dragging it across, which, as you've noted, is impossible with the crate on the lower blue switch. I really hope you make it through!
Anonymous 21:12,
Yes, I realise that, which is why I don't want to drag the ball back down. But I've just tried again ... hey wait a minute ...
(a bit later) I've got it! Woah! Thanks, Marie, Bob and Anonymous (or anonymice)! ... My gosh there are a lot of comments on this post.
For Eternitly, I can't figure out how to achieve this:
"as long as there's nothing on the bottom blue switch, you can bring back a ball from the bottom part to the upper part"
Since the green blocks are up, together with the freeze tile in-between them, I can't seem to get through with a ball :(.
What am I missing?
Power of posting... figured it out.
Late to this, but finally completed all the levels, with thanks to various commenters for help on 46 and 47. This was a really good game, engaging, interesting without being too too hard, just a gratifying experience over several days, at least for me.
For those who would still be lost at any point, if any, you will find a complete walkthrough here :
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