Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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This is very difficult. But fun!
as of today: one of the comments that gives advice for 9, 10, and 11 is now referring to the wrong level numbers. by 9, they mean level 10, by 10, they mean level 13. level 11 stayed the same tho
I am stuck on level 05.
There is no way to do it.
I never get far in puzzlescript games.
They always seem to be trolling.
A hint for level 5 is that the large piece ends up on the final location instead of the small one.
Currently stuck on level 09.
ah ah I was also desperate on Level 5 and then thought to myself that I should after all try what seemed unlikely to work : use the large tile instead of the small one to "cover" the exit point.
This game makes you creative....
Brilliant game: I'm up through 12; really tricky but rewarding
Only one complaint: I don't like how the animated video for Level 7 is right next to the screen, it's hard to miss, and basically spoils the level for you
a12313: thank you for your solution for nr 5! I tried and tried, but never thought of this possibility ...
Level 9 is killing me, I have tried all kinds of approaches and ":directions" but cannot seem to get the block vertical and pushed up. Any hints? Halp!
> Level 9 is killing me, I have tried all kinds of approaches and ":directions" but cannot seem to get the block vertical and pushed up. Any hints? Halp!
1) You do *not* need a bridge from the lower-right section to the upper-middle section through the water
2) In fact, I was able to ditch one of the two white pieces in the water *at the bottom*, in a completely useless spot, and still solve the level
Can someone help me with level 3?
I am completely lost on level 11. I can get the smaller yellow peice into position, but I've got nothing after that.
> I am completely lost on level 11. I can get the smaller yellow peice into position, but I've got nothing after that.
In the end, you need to get the white piece *vertical*, with a portal at the upper end
But notably, when you push it partially across the pond, it cannot have a portal at its upper end, so it means you need to add this portal *after* you push the white block across, somehow
I am completely clueless on level 9. The idea seems to be to get the 2x1 piece from the top to the goals on the far left. So far I figured out how to get both white bars away from the bottom, but that hasn't helped as much as I thought it would. And as to how to use the 1x1 piece, no idea.
What a brilliant game. I love the use of portals. I have solved all levels except for level 11, which has left me stumped. Can anyone offer a small clue?
Hint for level 9
The 1x1 piece needs to go in the top most water to allow the 2x1 to move right.
The white piece will let you get it there.
I don't want to give too much away as it so satisfying when you solve it yourself. Keep persevering.
Any help with level 8?
Got 8 when I realised you can shoot nothing to remove one of the portals
I've seen the comments on Level 9 and none of them made sense, even after my solving it - I need to figure out how level 10 and how to get the one spot covered in the left sector, so in exchange for hints on that, here's what I got on level 9 -
Real quick - get both white logs end to end at the very bottom of the screen, with portals on the one on the left's back end and top right so that when you push the log on the right through, it becomes vertical.
you can do what you need to do to just push the log on the bottom into the water and discard it.
It takes some working around to make portals on either side of the vertical log to get the one small piece on its left side, and then line the vertical log up with the entry between the lower right and upper right sectors, put a portal on its upper left and shove it through.
Make a portal on the bottom and shove the small yellow piece through so it can fill in the water hole between the upper right and upper middle sectors.
Go over and shoot a portal in the landing area,
and then shove the two piece yellow block through a portal on the vertical log sitting in the upper right sector and it should spit out on the landing zone
> I've seen the comments on Level 9 and none of them made sense, even after my solving it - I need to figure out how level 10 and how to get the one spot covered in the left sector, so in exchange for hints on that, here's what I got on level 9 -
* Move over to the right
* You can't use the gun over here (well, you can do it once, which can be helpful: place a new portal on the bottom of a white block and move it to the upper row to get it out of the way)
* Push a white block into the water mid-screen
* Push another white block overlapping the underwater white block, but one to the right
* Use the two yellow blocks to push the second white block up by one, dropping it into the water
* Finish covering the yellow spaces
* Return and finish
Anonymous from 14 May 2021 at 22:26,about nr 9: thank you, that was very helpful.
Adej, you are welcome.
I think Anonymous 14 May 2021 at 23:31 was laying out Level 10 - it starts out with "Move over to the right",
The portion in the right sector isn't the difficult part, it is the single piece in the upper left sector. The only way to "Move over to the right" is to shoot a portal into the left end of the lower middle sector log, pull down the reverse L-shaped piece to shoot a portal in it in order to move over to the right into the middle sector. The big problem I have is that once you leave the left sector and get the pieces filled on the right sector, I'm blocked from getting back to the left sector to work on getting the single space filled in the upper left across the moat. Conversely, if I start by working on the single space in the upper left, I can shoot a portal across the moat to the upper left sector, but when I pull down the reverse L-shaped piece to make a portal to go up, I block my access to getting to the middle sector and I'm locked into the left sector.
I've seen some posts that the game was updated to fix some things, and maybe I'm working on the earlier version and have to start over. Can't figure it out.
I hope this helps without giving away too much.
I wanted to add my 2bits to the above help, which I am soo grateful for and would not have been able to get to the solve.
Going on the premise that you leave a portal in the first room, push the yellow blocks almost into place then use the last white block, with the other portal , to finish pushing the yellow over to the other side. You must make sure you place the portal on the block properly so you can get back to the first room.
> The big problem I have is that once you leave the left sector and get the pieces filled on the right sector, I'm blocked from getting back to the left sector to work on getting the single space filled in the upper left across the moat.
You shouldn't be blocked... you need to utilize two white blocks to get across the water, you should still have one white block with a portal in it, which will allow you to return
Thanks, anonymous 14 May 2021 at 23:31 and anonymous 17 May 2021 at 00:52 - finally pulled my head out of my 4th point of contact and figured out what you all were trying to tell me.
I'm stuck on 11 now. I'm able to get the white block vertical, and even discovered you can separate the vertical piece from either of the two yellow blocks by doing the following: First, create a portal at the bottom of the white block after making it vertical and line that up with the top of the unmovable white piece, then create another portal on the right side of the unmovable white piece. 2. push the long yellow block into the second portal. The long part won't move but the vertical piece will separate, and if you push the horizontal part up the two pieces are completely separate. (This also works with the shorter block on the left side.) However, the single piece won't go through the portal at all, and if the two pieces are lined up in their original orientation they reconnect.
Wow, that sounds like a glitch - I did it and see what you mean. Everyone's advice on 11 has been good and stopped short of telling you how to solve it - I'll go a couple steps further. First, don't start by placing the two-piece yellow block in its place on the upper right sector, move it aside in the lower-left sector because you will need it later. You are correct, you have to get the white log vertical. The goal is to get the vertical log tapped down enough so that its top is flush with the lower water's edge. The way you do that is by putting a portal on the top right panel across the water. You then line up the vertical log with it.
You then shoot a portal on the right side of the stationary block on the lower sector and shove the long piece through. It will begin to go through the upper portal and tap down the white vertical log one spot. Move the vertical log aside to the right, and then bring in your two-piece yellow block and push its top part into the water, so that it hangs just enough so you can push it to the right.
Align it with the yellow piece pushing through the upper portal. Push the two-piece yellow block up once to give clearance so your white vertical log can get underneath it and then shove the long block the rest of the way into the portal of the stationary block on the lower sector. With a little hit and miss, you should be able to get it all to push the white vertical block flush with the lower water's edge. Move the white vertical log to the right and then extract the long yellow block out of the stationary block
The way you get across the water and to the other side initially is by shooting a portal into the upper right side of the vertical white log, shoving it across the water, and then shooting a portal in its bottom end and going across.
The rest is up to you because you will still need to use the long piece to push it up into place to drag the two-piece yellow block to the right and away from the water's edge of the upper right sector. and then you have to fidget using the two-piece yellow block and the vertical white log, straddling it back and forth across the water and moving from the top and bottom, to get the long yellow block back on the lower sector with enough top clearance so that the vertical white log can move above it and to the left and get into place below the landing area first, with the long yellow piece following it and with portals in the lower right and top sides of the white vertical log so that two pieces of the long yellow block will shove into the landing area.
>You shouldn't be blocked... you need to utilize two white blocks to get across the water, you should still have one white block with a portal in it, which will allow you to return
Any hint for how to get the 2 "L" shaped blocks across in level 10?
Level 10
From the right sector, shoot a portal to the end of the lower white log in the middle sector.
Pull down the large L-shaped yellow piece and shoot a portal in its center panel.
Cross through it to the middle sector.
You want to push one of the white logs into the water so that it is even with the third row from the top of the yellow landing spaces. (the bottom middle of the landing area)
_____ 00
Your next goal is to push another white log across that bridge until its right side is flush with the right river's edge.
You then take the yellow L piece that will go in the lower landing spot and position it so that its elbow is abutted and hooked against the top of the white log on the bridge
You can't drag it down to dump the white log in the water, so you have to take the remaining white log - put a portal on its top right (very important for later), push it part-way into the water just above the yellow lower piece whose elbow is abutted against the white log on the bridge, and then push down so that the white log on the bridge gets dumped into the water.
You should have a small bridge of two logs that looks like this
Push the remaining log that has the portal on it up once and then go back to the lower yellow piece on the bridge and push it across and move it to the bottom out of the way.
Go back to the middle section to retrieve the upper yellow section by pushing its bottom section across the top part of the bridge as far as you can go without you going into the water.
Go back to the middle and drop down the white log with the portal and push it across the top part of the bridge so that it pushes the top yellow piece the rest of the way to the right landing area sector - the portal on your white log should be on dry land on the right sector as well.
Go across to the right sector using the lower section of the bridge and set the two yellow pieces on the landing zone.
You have only shot a portal once, so your portal on the left sector is still available and you can get there by going through the portal that is on dry land in the right sector.
Once you are through, and back in the left sector, shoot your portals in that sector to get that last piece in the upper left into its landing area.
Typo in the translation of the above,
the small bridge should not be even, it should be staggered with the upper log abutting the left edge of the water, and the lower log abutting the right edge of the water.
Thank you! That was so well explained!! It's not easy to describe all those specific movements, but I was able to follow that perfectly!
Hopelessly lost on 6. The math doesn't add up for me. Help would be appreciated.
Level 6 is one of those where you cover the launching area with the tip of the longer log.
The first goal is to get the long vertical log horizontal.
Shoot a portal on the bottom wall of the island where you are standing and one to the left side to cross over to the left island.
Crossover and shoot portals on the bottom of the wall on the left island, in line with the long vertical long and the other portal on the left wall 3 up from the bottom.
Push the long vertical log through so that it spits out of the left sidewall portal and pass your guy through and out the left wall portal so that the long log separates and creates a space from the left sidewall.
You now have a long horizontal log - Push the long horizontal log down one space.
Go to the top of the page and shoot a portal down the page to the bottom wall on the lower center island where you first started.
Go back to the left and push the small box log through the portal on the left side wall and push it through, with your guy passing through the portal behind it and keep pushing it even after it gets to the lower center island and push it up into the water to fill in the small little water gap in the center of the page.
Now go back through the portal in the bottom of the lower center island and return to the left side where the long horizontal log is.
Push the long horizontal log up by its lower side base until it is stopped by the two raised barriers.
Go to the left tip side of the long horizontal log and push it to the right until you are just about to get dumped into the water.
Go back through the portal on the left side and return back to the lower center island, cross up the page and over the bridge that was created by the small box log and push the long horizontal log up until it is stopped by the wall at the top.
Go back through the portal at the bottom of the lower center island and return back through the left side portal.
Go to the top of the page and push the long horizontal log, to the right one, down one, and to the right one and the far-right tip of the long horizontal log will cover the landing zone.
Thanks! I wrongly thought that the small bit had to be the one covering the target area.
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