
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 08, 2021

heartreasure 2 [browser]

It's time to find 50 hearts once more in a new episode of this charming puzzle game: Heartreasure 2 by Nettaigyo and Asaha. (note: the game does not save your progress)


Paperback Writer said...

Beautiful artwork, but I guess my eyes are too bad for this kind of games. I'm already stuck at 28/50. I also have no idea what to do with the TV. I can change the channels with the remote control but can't figure out what more to do with it.

dursus said...

Really like that it's broken up into sections and it tells you when you've found all the hearts in a section. Makes it more manageable, but I always struggle to find the last couple hearts haha.

Anonymous said...

49 out of 50. AHHHHH, just cant find that last one. At least when sections are complete it lets you know. took me a bit to work out,

Anonymous said...

49 out of 50 too - one to find in section 4. The TV is a bit of a red herring, but you may find something you want on Channel 4...

Elwee said...

I found them all, don't ask me how.....

Stevens Miller said...

Love these, but I do wish another "Hidden Folks" would come out.

Anonymous said...

48 out of 50, one left on levels 3 and 4. Feels like I've clicked on everything, so no idea where they could be.

Long Peter said...

I found 49.

Which one in area 4 did I overlook?

I found:

Area 1:
1: On the big sign.
2: Smoke of the car to the right of the sign.
3: Lamp (plug in first).
4: Citron in drink.
5: Digital Clock ( 08:10 ).
6: Shirt right to Clock.
7: Strawberry below tree house.
8: On the Balloon string Left of tree house.
9: Envelope Left of Tower.
10: Smoke from the Zeppelin.
11: Wings of bee left of Zeppelin.
12: Flag string below Zeppelin.
12a: Play the Gameboy (No count, opens area 2).
13: Tea pot.
14: Tea bag (on Cup).

Area 2:
15: Right of Area 2 sign: Cactus
16: Right of cactus, climbing plant on the stairs
17: Total right, up, on top of the vase.
17a: Microwave, turn knops: Left Down Down. (No count, opens area 3)
18: Sign left of microwave, behind the House where to plug in the plug (3)
19: Rocks below the "house" in between the mushrooms
20: Tail of the Fish left of the mushrooms.
21: Centre of the plant in the big pot above the fish.
22: Grabber Holding the "bear" above the measuring cup filled with bears
23: Water droplets left of the Grabber
24: Left of the water, on the plate with food.
25: Left of the bowl with Fish, on the "turnip"
26: Label of the most left bottle
27: Push the golf ball to the Hole.

Area 3:
28: Plant below the xxx tower
29: Sign above wanted TV
29a: Wanted TV: (No count, opens area 4)
1: Area 2 Left Top
2: Area 1 Right Top
3: Area 3 Right Top
30: Right of TV, on carrot.
31: Carrot right of sign in the carrot field
32: Wheel of the car with vegetables
33: Left Down: below the washing-line
34: On the pizza sauce
35: Tong of the Snail
36: !-mark Snail / snake from hole
37: Top book of the pile of books

Area 4:
38: Sing on the Pipe Right of stairs
39: Baloon Right of Pipe
40: Eye of Animal on top of tree house
41: Worm on base of tree
42: Chewing gum balloon
43: Plant with Black "Dots", one of the Dots ( Below the ant with the Dice
44: On the back of the most Left Ant.
45: Left door of the house
46: Left Down, in one of the holes
47: Mouth of Duck in the Bath
48: Switch TV with the remote in the hand of the other duck.
Chanel 4: Left fruit.

49: Behind the lollipop, between the turnips

Anonymous said...

@long peter the one you're missing is arguably the hardest of all - certainly the smallest. it's white - find it on the left half of the map.

rot13 for full spoiler:
yrsg bs gur gho, naq whfg yrsg bs gur fuvatyrq ebbs, ba gur zhfuebbzf, bar bs gur juvgr fgevcrf vf npghnyyl n urneg.

jcfclark said...
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jcfclark said...

Made it to 42 and except for the music, everything froze. Guess I'll never know where the other eight hearts are...*sniff* Heartwarming while it lasted :)

Nat "the Chicken" R. said...

Ugh, I remembered how much I loved the first game's concept and execution, but I forgot how darn frustrating it is trying to find the last few hearts. That seems like the sort of thing you'll always forget about your experience with a game.

TiCKed said...

Thought I was being extremely thorough and careful...but only got to about 40. Gave up at that point to preserve my sanity. :)
Think I would have enjoyed it with more hearts found through interaction with the graphics, and fewer tiny, tiny, hidden hearts.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Anonymous for the spoiler! I don't think I'd have ever spotted that one myself.

Anonymous said...

yay. at last the 50th heart. took me a while. im sure some pop up after looking at the same spot for ages. ha ha

Anonymous said...

Wow. I don't think I would have ever gotten the 50th one without the coded spoiler from Anonymous (8 August 2021 at 21:50). Thank you for that. That was also fun to solve!

Stevens Miller said...

My wife found the "hardest" one, second to last. We needed LP's list to find #41.

Just what is it about this kind of game that makes us want to play it?

collie said...

That was fun, I'm glad that this one doesn't require the ability to read and play music.

MRK said...

So fun! I found many, but LP's list and coded hint from Anonymous (8 August 2021 at 21:50) saved my sanity for the last few. Thanks! As TiCKed commented, most enjoyed the hearts found through interactions. Appreciate that some heart places became animated after finding, so easier to keep track of ones found. Also appreciate the mellow music. Thanks, Asaha and Bart!

Anonymous said...

loved the first game... slightly disappointed by this, I didn't think there was as much interaction as the first, and some of the drawings were a bit questionable.
lots of red herrings with different switches and dials and signs though, kept me guessing for ages!

tam said...

Thank you Bart. I got 47 myself and LP's list till 49, then Anonymus for the last one :)

Yu said...

41/50 and we're completely stuck xD

Anonymous said...

There's a secret hole at the bottom of the last area if you scroll out of boundaries. :)

Anonymous said...

I am lost now - I cannot find my way back thanks -_-


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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