
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 03, 2021

cursed travels: flame of the banshee [browser]

A small town has been cursed by a powerful malevolent force and it's up to one investigator highly experienced with curses, and his scary-looking helper, to put an end to this in the latest game by Ferociter: Cursed Travels: Flame of the Banshee.


Kaden Vanciel said...

I'm stuck. I got the candles, but I don't know how to use them.

Lu Damato said...

jump over the small platform, knell (down) + x = leaving candle the barrier in the church disapears and the rest is up to you ( dont forget to explore!)

Anonymous said...

There seems to be actually over 10 souls you can catch before the boss, found 11, but I wonder if there might be more?

Anonymous said...

The candles just disapear as soon as I go through the barrier, what do I do now?

Anonymous said...

the barn has some weird it a clue?

also where do you find the eleventh soul?

Anonymous said...

I got the candles and placed one down and went through the barrier. However, when the screen transitioned, all my candles disappeared. What should I do, since I tried to leave but the barrier was back.

anon said...

I got the candles and placed one down and went through the barrier. However, when the screen transitioned, all my candles disappeared. What should I do, since I tried to leave but the barrier was back.

Anonymous said...

For the 11th soul you'll have to be more specific. Did you get all the souls referred to by the clues given?

Anonymous said...

Actually here's a list, this'l show you where the eleven souls are:
1. Church, tutorial soul.
2. Crypt Puzzle
3. Cat Clue
4. Gravestone Riddle
5. Moth Clue
6.Hidden Door House
7. Fish Statue
8. Family Face Puzzle
9. Barn Puzzle
10. Parkour Tower
11. Cave
That's all 11 I've found, excluding the final boss. Let me know if there's more

Anonymous said...

I need help with the BARN!!

Anonymous said...

Although there are 15 names on the tombstones you only need 10 souls.
I found the same 11 you did, so one extra for people who get stuck I guess.
As for the barn, fit all the patterns, they overlap.

Anonymous said...

I could use some guidance. I have found 9 souls:

-The church tutorial
-The third rightmost grave
-The mausoleum
-The graveyard cat
-The door-less building
-The family in the village
-The barn
-The tower
-The cave

I see that there are souls associated with the fish statue and MacJohnson's moths, but I'm not sure how to activate them.

Kaden Vanciel said...

How do you get in the doorless building?

The Great Unknown said...

There is a suspicious looking pixel among the bricks of the moth house....

The Great Unknown said...

Kaden, the door is there, its just invisible.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, coax the moth to a certain gravestone. Offer the fish 3 candles and kneel.

The Great Unknown said...

The doorless house ghost is very hard to catch! I had to run up and down those platforms faster than I thought could.

Anonymous said...

Can't figure out barn part 2...please help. I know they overlap but still stuck

Anonymous said...

Finished it up. Really a good game!

Nat R. said...

Very cool, I like the direction Ferociter has gone with all these puzzle games, although I thought this one was a little short and easy compared to the last one. As cool as they are, they don't match the quality of the level design in his platforming games. That's really what makes Amidst the Sky my favorite, it's so well-designed.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, not sure if you figured out the barn, but: the diagrams show fragments of where the candles must be placed on the platforms. The diagram on the right shows you need candles on platforms (named from left to right, top to bottom) 1, 4, and 5, do make a > shape. the smaller diagram shows you also need that pattern to appear, so you also need a candle on 2.

Tea said...

I have 11 souls, but now what? Something about feeding the cat and the bottle has some connection to the fish ... but I'm stuck.

Tea said...

Oh, never mind. Suddenly it worked out (not sure how though). :)

Anonymous said...

Is the paper in the bottle on the table used for something?

Anonymous said...

Does the game mention that you can pick up the candles too?
I almost quit in the dark crypt, till I accidentally did it.

MattWren said...


Anonymous said...

Help! I'm stuck on the gravestone riddle and the church cat clue. Any hints to both? I've already figured out how to fall into the gravestone for the gravestone riddle.

Anonymous said...

The candles repel the cat, so you can get it to move past a certain person's gravestone. As for the gravestone riddle, once you fall in, there's a bunch of insects on the floor. The candles can be used to "corral" them.

The Great Unknown said...

Tea: Yeah, the hidden diary implies that the cat is evil (and should be fed) and mentions the seal and curse. Intriguing, but no action needed, apparently. If we "continue" after winning, the world looks as it was before: bottle is in the moth house, cat acts same as usual. Weird...

Rebecca said...

Is it possible to get the paper out of the bottle?

Anonymous said...

I think you use the bottle for the continuation of the game, but I could be wrong

Anonymous said...

I got ten of the 11 listed above, but never got the dark mausoleum at all; I just stumbled around in the dark, and the candles didn't seem to help, what am I missing?

madison said...

Cool game interesting that you use the candles to get to the souls

Anonymous said...

I can't find the moth...

The Great Unknown said...

If you win, you are "given" the bottle in a cutscene. But if you continue after winning the bottle is still back on the table. In the mausoleum, place candles often to find five arrows pointing to circles. Put a candle in each circle.

The Great Unknown said...

The moth is at the east end of the graveyard.

Anonymous said...

Help, I am stuck for three days now. How do I get to the cave on the west? I cannot jump high enough to get any further. And is the grey high brick thingy also in the west a tower? I cannot enter or do anything there.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, jump on one of the narrow "parkour" poles in the far west to get the woodcutter's hut. From its roof, the cave is just to the west. To the east are more poles leading to the top of the tower. Press X to enter it.

Vincent W. said...

Wow, we got a mileage out of 5 candles!

Really liked how every puzzle was standalone, and that none of them were too tricky to figure out. The soul in the West Cave was definitely the spookiest for me, mostly because it's completely silent until it suddenly appears out of the darkness.

Are there more games in this series? Cause I would love to play those too :D

Kaden Vanciel said...

The level inside the doorless house is too difficult with those gaps being too big. I'm not fast, and there are gamers playing this game who are the same speed as mine. The developer oughta make them shorter.

Rebecca said...

Excellent game. Ferociter brings the quality every time. As with all Ferociter games, this is just the right amount of difficulty for me, with a healthy dose of challenge. The ambience, the puzzles, the platforming -- all spot on. I look forward to the sequel.

BreezeeP said...

Ferociter gives us something great again! Loved the puzzles, challenging but not too much so, and loved the walking and jumping animations. I cannot wait to see more from this developer!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1234:
Could someone please explain the fish statue room? I don't get anything out of it. I assume I need to put down candles at the base of the symbols according to the order in the story, but nothing happens.

bob said...

I've got 11 souls. Now what do I do? I'm looking at that seal, I think I see a pattern, but I don't know what to do with it.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, in the fish room put candles below the mountain, snowflake, cactus, tree, and finally moon.

The Great Unknown said...

Bob, go to the cliff at the far east. I think you have to light a candle on the altar or something, and then you get to battle a, thankfully, very easy final boss.

bob said...

I've put candles everywhere I can think to put them at that cliff. Nothing happens. I'm assuming there's a pattern that needs to be followed, but I don't know what it is.

Rebecca said...

Bob, stand on the altar and it will tell you to press X/L.

bob said...

Oh, my goodness. Thank you, Rebecca.

The Great Unknown said...

To anyone still playing this, or future fans, there is a somewhat similar game called "detective GUI". it's like this game on steroids.

Anonymous said...

This game should end up on the "best of 2021" list at the end of the year.

Anonymous said...

@ The greater unknown, I have absolutely no idea what you mean for the barn pattern for part two. Can you name is more like battleship where the rows are lettered ABC and the columns are 1234? Or is the floor also included and would be column five? I'm very confused...

eszterencs said...

I really liked the game! I think the "handy" room was way too hard (at least for me, to catch the soul), otherwise I really enjoyed it. I finished already, but I still don't know, how should I have got a hint for the fish statue room, for the order of placing the candles? I found help in a comment, but only the order, I still don't know the explanation and I am curious. :-)

eszterencs said...

The power of asking -- I found it immediately after my comment... the hint is IN the room, wow. :-D

Rebecca said...

Anonymous 23:57 There is only one way you can place the candles which satisfies all the partial diagrams on the wall. Make the rightmost diagram first by placing candles at A4, B1, and C2.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, sorry I wasn't more clear. The barn's floor is not included, only the platforms. If Rebecca's clue was not enough, the complete solution is to place candles at: the top right and left platforms, the middle right platform, and the bottom left platform.
This pattern satisfies the two clues if you imagine them overlaid on the grid of platforms.

chigley said...

Loved this game, in my opinion the best for ages


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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