Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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December 30, 2020
indigestion [browser]

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Reminds me of blocky Christmas.
I'm on level 14 – I have a fairly clear idea of what I need to do, but the mechanics of doing it are totally beyond me at the moment.. hmmmmm!
i completely understand exactly why all the mechanics that happen happen but i still cant grasp any of the strategies or available moves and cant even tell when i've softlocked myself. an excellent game
Good lord, level 14 was a rollercoaster but level 15 is something else entirely.
I am just not getting how to do these.
But then I fail at most puzzlescript.
These are some interesting puzzles.
13: Is lot of walking and playing around,
14: Is indeed a lot walking around to overcome all game mechanics.
All the best for 2020:
Can someone tell me how to ascertain what level you are on - I assume I am on one that everyone is talking about - as a descriptor, I am stuck on the level with the big green square in the center, the horizontal purple line just to the right of it. The little purple square is encased in a green square blob wedged to the left and the vertical purple line is up in the left corner.
There are 3 ways to count the levels:
1: count / look at the text before the level starts.
Or just remember it: 1 line is 5 levels.
2: Press the [hack] button.
On left screen scroll down to LEVELS <- or search for it.
If the levels are not clear, just delete a level, Press REBUILD and RUN.
Look if it is the correct one,
If not delete some more.
Just remember the text before the level.
3: Do a restart of the game progress and count all the levels you play before you are stuck.
Does anybody have a lead on level 12??
Build A big L shape.
5 wide, 3 high.
Pick the left purple, Push the Orange to the left.
Jump to the orange,
Build a I and - shape.
Push from right to the - and jump in.
Push down on top of the orange to jump in.
Push the - Up.
Jump in to the I
Move left to jump out.
Move to orange the right side of the L shape.
Jump in the L
Move the shape under the orange and push it in.
Ah, thank you so much Long Peter. For some reason I never realized you could jump from an orange block back to the purple bars.
Is 15 even possible?
My theory for 15 was that you needed to do this, but with everything one block up:
However, I'm now 90% sure that in the above idea you can't get down to the right place on the bottom gizmo to complete the level. It's all very puzzling!
Yes, that's where I ended up as well. There doesn't seem to be any other way to line all of the pieces up and disconnect from the purple bar...
Wow, I'm stuck already on level 3. I guess this isn't for me. I seem to remember being soundly defeated by the previous Lucas Le Slo puzzle after having fun with earlier ones.
If anybody figures out 15, please share any tips. It's really bugging me!
Am I the only one stuck on level 7. Any hints for this?
For level 7, you need to use the purple bar to bring the orange block to the goal.
Use the space below the goal and the wall in between to move the purple bar to the right of/hanging down from the green block. Move the orange block a few spaces to the left, then, go down to take the orange block, move the purple bar into the space below the goal, then move around to take over the purple bar from the side. You should have the orange block just to the left of the goal space, with a purple bar to the left and hanging above the green block, like an L. You should then be able to push the orange block to the goal.
I'm stuck on 14, can't figure out how to get either of the two right orange blocks moved away from the right side and over one of the goals.
For Level 15, I think I now know what to do, just not how to do it.. If you moved right in this configuration with the two orange blocks in the positions indicated, you'd have enough space to reach the lower area in the right place and complete the level:
14 is very fiddly, but what you're trying to do is get the single purple block up to the righthand side of the top orange block, which will allow you to join it up with the long purple block to make hook shape that can pull the orange block one space over.
Oops, further to the above post about Level 14, I'm just looking at the level and realising that "top orange block" is confusing:
This is the gist of what you need to do:
Actually doing it, however, has a lot of steps and requires a lot of thinking about how to manoeuvre things around the level without combining them, which is where the other blocks come into play.
For level 14, you need to get the upper-right orange block over to the left. To do that, you need to push up the single purple block, above the other right orange block, with the purple bar. It's a bit tricky to do, but possible with some maneuvering.
To get the purple block above the orange block on the right, you need to get the left orange block to the left wall. Begin by getting the top orange block in the middle of the green block, bringing the purple bar to the top gap. You should have the purple bar on top, and the orange block on the left wall.
Then take the purple block and bring it to the center of your green block, replace with orange block. Take orange block up to purple bar, and maneuver so the orange block is on the top part of the green. Then push purple block up to upper-left corner.
Attach to purple bar with green block in the middle (orange block should still be on top section), and move down, place purple bar against the bottom of the middle island, and move up to leave purple bar in place.
Maneuver around so orange block is now to the left of purple bar, attach purple bar and push orange block to the left wall. Go to the right one space and bring purple bar to the bottom part of green block. Go back up and attach other purple block to the top of the green block.
Bring all of this down to the lower wall, go left to attach orange block, and push purple block to the space. Now all you need to do is push purple block up the space to the right of the upper orange block, reattach and drag it to the goal. You should then be able to easily detach and grab orange block left in the lower left area, and bring it to the goal.
Now, please, somebody crack level 15!!
So guys you figured out how to deal with #11?
I'm beginning to seriously doubt if level 15 is possible...
For anybody who was still stressing about level 15 (like I've been!)
Bring the two orange dots to the upper corner on the second row, push from the right in the purple bar, so that you have one orange dot on the top of the green shape, followed by another orange dot and the purple bar. Bring it all over to the right, then move down and right to reattach to the purple bar without touching the middle orange dot. You should have the orange dot on the top of the green shape, then the purple bar on the right. Go around the free orange dot, move to the right to free the other orange dot, then go around again to free yourself from the purple bar and this level!
Anyone figure out level 16?
Thanks for level 15, Anonymous, but I still don't get it !
For level 16, you need to stagger where you put the orange dots on the fork
Marie, I found that to get the parts in position described above, the best way is to first get the two orange dots vertically stacked against the top wall, one space to the left of the right wall, with the purple bar attached on the right side of the green shape, positioned below the orange dots. Then, moving up two space should get you started toward working the orange dots to the position described. It's really touchy, but possible!!
Currently stick on 11... any tips to share?
For 11 attach the two purple bars to each other to make an "L" shape and use that as a hook to fish the lone green shape from the far left. From there it's a matter of connecting the two extra green shapes to the top left of your main green shape, but doing so in a way that the lone purple piece inside the green shape doesn't connect to the "L" you've already made. That's as much as I can say without giving away the solution.
Anyone ever figure out 16? I'm reaching the point where I wonder if it's even possible to do.
sorry for necroing but if anyone sees this i'm currently stuck on level 16, would love some hints
nvm i got it
Hi....Level 13 hints. Please!
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