
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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January 02, 2021

chessformer [browser]

The latest puzzle game by Robert Alvarez: Chessformer, a grid-based puzzle platformer with chess pieces.


FredPoup said...

Very good! Thanks and happy new year!

Xexus said...

Great game, the last level was very satisfying when I saw the solution.

Matt said...

Great puzzle game. I would love to see more levels. And an undo button!

One of the best games of 2021. :-)

PK Levine said...

Wow, that was a GREAT game. Definitely agree that the only thing it's missing is an Undo button though! Fortunately I only had to restart a few times; none of the levels feel impossible and they really reward logic. Dang though, that last level... think it aged me a year. :)

Anonymous said...

stuck on level 14... help !

Anonymous said...

Great game to start the year.
I wish a great knight to all.

Anonymous said...

I cannot figure out level 24- I figured out how to get the key, but I can't figure out how to get to the king

Unknown said...

Oh wow, I just realised I've been playing this for an hour; I'm stuck on level 19. I reckon I need to not touch any of the keys, but how can I get the bishop (or king) over to the right column for the rook to stand on?

Anonymous who's stuck on level 14: you need to use the queen as a step several times to get the knight to a position where it can fall onto the queen again in range of the target.

Urban Garlic said...

Finally got the last level, it was a good level of challenge -- spent a lot of time just moving the pieces around and trying different combinations before the insight came.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, on level 24 the king captures the king. You have to do the same trick twice to lift it four squares.

Unknown, you're right about not taking any of the keys. Swap king and bishop to start. Then it's another puzzle where you do the same trick twice.

a12r13 said...

Nice one...
not too hard, but needs some thinking, though.

Unknown said...

Thanks, Anonymous at 20:29. Now I'm stuck on level 23. I can't see a route for anything to get to the purple switch, without which I can't get the rightmost pawn to anywhere useful, so I need 3 knights in that right-hand area but I also can't get both the ones from the left into the middle, and the 4th pawn can only be the queen. What am I missing? (This is a great game! A platformer with no jumping!)

Anonymous said...

Unknown: A hint, the pawns, left-to-right, promote to N, N, N, Q, Q.

Rot13 for more details.

Cebzbgr yrsgzbfg cnjaf gb xavtugf naq trg gur xrl. Cebzbgr gur guveq cnja gb n xavtug naq gur sbhegu gb n dhrra. Trg gur dhrra naq gjb bs gur xavtugf gb gur obggbz pragre nern. Gung yrgf lbh trg n xavtug gb gur checyr fjvgpu. Gura trg gur bgure xavtug vagb gur evtug nern ol tbvat "hc naq bire" guebhtu gur nern jurer lbh cebzbgrq gur dhrra. Gura cebzbgr gur ynfg cnja gb n dhrra gb znxr gur pncgher.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Thanks, Anonymous with the rot13. I thought there must be a way to get to the switch, but I hadn't seen it.

I took me quite a few goes to get level 24, but I did it eventually. This was a great game, thanks Bart!

Yu said...

Another nice chess-like game! I'm enjoying these a lot!

Yu said...

( Aaaaand finished!!! =3 )

Anonymous said...

Extra challenge: On level 19, take all four keys and the king. It is possible!

Yu said...

Yep, it is possible and actually easy, Anon =D Hadn't thought about that!

Urban Garlic said...

Late to the party, but for the alternate method of level 19, is the intended solution clever?

(Possible level-19 spoilers below):

I found away to do it, but it just involves parking the rook in position and grabbing the keys with the king and bishop combo -- the king gets the two on the left, and the bishop can reach the other two with a bit of a boost. Doesn't feel clever to me, but maybe I missed something?

Anonymous said...

Urban Garlic, that's what I did too. It just seemed interesting since the main puzzle requires not taking the keys.

Adi Whitman said...

Finally!! Done! Took forever to realize how simple it is to move the second knight across the barrier in level 24 after getting the bishops and other knight over. All in all, that level is super hard.
Whole game took approximately 1 hr 45 min without hints. Great game!

Joel said...

Very late to the party, but I agree, completing this one is very fun!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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