Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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August 04, 2020
riko [browser]
Help Riko and her laser gun to reach the golden ring at the end of each of the 54 levels in this puzzle game by Andrew Carwicz.
Bon, ça faisait au moins 1h voir plus que je bloquais dessus. Et juste j'écris ici mon help me, et.... j'y suis arrivé. Donc même sans écrire la réponse, le simple de fait de poser la question, et hop, la réponse m'est apparue. C'est magique ici ? ;-)
Bonjour Nikolaz :) Je ne parle pas beaucoup de Francais, mais je vais essayer!
'Trail' est un niveau au sujet de mouvement avec votre lasergun. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'espace et il faut réfléchir à comment se positionner pour permettre la rotation correcte quelques coups plus tard.
Voici la solution, et le problème est simplement de déplacer les miroirs un par un pour arriver ici: https://i.imgur.com/zd2X6dZ.png
Ici, il y a beaucoup de chemins potentiels, mais il est important de se familiariser avec ces dilemmes de mouvement, parce que les niveaux ultérieurs peuvent présenter des défis de mouvement plus difficiles.
Trail is a level about movement with the lasergun. There's not much space and you've got to think about how to position yourself to enable the right rotation in a few move's time.
Here's the end-state you're looking to reach, and the problem is simply moving the mirrors one by one to arrive here: https://i.imgur.com/zd2X6dZ.png
Here there are lots of potential paths, but it's important to familiarise yourself with these movement dilemmas, because later levels can present harder movement challenges
Voici une solution complete pour 'Trail': https://streamable.com/e0qsmd
Cependant, il est important de dire que ce niveau veut que vous observiez ce qui se passe lorsque vous vous déplacez dans des espaces restreints car les niveaux ultérieurs s'appuieront sur ces connaissances et seront même conçus autour de ses cas particulieres.
Here's a complete solution for 'Trail': https://streamable.com/e0qsmd
But it's important to note that this level wants you to observe what happens when you move in tight spaces, because later levels will build on this knowledge and even be designed around its edge-cases.
I am also stuck on Stephen's buttons Press. I can see that [__ is the only way to press the final button. I also managed to get the __ shape to the top area. But getting past the 2nd door with both shapes is eluding me.
Hint #1 - There's no laser shooting involved - There's only one way to hit that button — what will it take?
Hint #2 - Wouldn't the puzzle be more straight forward if the blocks were the other way round?
Hint #3 - Phase One (doesn't tell you how to hit the button, but gets you up to where you should be able to figure it out): https://imgur.com/a/AKpsvXg
Full Solution if you're really stuck: https://streamable.com/4am36k
Hint #1 What does the end-state look like? How many mirrors are needed to achieve it?
Hint #2 Don't be afraid of going backwards and forwards between the areas of the level. It takes a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to juggle the mirrors to their ultimate destination.
For beginners needing help early in the game, and only for the next 30 days, walkthroughs of the first block can be found below. Suggest you really try hard to get to know the mechanics, though. There are only about 6 rules. 01_Block and Button https://streamable.com/wtkrld 02_Laser Toggle https://streamable.com/ieir89 03_Cross the Gap https://streamable.com/wgb14k 04_Open Door https://streamable.com/lexeww 05_Narrow Passage https://streamable.com/4iudef 06_Shoved https://streamable.com/5917ne 07_Reflection https://streamable.com/p9hva3 08_Backed Up https://streamable.com/oviqkb 09_Precision Shot https://streamable.com/1lj3s9 Crimitorii
Absolutely stumped on "Side Door"; seems like trying every combination of shoving manuevers is impossible to create a good state, it almost seems like I must not have discovered some mechanism or gimmick yet
Hint #1 An important technique for monster management is firing your laser when the monster is not in the line of fire, which causes it to jump to a square it wouldn't normally jump to.
Hint #2 What happens if you break line of sight with the monster? Is there anywhere on this map where that could be achieved?
Tip: The monster levels do tend to reward a certain amount of futzing around. If I get really stuck, I sometimes just shoot the monster and then try to figure out what end-state I'm trying to produce before having another shot at monster-wrangling.
I've been stuck on floor 3 for a week now. What's in the Box, Aligned Path, Shmup, and Triadic are all defeating me. Any advice I could apply to these?
Tip #1 You need all three monsters to remain alive.
Tip #2 The answer to the level's question (ie what's in the central area of the level?) should be three monsters. How might you go about achieving that?
** Aligned Path
Tip #1: Lasers cause different Monster behaviours This one's about two very specific techniques, the first of which is firing your cannon while the monster is out of alignment, causing it to leap alongside your gun instead of in front of it. At this point, if you're in the correct orientation you can walk backwards and it will keep following you in the same position, allowing you to shunt it to one side at the right moment.
Tip #2: Wasting a move to make the monster move without changing your alignment There are times where you want the monster to leap somewhere but don't want to make a move that will change your direction. In that scenario, a non-move like walking back into a wall will cause the monster to leap without affecting your orientation/position.
Solution: The tips above are illustrated visually here https://imgur.com/a/EwVOg69
** Shmup
Tip #1 You can kill all the monsters, the trick is how you get the last one in the central bit of the level
Tip #2 One of the blocks is used for the switch
Tip #3 The challenge is how to use the second block to get the monster out of the central area without it getting the jump on you
Partial Solution: https://imgur.com/a/KRNskhK
** Triadic
Tip #1 There nothing tricksy going on here, it's about moving the three blocks to their respective destinations, which is fundamentally a challenge of moving things in constrained spaces and making sure you can still activate and deactivate the laser switches as you go.
Tip #2 Focus on getting one of the L shapes out first and then go after the L shape that will fit the slot in the room you just removed an L-shape from.
Tip #3 Parking an L shape on top of some of the green/red laser activated doors and then deactivating that laser, is an effective way of buying yourself a bit more space to move a different L-shape through the middle. Once you've got one to its destination, switching the other two around should be significantly easier.
Boy, I'm still stumped by "Around the Corner." I've spun around in every direction on every square alongside the two loose blocks. I'm not seeing the key.
You may have noticed that rotating into two blocks while alongside them both will cause one block to move in a different direction than the other. The question is where can you nestle the two loose blocks before continuing your experiments?
Wow. Thank you. I had already seen that, but I had no idea how to put it to use. I just kept experimenting and found the secret move. I was so bewildered that I had to repeat that level just to make sure I understood it.
Nice one! I'm a little dubious about its readability but I suspect the level is designed the way it is to force you to exhaust the probable on the seemingly impossible until you attempt the improbable. More of a 'huh?!' than an 'a-ha!'
It's a good technique to have in your back pocket for some later levels too.
Hint #1 Unusually, it's (95%) not about using mirrors to block open doors.
Hint #2 What configuration of mirrors (there are only two you can place) would allow you to fire your laser at different points along the green/red/green/red path to lower whichever colour is blocking your path at that point?
Hint #3 The first problem to tackle is switching the mirrors from their starting positions
Spoiler: This shows the mirror placements and where you'd fire your laser https://imgur.com/a/gukdUKx
Hint #1 This is really a puzzle about how to change your rotational direction of movement around the level without getting killed by the monster.
Hint #2 You've probably realised that there are certain moves that produce a failstate. eg if we focus on the central area and ignore the corners, if you've ended up in the top or bottom row, you're done for (until you want to exit the level) and if you've ended up in the columns either side of the central purple block, you're done for.
Hint #3 There's one place in the level where you can go from moving clockwise to anti-clockwise, and one (different, rotationally symmetrical place) where you can go from anti-clockwise to clockwise. Once you've figured out this trick, the rest of the level is straightforward.
Partial Solution: This shows you how to hit the first two switches, from which you should be able to infer how to complete the level. https://imgur.com/a/LdJN6tK
Hint #1 You want to reduce your big block to two separate blocks. Where can you achieve this?
Hint #2 While it might be tempting to focus on getting a block on to the button, the layout at the bottom of the level (and where you would be looking to use block number two) means there's a tiny bit more space to work.
Hint #1 This is a level primarily about set-up, not juggling two blocks through gateways.
Hint #2 The middle of the path to the exit has one square that juts out to the left. What do you think this is used for? What does that tell you about where one of the blocks will have ended up.
Hint #3 But if it starts there, you can't reach the jutty-outty-square.. Is there anyway you might be able to advance a little and then move that block where it needs to go without sacrificing the progress you just made?
Hint #4 (partial spoiler) This is what the set-up should look like https://imgur.com/a/2TTMrrX
Thanks for checking out our game from the tiny Riko team :D. It has been really wonderful seeing the community work together to get through some of the tricky levels.
Thank you Frobisher for giving such great hints on the levels!
I've made it all the way to the last page, but so far only solved three of them. I'm working on "Space" now, and the goal seems to be to get the monster stuck above the wall at the top of the map, then push the block to the far right so you can shoot the switch at the bottom. I've tried everything I can think of and so far nothing works. Anyone have any tips for this one? (Or for The Ell, Precarious Bridge, Crossing Over, or Hell Toggle. I can't make sense out of any of them.)
I've made it all the way to the last page, but so far only solved three of them. I'm working on "Space" now, and the goal seems to be to get the monster stuck above the wall at the top of the map, then push the block to the far right so you can shoot the switch at the bottom. I've tried everything I can think of and so far nothing works. Anyone have any tips for this one? (Or for The Ell, Precarious Bridge, Crossing Over, or Hell Toggle. I can't make sense out of any of them.)
I've not had much time to tackle the last page yet, but I did solve Precarious Bridge :)
Hint #1 The layout of the puzzle makes you think you're slotting something over two switches and then walking out, but what if you used a different approach?
Hint #2 The conundrum is partly where to perform the manoeuvres for this different approach, because space is very tight. And your first attempt is likely to reveal that the idea is good but your execution is wrong, which returns you to the aforementioned conundrum a second time, bu now it's even harder.
Thanks for the tips, I finally finished "Precarious Bridge." These later levels seem really difficult at first, but when I finally figure a solution it feels like it should have been obvious.
"Space" is driving me insane. I've gotten the monster above the top wall a few times, but he always chases me out before I can get him stuck. I think I got him stuck up there once, maybe by using the block to push him up there. But I can't remember how I did that and can't replicate it. Pushing him with the gun doesn't work, even when you give him the extra nudge while you're below the wall he immediately moves down towards you. I thought firing the laser might make him move right instead of down but no.
yeah, I'm 90% sure the top wall idea is right. My worry is that if you use the block to it, you've then got to get it down again to hit that switch, which seems like it would be tricky. Also, while the left wall is no help as a monster-trap for laser-switch toggling (unless you could use the block to create a right-angle trap), I do wonder whether it serves a different function.. For moving the block around, for instance..
My idea is to get the monster trapped along the top wall and push the block to the right edge so the monster can't get you while you shoot the switch at the bottom. After that get the monster trapped on the left wall, maneuver the block over the requisite switch, then Getting the block to the right edge seems like a must because even with the monster at the top, once you go to the far right you don't have enough time to move down, aim and shoot the switch, then reverse before the monster gets you. I tried the right angle trap with the left wall, but I wasn't able to move the block in place without the monster jumping around it while it's not flush with the wall (one spot below where it needs to be for the right angle trap).
Last page requires a lot of trial and error ! I finally managed "Crossing Over" :-) One needs to be patient and move that crate once at a time, until it's in the right position.
I don't know how to give another hint though without giving the full solution. Let me know !
Solved Mirror Square, which is initially a bit overwhelming, but can be deduced backwards once you figure out what you need to do. In case anyone's stuck here in the future, a few hints:
Hint #1 Don't try to solve it until you've had a mosey around the level to figure out what all the laser-toggles and switches do. Until you do this, it won't be apparent what the level's asking you to do.
Hint #2 You're going to need to sacrifice some mirrors. How many can you afford to lose? What set up is required to exit the level (this answer significantly reduces the solution space) and which specific mirrors do you need to accomplish this? You may have to restart the level at this point.
Four Rooms One small dissent on the first hint is that after you've activated the first laser switch, you can put one, and only one, mirror into a non-recoverable position that lets you change the direction in which you fire your laser.
(It may be that the level has multiple solutions?)
Further Hint: In certain configurations, rotating into a wall will cause the bug to jump in front the gun. This is important around the edges of the level, which the game has taught you to avoid, until this level introduces an edge case:
Single image illustrating this point: https://imgur.com/a/Any0IWy
Yeah I didn't word that right. Just meant don't put a mirror right next to and aiming right at a switch, because you won't be able to move it afterwards.
Has anyone taken down Hell Toggle? I've got to this point and am a little flummoxed as to how to make the final toggle happen: https://imgur.com/a/L0Bmpo3
Starting to wonder if the bottom of the level is a misdirection and I actually need to be pushing a mirror up and firing at it, but that feels intuitively wrong as well. Hmmm.
My idea for Hell Toggle was to leave the purple mirror near the beginning and push the blue one up towards the goal, but I can't even figure out how to get either one to the right side of the level without getting myself stuck.
The bottom is not a red herring, it's there to let you juggle a mirror upwards on the red/green passageway, at which point there's a fiddly fire-into-mirror, push, rotate so you can fire off a shot at 90 degrees, and then push and head to the exit.
Updated the album to include the right approach: https://imgur.com/a/L0Bmpo3
The trick to getting a mirror to the other side without getting stuck is to push the mirror on the bottom track and when it's on the red square walk along the top track by firing your laser back at the toggle so you're on the last green square. Then you can rotate the mirror one space right, walk down on to the bottom track and push it another space to the right (but so your laser remains over the green square to stop it rising clear without getting stuck. Then walk back into the left half of the level and go along the top track, firing backwards, to come out in the correct orientation
Now on to Wrangler and The Ell. For Wrangler it seems the key is to keep the blocks away from the two rows/columns that border the left and bottom walls, which is a lot harder than it sounds with the monster running around. I'm just plain stumped with The Ell. The most obvious plan seems to move the monster to the left side, maneuver the blocks on the right side, then move the monster to the right side and take care of the ones on the left, but that leaves the question of how to get him back in position to trigger the last switch. Plus all the other levels on this page have had a solution that requires you to do something besides the obvious.
You can do the right-side blocks without needing to trap the monster, it's the left area blocks that needs you to trap it on the right, which you do by trapping it on the left first so you can come round and get in the right position to trap it on the right, if that makes sense?
Think I'm about to solve it, I just need to get the monster back and exit
First step is definitely moving the monster to the left, but do not immediately maneuver the blocks on the switches on the right, but position them to enable following steps : - Moving the monster to the right, taking care of left and bottom switches - Then come back to the right, to take care of right switches ... may require moving the monster to the left again ;)
To trap the monster on the left side without moving the top block, move in the position to push the monster left, but prior to it, instead of moving down (and then push the block up), turn right and the monster should come between you and the block
Here's how you trap the monster without moving any blocks: https://imgur.com/a/bPWWuiB
Still trying to figure out how to use this to my advantage! Clearly you need to trap the monster in a way that lets you return to the right side from the left
As for Wrangler, there is no special trick, just a lot of trial and errors to bring the blocks one by one into position. For the last block, there is a possibility to trap the monster :)
I think Around a Corner is the first brain-breaking level, so don't sweat it too much :)
Hint #1 Why are there two lose blocks?
Hint #2 What happens when you stand completely alongside two loose blocks and rotate? Anywhere this could be useful?
Hint #3 You may have noticed that rotating into two blocks while alongside them will cause one block to move in a different direction than the other, eg you rotate left and the block next to your gun will move left, but the block below that one and next to you will move down.
Hint #4 To get around the wall that's blocking it, the large shape needs to move left and up **in one move**, a move that you haven't seen in the game yet
Hint #5 How could you arrange the two loose blocks underneath the the larger shape and rotate into them to produce a left + up move?
If you're really, really stuck, this is the answer to part 5, but I think you've got this! https://imgur.com/a/88cFNB1
Finally figured out The Ell, having tried to implement a ridiculous solution for far too long :)
Further Hint to anon's advice above: Of the four blocks, you can leave the one at the top entirely alone until the other three are safely positioned on their switches.
Crossing Over (hat tip to the person somewhere above who solved this one)
Hint #1 You have to get the block to the door not the switch. There are some deductions you can make about the columns and rows that you can't recover it from
Hint #2 Don't be afraid to push the block back to a place it's already been if Riko is now in a different position/orientation relative to where it will end up
Hint #3 This is the configuration you're looking to produce: https://imgur.com/a/0rRvHYo
Symbiosis (Another hat tip to the person that solved it above)
Hint #1 Think about how you will need to exit the level. Ask yourself if you can afford to engage in any laser/block hijinks?
Hint #2 The first phase involves using the three-block-line to trap the monster in the switch area
Hint #3 The second phase involves untrapping the monster and retrapping it to the right of the red door in order to free you to fetch something from the top of the level. (spoiler: https://imgur.com/a/lPyQNxt)
Hint #4 Despite the level's title, you don't need the monster to remain alive to the bitter end, what task can you get it to help you with before destroying it though.
Monster movement is subtly different when moving vertically versus horizontally. On 'Side Door' that made me discard a strategy after testing its viability in the wrong orientation. Oops.
I'm stuck on Making Distance and I have no idea what I'm missing. I can't get further than separating myself from the monster by pushing it left of the vertical wall. :(
Damn, I love this game.. I was SO puzzled by it for a few levels but now I've got the mechanics of rotation and movement I'm loving it.. just the right level of difficulty for my simple mind..
I tried and quit and came back to "four rooms" again and again over the course of weeks. I kept coming back and today I finally got a solution that I believed would work: mirrors lined up to reflect the laser to the final switch with no doors in the way. I had it.
And then I find out the laser can't cross itself. A situation I had never come across.
This is just pure evil.
I checked the hints and it says I need all the mirrors free to move and my broken solution has 2 irretrievable so I'm back to square one.
If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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Only through about 10 levels so far, but an incredible dynamic and well-engineered puzzles
Suis bloqué dans la 2ème série de 9,
le niveau " Trail " avec les miroirs.
Si j'ai compris où ils doivent être placés... je vois comment les y amener ...
:''''''( :'''''(
Help me please.
- Nikolaz -
edit :
je NE vois PAS comment les y amener ...
- Nikolaz -
Bon, ça faisait au moins 1h voir plus que je bloquais dessus.
Et juste j'écris ici mon help me, et.... j'y suis arrivé.
Donc même sans écrire la réponse, le simple de fait de poser la question, et hop, la réponse m'est apparue. C'est magique ici ? ;-)
- Nikolaz -
Bonjour Nikolaz :) Je ne parle pas beaucoup de Francais, mais je vais essayer!
'Trail' est un niveau au sujet de mouvement avec votre lasergun. Il n'y a pas beaucoup d'espace et il faut réfléchir à comment se positionner pour permettre la rotation correcte quelques coups plus tard.
Voici la solution, et le problème est simplement de déplacer les miroirs un par un pour arriver ici:
Ici, il y a beaucoup de chemins potentiels, mais il est important de se familiariser avec ces dilemmes de mouvement, parce que les niveaux ultérieurs peuvent présenter des défis de mouvement plus difficiles.
Trail is a level about movement with the lasergun. There's not much space and you've got to think about how to position yourself to enable the right rotation in a few move's time.
Here's the end-state you're looking to reach, and the problem is simply moving the mirrors one by one to arrive here:
Here there are lots of potential paths, but it's important to familiarise yourself with these movement dilemmas, because later levels can present harder movement challenges
Voici une solution complete pour 'Trail':
Cependant, il est important de dire que ce niveau veut que vous observiez ce qui se passe lorsque vous vous déplacez dans des espaces restreints car les niveaux ultérieurs s'appuieront sur ces connaissances et seront même conçus autour de ses cas particulieres.
Here's a complete solution for 'Trail':
But it's important to note that this level wants you to observe what happens when you move in tight spaces, because later levels will build on this knowledge and even be designed around its edge-cases.
Need help with Stephen's buttons Press
I am also stuck on Stephen's buttons Press.
I can see that [__ is the only way to press the final button.
I also managed to get the __ shape to the top area.
But getting past the 2nd door with both shapes is eluding me.
For Stephen's Button Press:
Hint #1
- There's no laser shooting involved
- There's only one way to hit that button — what will it take?
Hint #2
- Wouldn't the puzzle be more straight forward if the blocks were the other way round?
Hint #3
- Phase One (doesn't tell you how to hit the button, but gets you up to where you should be able to figure it out):
Full Solution if you're really stuck:
Had to take a break after I did 8 levels.
And again after 17, & now 21.
At this rate it will take a year to do them all.
Would love a walkthrough! The levels are challenging enough that I sometimes need a hint.
If there's a specific level you'd like a pointer for let me know.. I've done the first 36 levels and 7 of the ones on floor 5
I'm stuck on "winding."
Winding's pretty complicated!
Hint #1
What does the end-state look like? How many mirrors are needed to achieve it?
Hint #2
Don't be afraid of going backwards and forwards between the areas of the level. It takes a lot of to-ing and fro-ing to juggle the mirrors to their ultimate destination.
Solution steps:
For beginners needing help early in the game, and only for the next 30 days, walkthroughs of the first block can be found below. Suggest you really try hard to get to know the mechanics, though. There are only about 6 rules.
01_Block and Button
02_Laser Toggle
03_Cross the Gap
04_Open Door
05_Narrow Passage
08_Backed Up
09_Precision Shot
Around a Corner is breaking my brain.
'Around a Corner' teaches you an important gun rotation/block interaction lesson.
Hint #1
Why are there two lose blocks?
Hint #2
What happens when you stand completely alongside two loose blocks and rotate? Anywhere this could be useful?
Absolutely stumped on "Side Door"; seems like trying every combination of shoving manuevers is impossible to create a good state, it almost seems like I must not have discovered some mechanism or gimmick yet
'Side Door'
Hint #1
An important technique for monster management is firing your laser when the monster is not in the line of fire, which causes it to jump to a square it wouldn't normally jump to.
Hint #2
What happens if you break line of sight with the monster? Is there anywhere on this map where that could be achieved?
The monster levels do tend to reward a certain amount of futzing around. If I get really stuck, I sometimes just shoot the monster and then try to figure out what end-state I'm trying to produce before having another shot at monster-wrangling.
'Side Door'
Hint #3
This is what you're looking to do without giving away the full solution:
Good tips! I wasn't thoughtful enough about blind spot management, and I see how this'll help on a few other bug levels I'm stuck on...
I've been stuck on floor 3 for a week now. What's in the Box, Aligned Path, Shmup, and Triadic are all defeating me. Any advice I could apply to these?
Hintathon 10000
** What's in the Box:
Tip #1
You need all three monsters to remain alive.
Tip #2
The answer to the level's question (ie what's in the central area of the level?) should be three monsters. How might you go about achieving that?
** Aligned Path
Tip #1: Lasers cause different Monster behaviours
This one's about two very specific techniques, the first of which is firing your cannon while the monster is out of alignment, causing it to leap alongside your gun instead of in front of it. At this point, if you're in the correct orientation you can walk backwards and it will keep following you in the same position, allowing you to shunt it to one side at the right moment.
Tip #2: Wasting a move to make the monster move without changing your alignment
There are times where you want the monster to leap somewhere but don't want to make a move that will change your direction. In that scenario, a non-move like walking back into a wall will cause the monster to leap without affecting your orientation/position.
The tips above are illustrated visually here
** Shmup
Tip #1
You can kill all the monsters, the trick is how you get the last one in the central bit of the level
Tip #2
One of the blocks is used for the switch
Tip #3
The challenge is how to use the second block to get the monster out of the central area without it getting the jump on you
Partial Solution:
** Triadic
Tip #1
There nothing tricksy going on here, it's about moving the three blocks to their respective destinations, which is fundamentally a challenge of moving things in constrained spaces and making sure you can still activate and deactivate the laser switches as you go.
Tip #2
Focus on getting one of the L shapes out first and then go after the L shape that will fit the slot in the room you just removed an L-shape from.
Tip #3
Parking an L shape on top of some of the green/red laser activated doors and then deactivating that laser, is an effective way of buying yourself a bit more space to move a different L-shape through the middle. Once you've got one to its destination, switching the other two around should be significantly easier.
I'm stuck on "orthos".
> I'm stuck on "orthos".
HINT: note the similarity to the shapes you have here with "Around the Corner"
Boy, I'm still stumped by "Around the Corner." I've spun around in every direction on every square alongside the two loose blocks. I'm not seeing the key.
You may have noticed that rotating into two blocks while alongside them both will cause one block to move in a different direction than the other. The question is where can you nestle the two loose blocks before continuing your experiments?
Wow. Thank you. I had already seen that, but I had no idea how to put it to use. I just kept experimenting and found the secret move. I was so bewildered that I had to repeat that level just to make sure I understood it.
Nice one! I'm a little dubious about its readability but I suspect the level is designed the way it is to force you to exhaust the probable on the seemingly impossible until you attempt the improbable. More of a 'huh?!' than an 'a-ha!'
It's a good technique to have in your back pocket for some later levels too.
I'm stuck on "Mirror Alternator", any hint ?
Hint #1
Unusually, it's (95%) not about using mirrors to block open doors.
Hint #2
What configuration of mirrors (there are only two you can place) would allow you to fire your laser at different points along the green/red/green/red path to lower whichever colour is blocking your path at that point?
Hint #3
The first problem to tackle is switching the mirrors from their starting positions
Spoiler: This shows the mirror placements and where you'd fire your laser
Need a hint for "On rails", managed to shoot the first swith, but then how can I face the second one ?
On Rails:
Hint #1
This is really a puzzle about how to change your rotational direction of movement around the level without getting killed by the monster.
Hint #2
You've probably realised that there are certain moves that produce a failstate. eg if we focus on the central area and ignore the corners, if you've ended up in the top or bottom row, you're done for (until you want to exit the level) and if you've ended up in the columns either side of the central purple block, you're done for.
Hint #3
There's one place in the level where you can go from moving clockwise to anti-clockwise, and one (different, rotationally symmetrical place) where you can go from anti-clockwise to clockwise. Once you've figured out this trick, the rest of the level is straightforward.
Partial Solution:
This shows you how to hit the first two switches, from which you should be able to infer how to complete the level.
How to do Big Block
and alternator
Big Block
Hint #1
You want to reduce your big block to two separate blocks. Where can you achieve this?
Hint #2
While it might be tempting to focus on getting a block on to the button, the layout at the bottom of the level (and where you would be looking to use block number two) means there's a tiny bit more space to work.
Solution (spoiler!):
Hint #1
This is a level primarily about set-up, not juggling two blocks through gateways.
Hint #2
The middle of the path to the exit has one square that juts out to the left. What do you think this is used for? What does that tell you about where one of the blocks will have ended up.
Hint #3
But if it starts there, you can't reach the jutty-outty-square.. Is there anyway you might be able to advance a little and then move that block where it needs to go without sacrificing the progress you just made?
Hint #4 (partial spoiler)
This is what the set-up should look like
Thanks for checking out our game from the tiny Riko team :D. It has been really wonderful seeing the community work together to get through some of the tricky levels.
Thank you Frobisher for giving such great hints on the levels!
"Huge block"? with a 3 block with passage I cannot move 3 block to left to press the button :'(
Think about what you need to do to be able to push the button and you can work from there :)
"Huge block": with 1 top left and 9 bottom right: remove 6, move down, remove 1, move left, remove 5. Resulting 2 pieces are able to press the button
I've made it all the way to the last page, but so far only solved three of them. I'm working on "Space" now, and the goal seems to be to get the monster stuck above the wall at the top of the map, then push the block to the far right so you can shoot the switch at the bottom. I've tried everything I can think of and so far nothing works. Anyone have any tips for this one? (Or for The Ell, Precarious Bridge, Crossing Over, or Hell Toggle. I can't make sense out of any of them.)
I've made it all the way to the last page, but so far only solved three of them. I'm working on "Space" now, and the goal seems to be to get the monster stuck above the wall at the top of the map, then push the block to the far right so you can shoot the switch at the bottom. I've tried everything I can think of and so far nothing works. Anyone have any tips for this one? (Or for The Ell, Precarious Bridge, Crossing Over, or Hell Toggle. I can't make sense out of any of them.)
I've not had much time to tackle the last page yet, but I did solve Precarious Bridge :)
Hint #1
The layout of the puzzle makes you think you're slotting something over two switches and then walking out, but what if you used a different approach?
Hint #2
The conundrum is partly where to perform the manoeuvres for this different approach, because space is very tight. And your first attempt is likely to reveal that the idea is good but your execution is wrong, which returns you to the aforementioned conundrum a second time, bu now it's even harder.
Yes, finally finished page 3
Thanks for the tips, I finally finished "Precarious Bridge." These later levels seem really difficult at first, but when I finally figure a solution it feels like it should have been obvious.
"Space" is driving me insane. I've gotten the monster above the top wall a few times, but he always chases me out before I can get him stuck. I think I got him stuck up there once, maybe by using the block to push him up there. But I can't remember how I did that and can't replicate it. Pushing him with the gun doesn't work, even when you give him the extra nudge while you're below the wall he immediately moves down towards you. I thought firing the laser might make him move right instead of down but no.
yeah, I'm 90% sure the top wall idea is right. My worry is that if you use the block to it, you've then got to get it down again to hit that switch, which seems like it would be tricky. Also, while the left wall is no help as a monster-trap for laser-switch toggling (unless you could use the block to create a right-angle trap), I do wonder whether it serves a different function.. For moving the block around, for instance..
My idea is to get the monster trapped along the top wall and push the block to the right edge so the monster can't get you while you shoot the switch at the bottom. After that get the monster trapped on the left wall, maneuver the block over the requisite switch, then Getting the block to the right edge seems like a must because even with the monster at the top, once you go to the far right you don't have enough time to move down, aim and shoot the switch, then reverse before the monster gets you. I tried the right angle trap with the left wall, but I wasn't able to move the block in place without the monster jumping around it while it's not flush with the wall (one spot below where it needs to be for the right angle trap).
Last page requires a lot of trial and error ! I finally managed "Crossing Over" :-)
One needs to be patient and move that crate once at a time, until it's in the right position.
I don't know how to give another hint though without giving the full solution.
Let me know !
Solved Mirror Square, which is initially a bit overwhelming, but can be deduced backwards once you figure out what you need to do. In case anyone's stuck here in the future, a few hints:
Hint #1
Don't try to solve it until you've had a mosey around the level to figure out what all the laser-toggles and switches do. Until you do this, it won't be apparent what the level's asking you to do.
Hint #2
You're going to need to sacrifice some mirrors. How many can you afford to lose? What set up is required to exit the level (this answer significantly reduces the solution space) and which specific mirrors do you need to accomplish this? You may have to restart the level at this point.
Hints for "Space"
1. Forget the top wall, you need to trap the Shmup behind the left (vertical) wall with the block at its feet.
2. Push the block into position first, then insert Shmup.
thanks for the hints for "Space", but I don't get how to put the block into position...
For "Four Rooms" here are a few hints:
1) You'll need all currently available mirrors to activate each of the laser switches, so don't put any in a spot where they can't be moved again.
2) The laser beam can't cross itself, but both sides of a mirror can be used simultaneously.
Four Rooms
One small dissent on the first hint is that after you've activated the first laser switch, you can put one, and only one, mirror into a non-recoverable position that lets you change the direction in which you fire your laser.
(It may be that the level has multiple solutions?)
Further Hint:
In certain configurations, rotating into a wall will cause the bug to jump in front the gun. This is important around the edges of the level, which the game has taught you to avoid, until this level introduces an edge case:
Single image illustrating this point:
Yeah I didn't word that right. Just meant don't put a mirror right next to and aiming right at a switch, because you won't be able to move it afterwards.
Thanks for the Space hint, finally got it.
Finally got Symbiosis
Hint#1 : block the bug behind the 3-blocks bar on the right button
Hint#2 : block the bug behind the red block
I feel like I'm missing a key move or dynamic, because I'm completely stuck on "Shepherd"! Does anyone have a hint?
Shepherd hint : bring the bug with you all the way down (you ending in the right bottom corner)
Has anyone taken down Hell Toggle? I've got to this point and am a little flummoxed as to how to make the final toggle happen:
Starting to wonder if the bottom of the level is a misdirection and I actually need to be pushing a mirror up and firing at it, but that feels intuitively wrong as well. Hmmm.
My idea for Hell Toggle was to leave the purple mirror near the beginning and push the blue one up towards the goal, but I can't even figure out how to get either one to the right side of the level without getting myself stuck.
Okay, I got it :)
The bottom is not a red herring, it's there to let you juggle a mirror upwards on the red/green passageway, at which point there's a fiddly fire-into-mirror, push, rotate so you can fire off a shot at 90 degrees, and then push and head to the exit.
Updated the album to include the right approach:
The trick to getting a mirror to the other side without getting stuck is to push the mirror on the bottom track and when it's on the red square walk along the top track by firing your laser back at the toggle so you're on the last green square. Then you can rotate the mirror one space right, walk down on to the bottom track and push it another space to the right (but so your laser remains over the green square to stop it rising clear without getting stuck. Then walk back into the left half of the level and go along the top track, firing backwards, to come out in the correct orientation
Thanks, got it :)
Any success for The Ell ?
I just figured it out too.
Now on to Wrangler and The Ell. For Wrangler it seems the key is to keep the blocks away from the two rows/columns that border the left and bottom walls, which is a lot harder than it sounds with the monster running around. I'm just plain stumped with The Ell. The most obvious plan seems to move the monster to the left side, maneuver the blocks on the right side, then move the monster to the right side and take care of the ones on the left, but that leaves the question of how to get him back in position to trigger the last switch. Plus all the other levels on this page have had a solution that requires you to do something besides the obvious.
You can do the right-side blocks without needing to trap the monster, it's the left area blocks that needs you to trap it on the right, which you do by trapping it on the left first so you can come round and get in the right position to trap it on the right, if that makes sense?
Think I'm about to solve it, I just need to get the monster back and exit
Power of posting, got The Ell :)
First step is definitely moving the monster to the left, but do not immediately maneuver the blocks on the switches on the right, but position them to enable following steps :
- Moving the monster to the right, taking care of left and bottom switches
- Then come back to the right, to take care of right switches ... may require moving the monster to the left again ;)
The ending should be obvious after this.
hmmmm.. Okay, the big question is how the heck you get the monster back in order to exit the level once it's trapped in the L.
It's so tricky, I almost wonder if you have to do the left side blocks without trapping it, though that seems impossible too..
Ah! Yep Anonymous, that's the solution to my question above
I also can't figure how to trap the monster on the left side without moving the top block over its switch.
To trap the monster on the left side without moving the top block, move in the position to push the monster left, but prior to it, instead of moving down (and then push the block up), turn right and the monster should come between you and the block
For the Ell
Here's how you trap the monster without moving any blocks:
Still trying to figure out how to use this to my advantage! Clearly you need to trap the monster in a way that lets you return to the right side from the left
As for Wrangler, there is no special trick, just a lot of trial and errors to bring the blocks one by one into position.
For the last block, there is a possibility to trap the monster :)
any more help on Around A Corner? im super stuck on that one
Around a corner : you need to position the 2 free blocks in the right position next to the "corner", next to each other.
Turning into these 2 blocks will push them in perpendicular directions at the same time, thus pushing the "corner" diagonally
I think Around a Corner is the first brain-breaking level, so don't sweat it too much :)
Hint #1
Why are there two lose blocks?
Hint #2
What happens when you stand completely alongside two loose blocks and rotate? Anywhere this could be useful?
Hint #3
You may have noticed that rotating into two blocks while alongside them will cause one block to move in a different direction than the other, eg you rotate left and the block next to your gun will move left, but the block below that one and next to you will move down.
Hint #4
To get around the wall that's blocking it, the large shape needs to move left and up **in one move**, a move that you haven't seen in the game yet
Hint #5
How could you arrange the two loose blocks underneath the the larger shape and rotate into them to produce a left + up move?
If you're really, really stuck, this is the answer to part 5, but I think you've got this!
Finally figured out The Ell, having tried to implement a ridiculous solution for far too long :)
Further Hint to anon's advice above:
Of the four blocks, you can leave the one at the top entirely alone until the other three are safely positioned on their switches.
Crossing Over
(hat tip to the person somewhere above who solved this one)
Hint #1
You have to get the block to the door not the switch. There are some deductions you can make about the columns and rows that you can't recover it from
Hint #2
Don't be afraid to push the block back to a place it's already been if Riko is now in a different position/orientation relative to where it will end up
Hint #3
This is the configuration you're looking to produce:
(Another hat tip to the person that solved it above)
Hint #1
Think about how you will need to exit the level. Ask yourself if you can afford to engage in any laser/block hijinks?
Hint #2
The first phase involves using the three-block-line to trap the monster in the switch area
Hint #3
The second phase involves untrapping the monster and retrapping it to the right of the red door in order to free you to fetch something from the top of the level.
(spoiler: https://imgur.com/a/lPyQNxt)
Hint #4
Despite the level's title, you don't need the monster to remain alive to the bitter end, what task can you get it to help you with before destroying it though.
And with that, I have at last finished the game. What a ride that last floor was.. phew!
Monster movement is subtly different when moving vertically versus horizontally. On 'Side Door' that made me discard a strategy after testing its viability in the wrong orientation. Oops.
I'm stuck on Making Distance and I have no idea what I'm missing. I can't get further than separating myself from the monster by pushing it left of the vertical wall. :(
Making Distance :
there is another way to separate from the monster, you being left of the vertical wall (thus the monster right of it)
I cannot for the life of me figure out Escape. (top middle of third set I think). Any chance someone could give me a hint?
This puzzle expands on the interaction shown in "Narrow Passage" (first section, middle).
Hint #1
How can you use the top box to get the bottom box out?
Hint #2
What arrangement in the bottom room jams the door open allowing you to get both boxes and yourself out?
Here are two possible escape arrangements that block the door: https://imgur.com/a/R6gk1tx
Damn, I love this game.. I was SO puzzled by it for a few levels but now I've got the mechanics of rotation and movement I'm loving it.. just the right level of difficulty for my simple mind..
Thanks for that laser tip on 'Aligned Path' Frobisher - didn't know that one and don't think I would have ever solved that without it..
I`m stuck in the matrix. Give me a hint?
Figured it out. Great game!
I tried and quit and came back to "four rooms" again and again over the course of weeks. I kept coming back and today I finally got a solution that I believed would work: mirrors lined up to reflect the laser to the final switch with no doors in the way. I had it.
And then I find out the laser can't cross itself. A situation I had never come across.
This is just pure evil.
I checked the hints and it says I need all the mirrors free to move and my broken solution has 2 irretrievable so I'm back to square one.
I won't let this level defeat me.
Here's my "broken solution" for four rooms: https://imgur.com/a/iDmr7y9
There's now a full walkthrough playlist on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5C0r0YEJn04&list=PLFXHNNJm6_-SM4mMYdWbnlIbaMfw8X3rK
Thank you nupali for making it! It's super impressive.
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