Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Once again stuck on a puzzlescript game & no idea what level it is.
Nice one !
Not too difficult, and funny.
Anonymous, if you press escape, you should then have a level select to show which level you're on. We then may be able to help
Nice Game.
New type of puzzles for me.
Nice Game, Not to easy
Nice, pressing escape to exit full screen.
Then pressing escape again for the menu.
Finally selecting level select shows ...
I am taking a break on lv #17. of 21 ?
level 17 walkthrough : https://youtu.be/bAHyEifkKHE
I'm stuck at level 19
Any clue how the egg crosses the river?
I managed to shear a crocodile in half on L.13.. that didn't seem right..
I did the same.
that isn't the way to solve the level ;)
I'm stuck already on level 11. There's only one that can form a bridge without getting to the island first, but to get its head on the bank I have to move the lower-one-pointing-left too far. The island on the right and the short crocodile don't seem to be useful at all?
Level 11 : let's say crocodiles are number 1 to 4, from bottom to top. Don't mind crocodile N°1. Go up, and manage to have the crocodile N°2 completely on the ground. Then go up, then right, and manage to have crocodile N°3's head aligned with crocodile N°2's head (it will happen in the puddle).
Then you can cross safely.
LVL 11:
Crocos counted from down to up
Let the second crock follow you close, when you go to the left side of the 2p water.
so 1 step of being eaten.
go up. climb on the 4th croc. down to the right side of the 2p water.
Set the 3th croc with his eyes aligned with the 2th.
Walk over the 2th and 3th too cross the water.
short crocodile and island on the right are not used.
Thanks, a12r13 and Long Peter. Maybe you can also help with level 12, where I can't think of anything I haven't tried -- how do you stop the lower crocodile eating the egg before I can get it out of the way?
Hint: You need to push the egg right and down, to give you time to set up the crocs so that you can push the egg to safety
Ya, stuck on 19 too.. can get egg and chick to right but down?.. and then the croc bridge to the goal has already sailed.. ???
Reading these comments, I must be an idiot. I'm stuck at 5.
@unknown 13 December 2020 at 19:18
First push the egg down - pushing it up is not possible.
Then think how you could move the lower croc right one more time.
ONce you've done that the rest is not very difficult.
@Anonymous 14 December 2020 at 02:25
Move the upper croc so that just his head is on the ground and make sure that once you've done that, you can move without it goining left any more. Then you just need to move the lower croc twice on the left.
Need a little help with level 13 please
Nevermind, I got it!
Thanks for the help with level 12. Onwards! ... but possibly not today.
A full walkthrough here, if you're definitely stuck...
Anonymous stuck on 5 - you've got to make a bridge out of the two crocodiles. So it's just a matter of figuring out how much to bring each one forward and when, and how to get on the first one. Try different combos of luring them forward..
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