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April 14, 2021

pushing it [browser]

Jack Lance is back with a head-scratching puzzlescipt puzzler: Pushing It. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart a level)


Anonymous said...

As always I do several levels & then have no idea how to even start.
I can't understand why these clever level designers can't add level #s.
Also what is going on with the "hack" I see a ton of useless repeats.

Anonymous said...

getting a half block in the third level... mans thought of everything and then made them into mechanics

Anonymous said...

sorry, the fifth ^^ forgot my level numbers

Anonymous said...

I'm at level 4 and I have no idea what to do to move the bottom pusher

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, re: level 4, I believe the only way to remove the bottom pusher is to push it up from below, when its plunger it out. So you have to create a situation where another pusher will push itself onto a button when you step on the bottom button.

Anonymous said...

Has anybody completed the game? I made it to a level that looks like a buggy version of level 1- not sure if I should keep working through these mind-benders!

Bill said...

Made it to the level that has four right-pushers stacked up in a row in the middle. Got stuck there. Don't know how to find out what level number that is.

The puzzles are pretty clever! I love puzzlescripts that take a simple set of mechanisms like this and make tricky problems out of them.

Anonymous said...

Made it past that level, won't spoil the solution just yet but it requires some effort. Currently stuck on what I believe is the level after. Have the vertical half-push stuff figured out, but can't figure out how to get a horizontal half-push w/o being trapped.

Anonymous said...

Not really a spoiler,

but just know that everything you need to get a horizontal half-push on that level is in the mini-room on the right...

Anonymous said...

still can't get the half-push - i must be missing something.. i've even put the pistons into each other

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I figured the horizontal half-push needed to be done in the room off to the right, jut can't get it. I'm missing something vital I'm guessing.

Anonymous said...

Finished it. This is very technically impressive, if a little finicky. ;)

Riiick said...

That was great! I can't believe some of the twists near the end!

Anonymous said...

Such a great puzzlescript!

For anybody wondering, the last level looks suspiciously like the first, with a twist ;)

Tea said...

Can anyone tell me how many levels there are?

Bill said...

Made it through the one with the little horizontal-half-push on the right. Now at the next, with the big "outside" area in the upper right and all the pushers in it. What...? Seems I need a bunch of pushers in the upper left, but there is a "goal" block in the way and I can't get to the ones that maybe I should be able to move.

benji said...

final got level 6 and 7. was mostly straightforward from there but extremely cursed

level ID chart:

level 1: level 1
level 2: pushing 1 pusher around, two blocks near bottom
level 3: X
level 4: 3 pushers, 3 dots. goal in bottom left is guarded by right-pusher
level 5: bifurcated by 4 right pushers in middle
level 6: bifurcated, first learning how to half-push. goal is at 1/2 1/2 offset
level 7: trifurcated. more half and 1/5 pushing. pushers at start give you a 1/2 1/2 to push against in upper right
level 8: more half and 1/5 pushing, with a lot of rows of pushers
level 9: bifurcated, small. two pushers in each half, box in top half. careful positioning required
level 10: 8 buttons scattered around, 1 box and one goal towards the top, and 4 pushers in a room at the bottom
level 11: this is definitely still sokoban right
level 12: level 1n't

the level 12 trick is still accessible in level 1 fyi

Tea said...
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Anonymous said...

So can we have a hint for level 4 ?
It looks impossible & clearly it is not.

Yu said...

Ehm... Why can't I solve lvl 2????

Tea said...

@Yu The pusher needs to go clockwise around the rectangle in the middle, and you need to utilize its ability to push itself out from walls.

Tea said...

@ Anonymous 13.38 For level 4 you need to use the block to activate the button at the top, and then place the pusher that pushes up, right above the button to the right. Then go press the bottom button, and the rest should be easy. :)

Tea said...

@ Bill For the level with the four right pushers in the middle (level 5), get the three left pushers in line so that you can "free" the right pusher next to the block. Get the right pusher up to the others, and wedge yourself in between - then you can move up.
Getting past the pusher at the goal can be a bit tricky, let me know if you need a hint. :)

Tea said...

@ Bill Ah, just saw that you made it past level 4. :D I'm stuck at 5 ... how do I get the horizontal half push to the right?

Anonymous said...

All you folks asking about level four... how do you do level 2??

Tea said...

@ Anonymous 17.14
See my comment 15.17 for Yu :)

Anonymous said...

I'm still stuck on level 6. Seems no matter what I do in the room on the right side, the only way half-push I can do gets me stuck. I thought the gap in the lower left corner of the room might be part of the solution, but I can't figure out how to trigger the switches from down there.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 1834:

For you to get the half-push you first have to position the pusher to half push you (after that you can half-push you without geting stuck) the two pushers will have to "stuck open".

Bill said...

@Tea - See the comment above for how to get the push you want.

Anonymous said...

I said I was stuck on 4 but it was 5.
Thanks for the help.

The Great Unknown said...

Thanks for the hints on level 5, Tea. Has anyone else noticed you can also do a 1/5 push? Is there a purpose for this later, or is it a glitch?

Bill said...
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Bill said...

Keep thinking a level is impossible, then find a way that it works. The tricks you need to do keep getting stranger.

Now on the level with four pushers in a room at the bottom, and a bunch of trigger buttons in a bigger room above.

Tea said...

Thank you! I figured it out, and I'm now stuck on level 7 (where you start out only being able to go down, activating a button - and with the goal in the top left, blocked by a block and a pusher). I think I know how to solve it, but I still haven't figured out how to get the blocks where I want them.

Curious about the 1/5 push. It's already difficult enough, can hardly imagine it getting any more complex .. but apparently, it does, haha.

Anonymous said...

level 3 is impossible

Tea said...

@Anonymous 11.38
You need to get the pusher down and the block on top of it. Remember that the pusher can push itself out from the wall.

Bill said...

Totally stuck on the one with four pushers in a small room at the bottom. I can see that getting partial pushes will be needed, but I can't manipulate the four pushers in any way - can't move them, can't do anything but totally block them or totally let them push. What gives?

Creg Master said...


Notice that you can get to the pushers with the box WITHOUT activating them.

Bill said...

Wow. That's right, creg. That is *NOT* what I expected to happen!

Bill said...

Whew, done! I agree with earlier comments, some puzzles towards the end are extremely finicky about exactly how you do things. But still a nice set of problems.

TheGreat Unknown said...

Tea, I can't replicate the 1/5 push so I think it was a bug. I did it dozens of times on level 5 & 6, when you try to push an unpushable pusher or plunger. Your little dude fits right into the transparent pixels of the pusher or plunger and for what its worth you're one pixel out of register.

Anonymous said...

is there a walkthrough yet?

Squirrel said...

I literally had a light bulb moment on the final level. What a great, mind bending puzzle.

Anonymous said...

the 1/5 push isn't a bug at all, and stranger things are to come...

speaking of which, i'm stuck at level 11, with the box halfway in, and i'm getting into weirder and weirder angles. Is there a clean solution?

Bill said...

For level 11, there is a place on the level that lets you make things nice and square again. Look for the thing that you haven't had a use for yet, that's probably it.

Anonymous said...

for the life of me I cannot figure out the horizontal half push in level 6

Lighty said...

I'm with Anonymous0053 Can't get the horizontal half push and the kind hint above doesn't make sense. Can someone throw a little more information for this please.

Anonymous said...

Here's a large hint for the horizontal half push in level 6, be wary of this comment if you want to figure it out yourself.

Anonymous said...

I've been stuck on that level with the half-push in the small room on the right for five days. I appreciate that you don't want to just give it away, but I need a bigger hint. It is obvious that the playerisnottheonlythingthatcanbehalfpushed, because in the bottom left corner, you see the square piece being half-pushed. Can someone please post a more helpful hint?? Please?

Anonymous said...

For those stuck on level 6 (possible spoiler):

What happens if the pushers push each other with one space in between them, with no walls blocking their path?

Anonymous said...


Lighty said...

Thank you, got it too now. And did level 7 too. Level 8 now.

Marie said...

I ccan't find how to solve level 11, even with the hint Bill gave us...
Any help ?

Anonymous said...

i was also stuck there in level 11
until i found it's possible to take the box to the bottom pusher, even when skewed

Anonymous said...

I still haven't figured it out....level 6 ( I swear I am trying but the lightbulb refuses to light up)

eszterencs said...

Finally, I finished it! It took me 5 days! :-D Thank you for the hints, I needed some of them. I think level 4, 5 and 6 are the hardest, after those -- even its getting more and more insane, but -- a bit less hard to figure the levels. Great game!

The Great Unknown said...

After six days I'm still on level 6, and not too worried about spoilers. Anyone care to fully explain how it's done?

Anonymous said...

ok, level 6 spoily hints

so you need to get yourself half-pushed vertically (at the bottom section of the screen), then apply the half push to the box near the goal. Then get horizontally half-pushed (at the right section of the screen) and back to the goal box again. You can take these 2 paths in any order.

BOTTOM SECTION: you need to get the box out of your way, and the place to store it is in the vertical shaft to the left, with the other vertical pushers. Make space for it fiddling with the new 1/5 mechanics

RIGHT SECTION: this is the tricky one. If you make the same pattern as for the vertical half-push, with the button between the pushers, you get stuck. But what happens if both pushers are face to face in the one row of 5 spaces? There you can get them to half-push each other. Then you only need the right one to push you near the button.

beware not to loose your half-push when going back to the goal
hope that's clear enough
and be ready for more mindblowing mechanics

Anonymous said...

I figured out 6!!! now 7....hints ?

Anonymous said...

Who else started this puzzle super confident and has seen the same confidence go down the drain as you get stuck and can't figure out the solution AT ALL....FOR DAYS

Frobisher said...

If you've played a lot of games built with puzzlescript, which is tyrannically grid-based, this game is hilarious. I can't fathom how hard it must have been to implement this actually in puzzlescript — I can't even scroll down to the levels section of the source code without the editor crashing.

What a game.

Anonymous said...

some level 7 hints (from memory)

you need to free 3 boxes and make them block the upper-left pusher, so it finishes the level. This 3 boxes should form a stairway, taking advantage from the half vertical positions. You can get yourself in a half position using the fixed box that moves at the beginning of the level.

the boxes at the left (you only get one there) and bottom left can be freed using half positions without much hassle.

the box on the bottom right is trickier, and i can't give an exact solution right now. I just remember it involves pushing upward the rightmost pusher, and getting yourself just 1/5 down the main grid, while being inside that area. This way you can 'hack' the horizontal pusher and fee the box.

hope it helps!

Lighty said...

Level 10 is just freaky, didn't even know you could do that in puzzlescript. @CregMaster thanks for the hint above. Level 11 beckons

Urban Garlic said...

Just got to the "I didn't even know you could do that in puzzlescript" level, and now I know why everyone says that! Totally worth sticking it out this far.

Anonymous said...

aparently I am now stuck in level 12 (level 1 with a twist) I know is something about going beyond the "limits" but can't quite figure it out...

The Graet Unknown said...

Anonymous, thx for the level 6 walkthrough! I had assumed the block had to be nudged by the pushers, but a 1/2 nudged dude does it! "Who else started this puzzle super confident..." Every. Time.

nirhau said...

Hi, any hint for level 8? made it to the top half, but still can't finish the level. thanks

Tea said...

I've been stuck on level 7 for 4-5 days now. I really need help with getting the bottom right box.

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, regarding level 12, I haven't done it yet, but I gather it has something to do with the fact you can, on level 1, leave the playfield through the bottom tunnel, and run around beyond the purple checkerboard background.

JohnReese said...


You have to half-push the rightmost pusher so that it can half-push you later.

JohnReese said...

@nirhau You need to use the top left pusher to shift your character, then corners to shift in the right position so you can push the box without being pushed.

Tea said...


Thank you! Finally got it and on to level 8! Can't wait to see how many days I'm going to be stuck there, haha! :)

Urban Garlic said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JohnReese said...


You're welcome, good luck for next levels!

Tea said...


Thank you! I just made it through all of them! :D

Awesome game, really loved it. It could need numbers on the levels. I took a screenshot of each new level, so I could keep track of how far I was. And perhaps some kind of hint function (or just a walkthrough, haha). But overall, I was really impressed. :)

Anonymous said...

Still stuck on level 3. Yeah, I know the block goes on top of the pusher... it pushes the block, which blocks my entrance to get behind it and move it again. Anyone got a walkthrough? I'm really hating this game.

JohnReese said...

@Anon 19:02 How could you make it so the pusher pushes the block exactly where you want it to be?

@Tea Glad you made it, this game was really good.

Urban Garlic said...

@Anon 19:02 Something you observed in level 2, a pusher can push itself away from the wall.

Anonymous said...

Level 3... again... got the block to the top of the screen... how do you get it to the exit? I really just don't see any way to get this block to the center of the screen and position myself to move it to the exit.

Urban Garlic said...

Anon 22:23, assuming I did this typo-free:

Part 1: Shove the pusher out of the way against the wall:

Part 2: Go get the block.

Part 3: Go hit the button to get the pusher away from the wall:

Part 4: Go position the pusher:

Part 5: Go position the block:

Now when you go over to the button, the pusher will shove the block into the center of the board, and you can push it on to the target.

Anonymous said...

@Urban Garlic... You are a gentleman and a scholar. No way on earth I would have figured that out. My God, these puzzlescripts constantly remind me how stupid I am.

Thank you.

Lighty said...

Finished! Wow, levels 10 and 11 literally put a twist on the traditional Sokoban formula. Great game, but very glad for all of the hints above. Thanks all.

The Great Unknown said...

I restarted, but can't remember how I finished level 5, the top room. Would anyone care to take the time to talk me through it?

Urban Garlic said...

@The Great Unknown 19:34 -- I don't know how *you* did it, but what I did was this: Get the downward-pushing pusher and the block off the bottom wall. After that, put the downward-pushing pusher above the upward-pushing pusher, and put the block between them, which will trap it on the half-grid. Then push the upward-pushing pusher *and* the block, together, to the left, and then hit the button again to align the block with the target.

The Great Unknown said...

Urban Garlic, that did it. Thanks!

M said...

Good game! Made it out without help/hints, but did have to come back to it multiple days in a row.

Great fun

Lighty said...

It's a lot easier second time through

combicombi said...

Is there a way to store your progression?
If I accidentally press escape, I go to the menu, and only option is to restart the game from lvl #1...

Gamerland said...

Walkthrough video for Pushing It puzzle game


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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