Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Best one of the gmtk jam games I played, hard puzzles!
So good!
WTF. The controls on this thing are brutal. Or maybe I just don't understand the game. Second level... trying to get to the flag. I see what the sign says about the stack, but I'm not sure how to make this happen. Suggestions?
Got level 2, but it was a dumb solution.
I love the concept and there's some clever puzzles, but man, this control scheme is brutal. Really gets in the way of the game.
Anyone figured out the second level on the second (blue) set?
have everything but 2-3
for 2-2, use the notch to lift yourself up 1 for the first part, and for the second part reconfigure til you're at the upper left corner of a 7 shape: then you can reach your next friend in 2 blocks
2-4 and 2-star keep eluding me....
Also 2-3: You don't need all the blocks... (too on the nose?)
level 2 cant be done. dont bother trying its a troll game with no solution and designed to waste your time
not really too on the nose @1:47, i had thought about that, tried, and failed, so i think it's a good hint, one that confirms that a certain subpath is okay without telling me more than i already know about that path
2-4: it is indeed possible to emerge out the right side with two. the final config of peach blocks i got was
2-*: first hint is to think about how to use the extra notch on the left - since the extra notch can only offer /more/ possibilities, it is indeed the case that the way up is on the left. the second hint is that you shouldnt claim the blue block on the left immediately. all other blocks you can take, and you can rearrange them to the proper order in between as required.
I finished every one so they are definitely possible :)
It took me a bit to figure out that as long as you hold down shift, you can rearrange any number of blocks without falling. You need that to solve several levels, which might be what anonymous (17 June 2021 at 04:32) is missing.
Hey Bart,
Keep on posting more games!!
When is the walkthrough coming along?
I was stuck on 2-2 for ages, till I realised (accidentally) that you can click on a 'loved up block' to turn it into a normal block that you can then reposition. No undo makes this a littel annoying as there are plenty of wrong moves you can make that block you and you have to restart the level
Well, I'm not able to beat lvl 2...
How can I put the white one on top of the other 2????
Man, that wasn't fair...
Anyways, I liked it; a bit tricky tbh =P
Okay. Well, I'm still lost on level 2. I realize you don't necessarily need to have the white one one top, but there isn't a way to move the blocks while you're jumping, which seems to be required. What am I missing?
You can move the blocks multiple times while you're in shift mode.
Level 1 star puzzle.... anyone?
game really needs a walkthrough
Level 1 star: need to move fast (not sure if there is a better solution than this)
Come on Bart, add some new games!
The only level I can't figure out is 2-4. It looks like you need to either get past the peach blocks without getting stuck with one of them but I have no idea how to accomplish that.
Finally got 2-4. You need to first use the left path to put 1 peach block. Then it's all about trial and error ! Good luck !
Can't figure out 2-star... help !
Seems like the more someone asks Bart to post more games, the less he does :(
How do you move peach blocks out of the bottom row without permanently joining them to the blue & white blocks? I think that's what I'm missing on 2-4.
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