Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Doesn't save progress? Why write this type of game if it isn't going to save progress?
I have a bug at seasons code near the end and can't take screwdriver... :(
Hmmm, can't do the clock-game thing, no matter how I try
There are two separate diagrams of the 8-sided game board; you need to combine the information from both of them in order to solve that puzzle.
I'm stuck at a point where I have 5 marbles and a hammer, and I can't find where to use the hammer.
Wow, it does look visually impressive and well designed. Only just started it and will try it again later when I am sure I have time to get all the way through. Seriously, though, who can do work like this and not include a save feature?
I appreciate the walkthough link ... Unfortunately the "Add to Collection" overlay made it hard to close the "?" window, and eventually I accidentally navigated away frm the pages. A save-game feature would have been quite handy there.
Ah, it turned out that I wasn't supposed to use the hammer yet; I was supposed to find the sixth marble. (There was a clue in a photo.)
I really liked the design of this game! A neat idea to require reasoning about how to tell if a planet is closer to or farther from the sun based on how it looks in the sky!
OH I was also stuck on the 5 marbles and a hammer, thanks a ton!
Hmmm... Time Times Two Two Times... 24***134.... Don't have the code for the radio, can't open the wall, have nothing for that camera...
It's TIME, times 2, two times.
Where TIME is the time showing on the clock.
Well, that gives me an 8-digit number, and what I need is a 7-digit number for the radio xD
12:40 ---> 24:80 ---> 24802480
Or it could be I have to multiply 2 times 14:40 x 2, which is 4960 and doesn't open the drawer
Oh, it does, I just had to zoom out lol
Now stuck with a hammer and a battery xD I've read I need to find the last marble and that there's a clue in the pictures but no idea...
Also, I should have the whole number for the radio except for one cypher, but I tried all combinations and nothing...
No, I have no number, what am I even saying???
I.... accidentaly closed the tab and now I have to start again... =(
Ah, sorry about that! : (
I had thought that the code on the exit door's window was a number for the radio, but the window code has 8 digits, and the radio needs a 7-digit code (which you can't get until later).
I actually don't remember ever using the code on the door for anything, which puzzled me.
To be more specific about the 6th marble, the clue allowing you to find it is in the one physical photograph, not any of the ones stored in the camera's memory. Of course, you might be missing any of the six marbles-- maybe you already found that one.
Ah, I was missing the one in the space on the wall (green I think?). The red one was tricky to get, basically bc I had clicked everywhere looking for that spot and nothing. I found it casually in the end.
Now I'm stuck with the animals. A cat showed up, the birb is quite stubborn, alien says something from that UFO and mouse mailbox... I have a recorder lol...
Seems I'm missing the cat
Ahhhh, now I get what the 8 digit code was for!!! The position of the eyes of the cat!!!
And escaped! Thanks a lot for your help, Nathan, it was too hard for me!!
Out... very nice.
Just as difficult as needed, and the graphics are just wonderful...
A really good brain exercise! Had to use a walkthrough for some parts, but overall an excellent escape room game. The clay-like graphics were also really nice.
The second radio code stumped me completely. Even after viewing the walkthrough, I have no idea where it comes from. Did I miss a key for converting the alien symbols (mouse mailbox, grating positions) to the digits for the radio?
@Anonymous 4/2 23:26
If I recall correctly, at some point you should have picked up a piece of paper with alien symbols that tells you what digits are needed for the second radio code, which you then have to convert using various clues sprinkled around the house.
Very nice! Took us 1h12m, with one peek at the walkthrough (going to say we'd have found what that was on our own eventually but, with no save feature and no idea how long it was going to run, we chose efficiency over honor).
Would love to see more from this developer, but ONLY IF IT HAS A SAVE FEATURE!!!
It seems like a very good game, but between no save and having a marble behind the writing in the top right that I can't click on, I'll pass on trying to finish it.
Fun escape with clever and unique puzzles. Appreciate that the items disappear after no longer needed. Interesting use of sound. Love the graphics. Would love a save feature! Thanks, Studio LOOK and Bart.
Wow, I always come to the comments scared that I'm going to ruin some later part of the game for myself, but it seems like for once I'm stuck AFTER the point everyone else was! That means nothing ruined, but also no help... I'd rather not watch the walkthrough.
Anyway, the lack of saving is OK with me, I can always remember how to get back to the point I was at. What really bothers me, just like with the last rob1221 game, is the size of the game on the page. I constantly have to move my mouse outside the game square so I can scroll up and down to actually see the arrows, or access that one inventory item behind the itch.io overlay buttons. Tiny games can be a pain, but huge games are no better! Other than that, pretty solid game so far. Now if I could only figure out what this gold thingy is for...
Oh, also, was I supposed to trial-and-error that one cat symbol? Obviously it worked fine that way because it was only one digit (I was able to figure out the others) and the radio started playing Brahms Lullaby as soon as I got it right. But I did see the numeral on budget Waldo's birthday cake, and still had no Indo-Arabic indication of his age... Was I supposed to find that out?
Aha, I hadn't even figured out that the seasons puzzle was about seasons! I did end up having to use the walkthrough there in the end. It's always the easiest things...
For the weird numbers, there are two clues that I managed to find. The birthday cake in the photos on the camera has 26 candles so the two symbols on the cake are a 2 and a 6. And in the painting on the wall it had three symbols and Blast Off! So it's a countdown, 3... 2... 1... Blast Off!.
So for the Radio code the cat's number is 6 and 1 from the front door clue where the cats eyes line up. The mouse mailbox number is 3 and ? The bird number is 4 and 0 (XL on the hat) and the alien number is 2 from fingers the alien is holding up. That's all numbers except one so it's just trial and error to find the last number (unless there's a clue I missed.)
the mouse mailbox number is on the back of the rotating battery guy's head
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