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December 23, 2020
n step steve: part 1 [browser]

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Anyone having success? I'm stuck at the screen with the green arrows and boulders. One of the boulders moves and blocks your path right away. Tried the other direction and it's the ice, with one flag seemingly too far away to reach from any of the others.
Love these games!
> Anyone having success? I'm stuck at the screen with the green arrows and boulders. One of the boulders moves and blocks your path right away. Tried the other direction and it's the ice, with one flag seemingly too far away to reach from any of the others.
I've gotten through all the normal puzzles, and am halfway through the stars; every puzzle is solvable, though sometimes the mechanisms are very clever
Reminders: don't be afraid to exhaust all directions of moving, don't be afraid to die; learning the mechanisms of re-spawning is very important
I found that dying fixed some logical issues I was having with the current state of the board in many places. Resetting the position of a bolder. Resetting my own position with respect to the ice.
I feel like I'm going insane with two spots:
Room 7,8: I'm pretty sure I need to access the door at the bottom, but it seems clearly impossible
Room 4, 12: whether entering from the left or the right, I can't create any mechanisms to drive a cat downward
I'll keep bashing my head against the wall, most of these puzzles are solvable through sticktuiveness, and are almost all extremely clever and well-designed ... but simply baffled here
I'm stuck with the stars in 7,8 5,10 0,12 and 4,12.
Same here except for 0,12 I was able to solve.
Stuck on 7,8 5,10 and 4,12.
13 stars collected and 9 kitten rescued so far
I'm pretty sure 5, 10 is meant to be solved through the bottom door in 7, 8 (note the path you can see in room 7, 10)
0,12 is tricky but solvable once you get the spawning mechanics worked out
ALSO: based upon having 13 stars but still a few to go, it means I must be missing some rooms...
I finally got 4,12 star!
Still stuck on 6.8 and 5.10.
The solution to 4,12 is amazing. Hint: There is a reason the door on the left is 2 wide
Anybody know the mechanic of the eye-laser ghosts or nina's?
I got 13 stars, still struggling with 4,12 and 5,10. Anybody managed to exit north or south in 7,8? I got the star, but it was the last step.
I got 15 stars, a lot of effort and time employed. For a hit, see Leonard's, it works for both 4,12 and 5,10.
Any more of a hint for the mechanics on 4,12/5,10? I'm stumped!
Passed 4,12 and rescued a goat. Hint for 4,12 - the solution requires other rooms too.
I guess I got all - 1 goat, 16 stars, 9 kittens. Spent 2 days, but it was worth it, thanks.
Wow. I'm stuck in the second room.
Solved the second room by actually paying attention to the number of dots on the flag. Now I do feel stupid.
For anyone struggling on 4,12 or 5,10!
** slight spoiler**
Leonard's hint is good: if there are two openings at the door of a room, you can conceivably bring two cats through to the next room at one time. Good luck!
@Long Peter - the laser eyes only shoot you if you're facing them.
Not sure I'm smart or patient enough to get all these stars. I can go exactly the wrong way on 4,12, but can't figure out how to send my buddy downscreen. :faceplam:
Wow, the solution for 5, 10 is really tricky; thanks for the two-wide door observation, feel pretty stupid for not seeing it myself
So... I'm clearly missing a few stars (I only have 12), and must have an incomplete map: https://imgur.com/2NA0vs4
Any tips on what I'm skipping over?
Thanks for the hint, I totally missed that
14 starts 9 kittens.
stuck at 3.15
Get a second kitty at 2.12 and bring it back to 4:12
To get 2 kittens out you need 3 in the level.
2 by activating 2 number blocks and third on the Cat-spawn point.
PS, merry Xmas
@Long Peter - thanks, I had a suspicion I needed to bring a kitty from that other room, just haven't figured out how to do it yet. Also in a similar position for 5,10 where I've engineered quite the chain of events but can't get back out of the room with two. I'll come back to puzzle through it later.
Ah, I'm dumb, I didn't follow through on at least one of the stars at the edge of the screen
Still can't figure out how to get to the rooms above and below 7,8. I don't see any spots around to spawn a second cat to help either unless there's a trick with the flag that slides up the ice in 6,8.
Also looks like there might be a room to the right of 8,9 if you can get the flag with 7 dots moved up to the second green arrow, but I haven't been able to figure that out either.
12 stars, 9 kittens. Pretty much stuck now.
> Still can't figure out how to get to the rooms above and below 7,8
Well, the room at the top unlocks when you get enough stars
> Also looks like there might be a room to the right of 8,9 if you can get the flag with 7 dots moved up to the second green arrow, but I haven't been able to figure that out either.
Yep, and what you describe is in fact doable (but there are a *lot* of moving parts)
Level: 8.7
To enter the gate:
Move the 7 flag to the arrows.
Move the stone back to move the 8 part up.
Push the 7 flag with the stone by the arrows.
use the arrow at the bottom of the level down as a timing device.
Make sure yuu push the flag + stone up.
This is the sort version.. it includes a lot try and error.
reward: 1 star
Wow, 8/9 was a pain. Finally got all the moving parts to work.
So I'm not sure where to go. The room above 7/8 is still locked and I can't figure a way to the room below either. 13 stars, 9 kittens, as far as I can tell I've gotten all the kittens and stars in rooms I can access, so need to figure a way to the room below 7/8. Any tips or suggestions?
16 stars, 9 Kittens, 1 Goat
To access the room below 7-8 you need to go up first.
Maybe you miss 9-9 8-15
Thanks for the tip, I'd missed 8/15, definitely got 9/9. Now I've got 14 stars, 9 kittens, 0 Goat.
The rooms above 7/8 and 7/11 ("The Konobos War Memorial" room) remain locked. My map's almost identical to the one someone else posted before, except you can see rooms 9/9 and 8/15 in mine.
> My map's almost identical to the one someone else posted before, except you can see rooms 9/9 and 8/15 in mine.
That was my map earlier... here I am now, got 15 stars and not sure I've been to any additional rooms than 9/9 and 8/15. See if this helps (current map): https://postimg.cc/CRpWkjbZ
Currently stuck in 3,15: there must be some mechanism I'm missing here because I can't really do anything
I missed the star in 4/13. Okay that opened up 7/7 and got me to 7/9 so now my map's the same. I'm also now stuck in 3/15 with no clue how to get past it.
Move the dead kitty right and left.
Push it down.
Bring both kittens up. Use the Arrow to Space them correctly and make 3 kittens.
I think that's 3/14.
3/15 is the one below it with the gray things.
Sorry, My bet..
You have to make a dead kitten.
Took me a long time to find that out, and how
Finally 100%. Not sure I would have gotten there without your hint about the dead kitten, Long Peter.
You read my hint now you will never know if you would make it without.
I've got 14 stars and need a help on the star in room 5,10 please, running out of idea how to bring another cat from the next room.
5, 10: It takes many steps. Keep increasing how many cats you're regenerating at one go in 6, 10.
Thanks Rebecca. I have 5 cats on the right and it seems that I need one more, but there is no way I can arrange the cats to stand on all 3 flags at the same time.
Go to 6 10.
Sequence 6:10 is:
5 -> 5+2 -> 1+5+2
Bring 2 kittens back to 5:10
Finally 100% complete. Thanks all for leaving your hints :)
Apparently I am not as bright as everyone here, which I enjoy reading everyone's comments and clues, but how in the world do you get past 1-12? I cannot seem to get past the blue flag that has nothing in it. I understand the blue flags that has nothing it you die when you touch it. Can't figure it out!
The "nothing" flag is zero, not necessarily death. When cats are on two different flags, the higher number wins.
Any help for room 8,13?
Meblin: A) Strategic suicide. B) Sliding over flag = recharge.
can't figure out how to get right in 8.9
once flag "7" is in between the 2 green arrows, cannot imagine a way to push it one step further.
I am praying for a video walkthrough after almost a week of trial and error error error
8, 9: Leave flag "7" bouncing on green arrows; move flag "9" to top left corner of open area.
*Sorry, I meant flag "8" instead of "9"
thanks Rebecca, got it in the mean time.
Now working on 3.14 ... new trick to find.
Anyone have a hint for 3/16? I know the "9" flag has to go over the flames, I'm just struggling on how to get it there.
3/16: need to push away the 3-flag first so that it doesn't block your way and reduce your number of moves
This was a fun game just like the prequel. I rescued 9 kittens and got 9 stars. I'm not going to spend multiple hours trying to 100% it though because I have other stuff I can do that doesn't require intense logical thinking.
Currently stuck on stars for 4,11 + 5,10 and I still can't figure out how to complete 3,15
Walkthrough for 4,7 :
Destroy the 4 boulders and slide on the ice.
Move the boulder one square to the left, and return to the six flag.
Split the cat. Move up to the next six flag.
You can now use the leftover cat below to push the boulder up.
This will split the flag, pushing the dead cat up onto the star.
3, 15: Get two cats in the upper left corner with 1 step left.
4, 11: Star on right: Use rock to push the right 6 flag 1 square to the right.
4, 11: Star on left: Push the left 6 flag up with statue atop it, move rock out of the way, go to 9 flag, push 6 flag down.
5, 10: See hints above.
i dont get 8, 14 aiming for 8, 15... do i push 9 up into the left corner or not
8, 14: No need to move the 9. Reposition the 4 so that you can use it to recharge while maneuvering the 5 where you need it.
power of posting - got it. i do need to push up 9 but i also needed to get way more creative with pushing the 4
Walkthrough for 9,12
Move the 1st 2 boulders aside, then use the remaining boulder to push the 9 flag up 1 space.
anyone else stuck in 3,13? i am probably missing something really obvious but it doesnt seem like i have enough steps to get to the bottom exit no matter what i do
3,13: Just start from the proper flag and you can make it out.
OK, this is driving me nuts. Got the star in 6,10 by a complex system in another room (don't want to say more, that's spoiler enough). Hit a lock that told me to come back when I got more stars. I got the more stars. Now I can't solve the puzzle again!
I've got 9 kittens and 9 stars, and I can't get up or down from room 7,8.
I'm missing stars at:
0, 12 where I can get 2 cats left of the rock and 1 on the right, but once I occupy 3 checkpoints I can't work out how to "die" while keeping them all active (and I appear to need 4 cats on the left);
4, 12 where I can't see where I could bring another cat from;
and 5, 10 where I see the hints about 6, 10 but can't get from 5 to 5+2.
Apparently I need all those and some more I can't even see yet, to unlock the door at the top of 7,8 and I don't even know what I need to get the space below that room.
I see there's a video walkthrough for the original 5 Step Steve, maybe I just have to wait ...
@Unknown 30 December 2020 at 22:18 I'm also waiting for a walkthrough also. I left a comment suggesting it on a recent video by puzzle walkthrough, https://www.youtube.com/user/adgardGame, because they upload videos about puzzle games on Coolmath.com/games, armorgames.com and several other websites.
For 0,12 you have to have 1 cat at the blue flag and have another one to the left of the rock so you can push it over the cat on the blue flag.
You bring the 2nd cat you need for room 4,12 from 2,12. You have to get 3 cats in 2,12 and then bring 2 of them through 3,12 to the opening of room 4,12. I had to look at the other comments on this page to figure that one out myself.
Having trouble putting moving the 5 flag onto the ice in 8,14. Not quite certain what other flags I should move and where.
Okay just managed to get it. 15/15 stars!
well, there are 16 stars, 1 goat, 9 kittens. You're almost there ;-)
I have a goat (? hahahahahahahaha), 12 stars and 9 kittens but I can"t reach the room below 7,8. I think I lost or I didn't understand some tricks hints through my game play. could anybody please help me?
You have to go to room 7,7 in order to get to room 7,9.
Thanks for 4,12 but I don't understand what you mean for 0,12. If you mean the blue flag below the pink flag, I can't get one cat to stay there and have another one directly left of the rock because they move up and down together; if you mean one of the other blue 5 flags, pushing the rock right just pushes the flags together.
Still hoping for a video walkthrough. Happy New Year by the way.
For 0,12 I mean the blue flag below the pink flag but 1st you need to have 4 cats on screen. you do this by having a cat on the pink flag to the of the right rock, use up all your steps then have a cat on that flag and the one to left and use up all steps. then for when you need a cat on all 3 pink flags on screen you need to push the pink flag to the right of the rock 1 space away from being all the way to end and get a cat on all 3 pink flags and then use up all your steps without overriding the respawn locations of any of the cats.
When the 4 cats spawn in, to move the rock press left 5 times, then down once and then left once and right at least 3 times.
Dang, how can I get two kittens on the right side of 6,10? I think I've tried everything
I suppose you mean getting 2 kittens out on the bottom left side of 6,10 ?
That one requires a lot of trials and errors.
Use the pink flags in order to gain more kittens.
First step : upper flag "1" and lower center flag "2"
Second step (tricky) : all 3 pink flags (adding flag "5")
I dont understand what you mean for 6,10 also how do you do 5,13 to get into 4,13
Thanks, Reese; now I've got the star at 0,12. Now I assume getting the star at 5,10 is the key to the rest of the puzzle, including the area below right of there and the area at the bottom left.
At 6,10 I managed to get 3 pink flags lit (1, 5 and 2), but couldn't work out what to do after that (and I'm not sure I could do it again either). I had a row of four cats, either end of which could be live, where the 3 and 2 flags are at the bottom, but I think I needed one more live cat at the top than I had in order to get two out. I've given up for now, hoping for a video walkthrough.
Anonymous on 7th, I don't think you can get from 5,13 to 4,13. You can get the star (I forget how, it involves pushing flags about) but then run out of steps. I think 4,13 is one of the rooms unlocked by a sequence beginning at the star I'm still stuck on!
To get the star in 4,13, In 5,13 you have push the 7 flag on to the red hazard tile and then push the rock out of the way. You shouldn't move the 3 flag at all.
6,10 @Unknown
exact,after getting the 3 pink flags lit (1,5,2), you need to get all possible cats down, ending up with a row of 5 cats before reaching the "3" flag.
how to lit the 3 flag is definitely hard to remember... you need only 1 cat up, 3 cats down (one dead on the pikes, 2 below), the last cat helps you get in this position.
the final step is with 1 cat on the "2", and the other cat pushing up the dead cat on the "5" (while the upper cat gets on the "1" of course).
Hope it helps
I dont get how to get 3 cats on 6 10
6.10 : start with reading comment 4 January 20:00
then last comment above (9 January 11:02)
How to get two cats on 6,10 and 2,12
Don't read it, if you want to solve it alone!
2,12: coming from left: RRRRR LLLLL (DIE - RRLR)RRRR DDR ULURLDD RRR
Thanks, Anonymous on the 14th. I'm glad I came back; now I've got 12 stars including the one at (5,10) and I've reached the Konabos War Memorial. Trouble is I need another 3 stars to proceed, there or at the crossroads a few rooms above, and there are no more stars on my map. How are people getting into room 4,13 and the rest of that area?
With the help of Reese's comment on the 8th and something I realised I hadn't followed up, I've now got a bit further, but I'm properly stuck on 3,14 (the first of the extra difficult ones). Any clues, or will I have to wait for a video walkthrough again? I don't even know whether I have to turn the other cat into a rock or not.
... must stop this and do something where I'm not going round in circles ...
3,14 hints :
- you need 3 cats to pass the pikes
- move the dead cat right then left to avoid turning into a rock
Thanks, Anonymous. One room down, several to go I assume.
I'd just reached 3,15 when my tab crashed and I don't want to try to reload it right now (note to self: Rebecca's first comment on 29th Dec might be relevant).
Now I've had a go at 3,15 and I can get a bunch of dead cats on the left (thanks Rebecca), but I can't see how to get any in the right (i.e. 2nd) column until there are 7 on the left, and then they pile up and prevent more duplications too soon, before I can push the one in column 2 down. Clearly I'm missing something, help?
3,15 hint : it requires only 1 dead cat. then you proceed with live ones
Thanks, Anonymous at 18:05. I realised what I was missing, and now I have 9 kittens, 14 stars and 1 goat. I need one more star to proceed, but there are no more on my map ... I see people refer to 9,9 and 8,15; I guess I collected stars at 8,9 and 8,14 and didn't realise there were rooms beyond them, so I'll have to recreate how I did it ... maybe not tonight though!
I've now reached 8,15, got 15 stars, and seen the rest of the Konobos War Memorial, but how do you get to 9,9? There appears to be a path there from 8,9 but I always die on the last step, where the star was if I remember correctly. I got the 7 flag just past the arrows pointing at each other - I can never remember how, it keeps coming up with the wrong parity - but then the rock is swept to the side and I can't get to the right pace to push it further when it bounces back (parity again!) If anyone has a walkthrough of the last stage (once the 7 flag is on the arrows, the 8 flag in the corner, and the rock about to be pushed away from the left column, say), that would be great. I _think_ it's the only part I'm missing!
hints to go from 8,9 to 9,9
- push the "7" flag past the arrows pointing at each other
- bring back the rock to push the "8" flag in the left corner
* you change parity going all the way down on the green arrow once (past the "5" flag)
- finally push the "7" flag one step further and reach it :-)
Thanks, most recent Anonymous! I've finished it, hurrah!
How to get a dead cat in 3,15 while there has no pikes?
Rebecca said...
3, 15: Get two cats in the upper left corner with 1 step left.
This was a very good hint for me (Thanks, by the way)
If you looking for a sequence for 3,15, here it is:
DRRUULLRLDULLDR <-repeat this until you can reach the flag :)
I managed to wrote down the steps for all stars, cats, goat. If you want any help :)
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