Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Another brilliant platformer from Ferociter!
about as fun as ball in a cup
I absolutely loved it ❤️ these are my favorite type of platformers!
I would have liked this more if it hadn't suddenly gotten much harder after you get the ability to use the water to charge the gem... too much of a struggle to get from one waterfall to another. My arm started to hurt! I'm giving up.
I got near the end, after the keys, to the room full of powerups and 3 keys with the giant rotating black arm. Then I just rage quit.
Fark this. This is a hardcore precision platformer. There's a reason they get their own category on Steam.
It was ok up until the needing to get the keys, but from there on it's just not fun.
Well, at least for those of us who come to this site for great puzzles and story/adventure driven games
I have enjoyed and finished all other Ferociter games until this one, but when it gets to the keys part it is too much for me. I tried all 3 paths and they all get too difficult to be worth the time spent.
The mechanics are still brilliantly done though.
This one is nicely designed, and the controls are reasonably precise, but my hand-eye coordination is just not up to it.
I found a video walkthrough, so I can enjoy some of the artwork at least, and I think I also made the right call.
This was lovely. I'm also glad it doesn't give statistics (how long / how many times I died).
Slightly spoiler for technique:
.nwapser nopu trats yletaidemmi uoy fi tuo skrow tontahw dna 'rab gnitator a gnittih ton' ro 'dlom gnivom gnittih tuohtiw maerts a gniretne' rof gnimit eht ,)tib lanif eht yllaicepse dna syek eerht eht gnitteg rof( dne eht sdrawot yllaicepsE
autant féroce que sieur férociter.
made it! and killed the evil fungus too!
spoiler warning.
⠀⠀for one of the secret locations to activate 1 of 2 secret "key". the location is
⠀⠀at the bottom "cave maze" with the right timing you can enter that entrance
⠀⠀above the "grass-color-wall".
⠀⠀for another secret location to activate 2 of 2 secret "key". the location is
⠀⠀in one of the smaller "shacks?" located near the place which you activate the
⠀⠀red dots mid air jump mechanic (different type of "temple?"). you will know you
⠀⠀are in the right smaller "shack?" by finding a small entrance above black void-mold
after activating both secret "keys?". it opens the secret door
the door is in a secret corridor: you will notice a small entrance
in the mega "shrine?" at the left wall at the end of completing the "rage quit"
triggering challenge. you will not find this secret corridor easily. it is
high above at the left wall after entering the second door inside the
mega "shrine?".
rage quit warning.
⠀⠀after entering the secret room. the secret room's challenge waiting for you
⠀⠀may trigger you to rage quit. you have been warned.
Wow, this game is so hard and SOOOOOOO satisfying. I just now got my second "Key", the one with the entrance in the same room you start in. the very last chalange was SOOOOOOOO hard, but when I go it after so many tries over so many days, when I got it, such a huge indorphan hit, like bamb, then finding out there wans;t another one, BAMBY BAM BAM BAMB! super fun so far, I wonder when It'll just get impossible.
Nice game,
Flappiebird on steroids.
Now finaly entered the secret room.
Key part one:
If I say it correctly,
At the bottem left, the gave you can enter after some upgrades.
When falling the "cave maze" at the bottom before hitting the floor go right in an opening you can't reach from the floor.
Key part to:
The temple that create rain clouds,
There is an opening in the top of this level.
Directions from the final temple:
Go left, jump down. When seeing clouds keep left.
Finally got to the end! Brilliant game.
I loved this game, but I couldn't finish the secret room. Maybe eventually...
Yeah, I don't see how anyone could actually enjoy that one, unless you like failing over and over again. That is not a platformer, that is a "split-second-timing-is-critical" platformer.
Awesome game. If it's not your type of game, or it's just not for you, that's cool. But there's no need to cast aspersions on people who enjoy the challenge of these types of platformers. I could just as easily make fun of the complainers who quit so easily.
Kiel B: I might be wrong, but I think the negative comments are because this site isn't known for featuring "split-second-timing-is-critical" platformers, as anon above put it. Usually any platformers here are low-stress ones that focus on logic or story or some new game mechanic, without a millisecond-precision-or-you-die aspect
Oh well
I'm glad I finally quit and watched one of the speed runs on youtube. Great lesson from a good game. :-)
Also, don't miss the "secret" "optional" real ending of the game...
I also got to the giant rotating black arm and... I've been trying for days since I loved it... but I think it's enough. I can't do it. Loved it, but that part is just too much.
Oh hooray, another Ferociter game! These are the best. :-D Got to the basic ending, now working on the extra stuff.
Made it to the secret/real ending. That was satisfying. I'm sure it'll get many replays from me, like all Ferociter games. Thanks for sharing these, Bart! A well designed, challenging platformer like this is one of my favorite types of games.
I just wanted to say that I commented at 24 November 2021 at 03:20 without knowing there was an alternative ending. It has taken me that long to FINALLY finish the alternative ending. WOOF. It was great. Still the best, but that was SO HARD.
@imterriblystucked yeah that part got me too
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