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January 03, 2022

conveyor con-fusion [browser]

Build conveyor belt contraptions to navigate the open world puzzle adventure Conveyor Con-fusion, a new collaborative puzzlescript puzzler by Thinky Collective. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart, X key for action, you'll be told when you can use action)


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Lu Damato said...

I managed 1 Red button and can't figure out how to progress. ▪︎x▪︎

Anonymous said...

I got pretty far, but this game is huge. Every room seems impossible, but slowly but surely you end up figuring them out. This could take days. I wouldn't be surprised if this ends up on the best of 2022 list, if people have the patience for it.

Anonymous said...

A hint to offer: You can reset rooms separately from each other.

Hotzenplotz said...

A hint to offer: You can reset rooms separately from each other.

wow, thank you. that is the answer, how I can push the second switch AND continue the game!!!
I thought, I have to reset the whole game...

Anonymous said...

I got a lot further in than I thought I would, this one certainly takes commitment, wew!

After figuring out the first two red buttons, I got held up b/c I had thought I solved a room... But it turned out that I needed to put a block somewhere else, this allowed me to go further up into that same room (that I *thought* I had fully revealed).

This quickly opened up into a much, much larger area, holy cats.

Stuck now here

maybe someone sharper can provide a clue...

Hotzenplotz said...

Stuck now here

maybe someone sharper can provide a clue...

maybe this could help:

any hint how to push this switch?

Anonymous said...


Thanks, I tried that but didn't see exactly how to seal the deal, will give it another go

Best I can do with your stuck point is this

Can't see a way to drop the box on the switch, yet...

Hotzenplotz said...

at the end you have to push the "right arrow box" with "left arrow box" on the "trail", so they push each other again...
sorry, it's hard to explain.

Hello said...

Any help to solve level A2?

Anonymous said...


Thanks, once I saw the end state in your pic, the solution was obvious. I was soooo close!

Anonymous said...

Any ideas for A14?

Anonymous said...


To get to the switch, you will need to bring in the extra box from the room on the right

Anonymous said...

Re: A14, you need to make a "spring" using the rising platform, so you can push the up block into the next level

Anonymous said...

I was about to ask about level A.20, but I figured it out. You have to send both blocks back at the same time, so they smash into each other and form a regular square top block.

Anonymous said...

A21 seems super complicated. Might take weeks to figure all that out.

Joseph Mansfield said...

Just to let everyone know, because I see there is a bunch of discussion here: some levels have been patched to remove unintended solutions. This also affects old saves but only shows up when you reset that level. For now, only levels A.7 and S.5 have been patched, but there's more to come. I'll update here and the devlog on when there's more.

Also, we're removing any bugs as we go.

Thanks and I hope you're enjoying the game!

Unknown said...

A tip for A.21 and other levels with lots of conveyor belts: knowing the end state is the most important thing. Then you'll realise every belt has a specific purpose.

Hotzenplotz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joseph Mansfield said...

The game was updated yesterday to now show the level numbers in the corner. If you can't see it after a normal refresh, do a ctrl+shift+R refresh (or cmd+shift+R on MacOS).

Anonymous said...

It is obviously difficult by design and refuses to hold your hand at all, which is good unless there are unintended dead ends, but it takes a while to realize the saving points and whether you need to interact between rooms or if there are red herrings.

Hello said...

Can anyone who has solved A13 tell me me if it’s necessary to bring a box from A12 to solve it?

Anonymous said...

A.13: It is not necessary to bring a box from A.12.

Hello said...

Thk u

Anonymous said...

Any tips on A15?

Anonymous said...

A.15: You ultimately just want to build a bridge from the platform to the exit. You'll need to make use of a technique you used in A.14

Anonymous said...

Can't update the game and have save enabled, so I don't have access to the ID system...

I'm stuck here

any help appreciated!

Hello said...

The trick to that one is to use the left facing block to go around the down facing block so you don’t activate the elevator block until the end

Hello said...

On A17, there’s the button that requires pushing a box across to fill the gap. Can anybody offer some help with this?

Anonymous said...

I think I've gotten all of the A and B levels (not all secret switches though, including that third one on A17). Any clues for the first "hybrid" level, AB.1?

Anonymous said...

AB.1 involves smashing two blocks to move on a diagonal

Anonymous said...

any help for A7 ?

Anonymous said...

The goal of A7 is to move the left block into the hole at the bottom. The left block is on the top row though, so how can you push it down? You need to set up a system of blocks that allow you to do that.

Anonymous said...

It's exactly where I am.
But I'm unable to find such a system of blocks, so far.

Hello said...

Can you explain that? The purple box seems to have the ability to remove slime from one box when it’s on the floor.

Anonymous said...

Hello: are you talking about AB1? You're not using the slime box for its slime properties in that level, just as a barrier to make colliding two blocks at the same time possible.

Hello said...

Yes, I managed to get that figured out. Now stuck on AB3

Anonymous said...

AB3 is also about smashing blocks!

Anonymous said...

OK, now I'm stuck on A.13

I can only guess you're supposed to exit to the left, but...

Any help/hints greatly appreciated!

Anonymous said...

Anon at 00:39 here...

Figured it out with POP

(Power Of Posting!)

Anonymous said...

Stuck on A.15. Can't see how to use the "loaded spring" technique to get past it...

Hello said...

Alright AB 6 you have to travel across a space of 7 block s from right to left and most of the blocks at left facing. Making no sense at this moment.

Anonymous said...

Currently working on AB6, such a challenge. My thinking is that you need to create a chain reaction to throw a block on the switch while standing on the left platform...

For A15, you need to load the platform, trigger the switch, then navigate yourself in such way that when you push a block from the right, the lower block "springs" up for you to push to exit. Hope this helps

Anonymous said...

It worked!


I used the detonator as a "remote control" to trigger a chain reaction using two stacks of blocks on the left of the pillar. A really terrific game.

Hello said...

Genius! Good work and thanks for sharing.

Hello said...

Any idea what the goal is for Final Experiment

Anonymous said...

Final Experiment is fun to discover for yourself-- I suggest playing around with detonating the back explosives, then noting what you haven't yet tried "smashing." Could the player become the experiment?

Anonymous said...

For A.15

Can someone tell me if this is the correct initial "platform load"?

I can't see any other way to get up on the platform initially, although the blocks can be in any order (square/square/r arrow, square/r arrow/square, etc.).

If you can also give some hints from that point, it's really appreciated. This one is really stumping me...

Anonymous said...

For A.15, there are three stages:

1. Free the two blocks by lifting yourself on to the platform to get behind them.
2. Figure out how to get a block on to the platform.
3. Figure out how to then recover the blocks that are now stuck next to the button (you don't need them all to reach the exit).

I'll leave it to you to figure out which blocks are involved at each stage.

Reese said...

I can’t figure out what to do for B15.

FredPoup said...

2 days on A14 :(
can't figure the spring in this answer: " A14, you need to make a "spring" using the rising platform, so you can push the up block into the next level".

Anonymous said...


You need to set it so that you push a block left onto the loaded platform ("spring"), off the left side, onto the switch. Then, you move onto the block you just pushed onto the switch, which allows the block you were just standing on to rise. You can then push that block right and up into the next section.

FredPoup said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
FredPoup said...

Thanks anonymous but I figure it out while you were writing! and write myself this comment : A14 got it!!!
Upper block (arrow-up) pushed on the platform with the block arrow-right above (use the others blocks). Then a block on the red button. Go up to push and walk to the left. The spring releases the tension and go to the right.

Hello said...

For B15 you need to blow up the divider in the right spot so you can come back and take the bomb on the platform after you use 2 of the 3 bombs on the right to open the area on the upper right. Then you will have 2 bombs left to open the exit.

Hello said...

Has anybody managed to complete S1? If so ??

JohnReese said...

On B15 I don't see how you can blow the divider and still be able to go back to get the bomb on the platform, unless there is something I'm missing about the bomb mechanic.

I understand an exploding bomb breaks the cells that are side-adjacent to the ones they are in on the same level, and the one below them (and probably above them, if the case ever happens).

Hello said...

b15 blow first bomb at 4th space from top so there’s a 3x2 Island remaining then go back after using other bomb as a bridge

JohnReese said...

Oooh you can use bomb as a bridge. I thought about that at one point then completely forgot to try it.

Niki said...

Anyone care to give a few hints? I'm stuck in both directions.

B18- I managed to get all the blue blocks into the adjacent room with the block need to pass onto the next conveyor only to discover that it traps me in that room and I cannot figure any other way to get a different configuration in there nor can I get another block in there.

A8- I came at it from A6 via A7 ( I assume that is the only direction I can) again I assume that I need to get one of the high blocks in to the bottom ladder hole, but am thoroughly flummoxed as to how to get it there and I see no way to get another block into the room.

Please help, THIA

Hello said...

You don’t need all of the blocks in that room... just the upward facing.

Hello said...

A8 you are probably making it seem more complicated that it is, like I i did also. You just need to move it off platform and inch it over to other side by sliding arrow block underneath

Hello said...

Can anybody help with pressing the switch between A14 and A15?

Niki said...

@ Hello, that was precisely my thinking on both of those rooms, however it is also exactly my problem, lol. I cant make either happen.

Hello said...

Well if you want the spoiler for b18 here it is:
Move the bottom bomb right into gap, cross over go down, explode bomb. Fill gap with right facing arrow. Move down arrow all the way down. Move up arrow into the other room. There you have it.

Anonymous said...

Hello: for the switch between A14 and A15, you're going to need an extra block from A15, which requires you to save all of your blocks. To do that, after you've done the spring mechanism the first time, you'll need to build a bridge (use the down block above the left pillar), to push from the left of the stray block. Before doing that, bring the right block on the platform to stack and push the chain again

Unknown said...

What am i missing? the right facing block is stacked on the spring. the down block is above the black column. 2 blockleft over. isnt one more needed to make bridge fro platform being that the down block is one space down?

Anonymous said...

Unknown: don't stack the right block on the spring yet. Build the bridge WITH the switch activated- that should take care of the missing blocks. Since you will only be pushing two blocks from the left, you'll be able to push one space to the right without stacking, on this move.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, just finished S1: the idea is to create a loop, bringing the down block to activate the switch, raising the neutral block on the platform. Then you can push and follow through to the exit

Unknown said...

ok, but what about S4?

Unknown said...

where is S1 ? im not sure ive seen that room?

Anonymous said...

S1 is to the right of "the lab"

Anonymous said...

Still don't know about S4. Anybody figured out the switches between B15 and B16?

Unknown said...

thats a tough one. my best guess so far is that you need either a down block or dynamite to fill that gap to reach button. getting either piece from room below would require another dynamite to explode the floor and place an up arrow there to get the piece through that corridor. any luck keep us posted.

Anonymous said...

I figured out the bottom switch-- using the room below, the idea is to stack a left block on the sticky right block, using the other blocks as leverage, then exploding the right block to free the left one.

Still stuck on the right switch!

Unknown said...

my mistake, i thought you were referring to to the other switch at b18.

right switch at 16 is basically the same procedure. get the left block first as before then drop it where it enables you to get the left block that you need for the room on the right.

im stuck on the switch above at 18. have you gotten that one?

Anonymous said...

Oh, sorry, that's the one I am referring to!

Unknown said...

too many switches, now i see what you are referring to. the right switch between b15 an b16... you can blow up just one of the two bombs if you do it from the room to the right then you will have one left to reach the switch,

Unknown said...

there is a switch to the right of b18, just below, b19. thats the one i cannot figure out.

Anonymous said...

Ah, of course! Which is the switch you're referring? The one off of the lower exit in B19?

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

Ok, yes. For the switch below B19, you must bring the left block to the lower right exit. To do that, you need to use the up block as a wedge, just above the up block on the ground. Then you can place the right block just below, place the left block, go around, push the up block to the left, push down on left block, and through

Unknown said...

good one! if my brain wasn't so tired i may have figured that out.
dont spoil it all for me but if you've gotten the one to the right of A7 where you have to access it off off the moving conveyor feel free to share.
sleep now

Anonymous said...

Ah, all I'll say for that one is that it involves a lot of smuggling across different areas-- and don't forget to reset areas to check for spare blocks!

Still working on that third switch on A17, if anybody has any tips

Anonymous said...

I didn’t understand the hint on A8, what can I do to solve this one?

Anonymous said...

I’m stuck on B6, any hint please?

Anonymous said...

For the switch on A17: don't forget to disable the switch in the area above. You don't need the extra block in the room on the right

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

for S2 you have to combine the down and left block.
to to do this, stack them each on a square block and set up the conveyors by the pusher in such a way that when you push the button the blocks on top are released and combine.

peter said...

anonymous above...for the switch off off the conveyor that requires smuggling of multiple blocks...aside from resetting for one block just to the left of the entrance, one glue block from b10 and the bomb..still, i think one more is needed, no. cant find any others.

Anonymous said...

peter: have you checked the room on the left of the switch? A7?

Anonymous said...

Unknown: I must be missing something obvious on S2. Since we only have down and left blocks, how can we position the blocks by the pusher?

peter said...

the corridor room immeditely, thinking is that you just reset that room and theres a block that doesnt need to be moved which will hold the others that will be sent down the conveyor. that is the third block i have other than the glue block and bomb. if you are talking about a block from room A7 im at a loss for lack of seeing a possibilty of getting a block from that room.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wow, just realized the mechanic I was neglecting. Never mind!

peter said...

Clarification for S2: you can move the stacks by making another stack to move them with

Anonymous said...

You can get a block from A7 by building a bridge from the right side of the raised platform-- don't reset the corridor room until you've gotten that block

peter said...

bless your mind*

will give S4 another attempt
still dont know what to do with the room called ????
and im not sure if ive even seen the room S3. if i have i cant seem to find it again.

Anonymous said...

S3 is just above AB5, pretty fun.

Now redoing AB5 with the level update-- turns out my original solution no longer holds!

peter said...

any luck with s4?

Anonymous said...

Missing 1 last switches on the B side: the one to the right of B21. I figured I need to bring a bomb on top of a slime block back from B21, but I couldn't succeed doing so. Any hint? Thanx

Anonymous said...

Missing a last switch as well, but mine is the rightmost of the 2 switches between B15 and B16 (just to the bottom left of B21). The only way in is to dynamite the entry block, but it seems impossible to bring one there.

peter said...

the B21 switch: get blue block off right platform and move it beside purple box. detonate upper bomb above purple box to make glue box. use bomb on floor to blow hole just below where purple box was, enabling you to move the inner blue box out. move blue box underneath last bomb to move bomb up. place glue box next to it and there you have your bomb on a glue box

peter said...

that other rightmost switch btwn b15 and b16 you need to blow up just one bomb first by doing it from the room to the right.

Anonymous said...

peter: still working on S4- would love a tip if anybody has figured it out. Right now playing with sending two left blocks to trigger the switch, obviating the ground switch problem...

peter said...

working on a similar angle. you can send 2 left blocks across from the platform so that the second one becomes stacked and then you can cross over and reach the button. but then theres other remaining issues. but there are other issues such as blowing up bomb creates more space to move ladder but less space to move the block across. seems like this puzzle was specifically designed to thwart a multitude ideas that almost work.

Anonymous said...

for Niki and Anon, I finally managed A8, that was a very tricky one. Here is the spoiler: place left arrow below right platform, and neutral block just left of it. Then push down arrow on left arrow, and then push 4 times the right arrow to the left. When done, park left arrow to the bottom left and you're nearly done.

Anonymous said...

Only tip I can give for S.4: you do have to press the button yourself. There are two possible approaches but only one of them will work and a special trick is required to approach from that direction without losing access to things you need.

peter said...

ok, im guessing after much trial that this special trick has to do with the fact that when a block is passed onto a diagonal block and that diagonal is pointing towards a corner of a wall, then the block will remain stacked, rather than passing over? is this in allignment with your method or have you tapped into an even more special trick?

Anonymous said...

The only other trick I can imagine is that when passing over a diagonal block, you can also push blocks on diagonal. Just can't figure out how that would be useful...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous's theory about the special trick is closer to the right one, but it's even fancier than that! Another thing I will say is that the bottom right area is not a red herring.

Anonymous said...

Done, thank you, Anon! The mechanism, once you figure it out, is quite fun, and creates an elegant solution. The diagonal pushing motion is key

Anonymous said...

The levels never end! What a tremendous game

peter said...

all right, Team anonymous has it figured out (S4). trying to join team anonymous while steeping in the frustration of not getting the magic trick. is it something to do with being able to push the ladder block upwards without having a block underneath it?

Anonymous said...



You can move on a diagonal using the diagonal block. Knowing that, objects move on diagonals, too. What if you find yourself in the path of a diagonally-moving object?

peter said...

there it is! diagonal magic, appreciate the help!

Anonymous said...

Happy to help! I wonder how people are finding S5...

Hello said...

Where is S5? Do you have to complete all switches to unlock further?

Anonymous said...


Hello said...

I think a6 is the only one I haven’t gotten. I’m surprised I haven’t seen one post about solving that one. Any tips on where to start?

Anonymous said...

That one just takes a bit of planning, and maneuvering around the map to save blocks. I imagine (but am not sure) that there are multiple solutions, so I wouldn't want to narrow your options by going more specific than that. I will say that I did not need to "smuggle" blocks from any other level

Anonymous said...

If anybody has made progress on S5 would love to hear it. Starting to feel like a team effort worthy of this remarkable, challenging game.

jae said...

I'm sure this is blindingly obvious, but I'm stuck on A5. I can see how to narrow the gap to the last platform to one space, but I don't know how to bridge it entirely. Any suggestions or hints?

peter said...

for A5 you dont build the bridge from the upper left to the lower left platform. approach from the bottom.

peter said...

still havent solved a6. finding this one difficult i terms of which room to start in. i assume the path around the outside has to go counter clockwise. can get block in switch but then exiting the center is problematic.

peter said...

anonymous, im working on S5. so far it seems like there will be so many steps involved in completion of this that just getting a handle on that aspect is a puzzle in an of itself. then there's doing it. first thought for me have been to get acces to all the blocks on the platform by remotely triggering the bridge, but there are no UP blocks so already problematic.

Anonymous said...

peter: glad you figured out A6!

Despite how large S5 is, I think the "heart" of the puzzle is really at that corner hemmed in by grates in the top right (and no, they cannot be detonated :) I tried). With no up block, the mechanics of bringing blocks through the passage so far has me stumped.

Marie said...

Don't know what to do with AB3.
Any hint ?

peter said...

Marie, the first step for AB3 is to combine the ladder with the down block to get a neutral one. then put the bomb on the lower platform and move it beside the purple box up top. then glue your ladder box and from that point you can maneuver the remaining box to the exit to fill the hole.

Marie said...

Thanks Peter ! But I've already done all that. That's the last part which is a problem to me : How do I push the ladder block to the exit since there's no other block to push it ?

peter said...

Marie, when you are standing underneath a metal grate you can push ladder boxes horizontally. use those 2 spots to help you

peter said...

the only thing ive managed with S5 is to build a bridge from the ladder to the platform where the blocks are. still seems very unclear and complicated.

JohnReese said...

I'm stuck on AB-2 myself, which seems isn't a problem for anyone...

Unknown said...

for AB2 you need to push the left side ladder over the button with the top side ladder. make sure you have the right side ladder in a position to access the upper part to cross over.

JohnReese said...

Thanks, I'll try that

Reese said...

B18 was completely changed but apparently uses the same trick and I have no idea how to do it. wouldn't havve been a problem if my progress wasn't reset.

Anonymous said...

For AB3, I proudly managed to raise an upward conveyor on top of a slime ladder block, the only thing I need to exit the level would be to push this construct to the right ... but this is impossible because of this ladder and I have no spare block, what did I miss?

Hello said...

Check a few comments above, the explanation is there

Anonymous said...

Sorry I didn't get Peter's hint: "that other rightmost switch btwn b15 and b16 you need to blow up just one bomb first by doing it from the room to the right." There is no bomb in the room to the right (b19)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Hello, I missed this one, and didn't realise I could stack my blocks further on the right.

Hello said...

You don’t need a bomb over there. Just make your way over to that elevated spot and stand in the spot where you are able to detonate only one of those two bombs. Then go back around and use the remaining bomb.

Anonymous said...

Anybody make progress on S5?

peter said...

S5 is making the other challenging puzzles up to this point seem easy.
some progress made in different ways.bridge from ladder area to platform. that works. not sure if it helps. you can also get up there by double stacking and pressing the button for the double risers. then if you come off of the platform you cant go back up that way because the switch is blocked. then theres the real challenge of getting the needed blocks to the any side.feel free to share your insight if you have any

Anonymous said...

No real insights, only inferences: we need at least one right block on the other side, as well as six other blocks. I've been trying to work the puzzle "backward." Because of the position of the grates, there's no way to convey the blocks without pushing a glued stack. I think the idea will be to do the move in groups of three, and to place blocks to move on the right-most push platform. Without figuring out how to navigate that upper corner turn in a way that keeps your sticky block, though, I'm at a loss...

peter said...

also with S5: could be wrong, but it doesnt seem like you need to need to combine any blocks. so am wondering also about using the blocks from the upper platform to get behind the square block at the very bottom to make that usable. point being. you could wait to gather the three square blocks before exploding the purple box in order to make 3 glue blocks, with the limitation that the diagonal block cant be moved out until after the bomb is exploded,

Anonymous said...

peter: you actually can reach that diagonal block before the bomb is exploded, making a bridge from the left platform. I agree that I don't think we need to combine blocks

jae said...

Here's where I am with A5.

I can't figure out how to bridge that final gap, given that the block I think I need starts up against the wall

peter said...

jae..instead of doing it that way move one of the arrow blocks in the bridge down to that gap in the bottom

Anonymous said...

peter: oh, sorry, you were talking about the square block at the bottom. I suppose I'm still trying to figure out-- even with three square sticky blocks, how to move seven blocks to the other side?

peter said...

yes, the square block. many variables complicating this.
also thats alot of blocks to bridge over to the purple box to get out the diagonal. more thing: why are you insisting 7 blocks, theres one block over there already and briningg over 4 blocks would cover it?

Anonymous said...

peter: because you can't move the blocks from the left, meaning you have to cover the left and bottom wall to cross?

the other complicating factor (of many): if you use a block stack to raise to the bridge, you can't salvage the glued block unless you detonate the pressed switch...

Anonymous said...

also, the idea is you would move the diagonal box to the left, just over the gap to the lower switch (after moving the square block down)

peter said...

yes you can. put a left block on the button to avoid all that.

Anonymous said...

Ah, right. I had eliminated that solution because I didn't think it was realistic to raise the blocks needed to do that (two right blocks, assuming you're moving the right block already on the left platform). Will revisit this possibility

Anonymous said...

peter: I think you are right that the solution involves moving two down blocks and two right blocks. At the moment, I would guess that you need a square block, a right block, and a down block to be sticky (the right and down to transfer blocks; the square block to rise once on the bridge)

Anonymous said...

Something I just realized about S5 that could be useful: you can combine blocks easily in the upper-right corner with a sticky down and right block. And, if you create three down-right combinations, you could cross the room on the right with only three blocks (plus the square block already there)

peter said...

thats a good idea with the making 3 diagonal block. im not seeing that method of combining. but if only 3 blocks are needed then it seems that it all can be accomplished without any need to build a platform from the left to right side of the barrier.

Marnie said...

Incredibly stuck on A7. The only thing I can figure is that I can move the left-pointing block down to the platform on the right of the room. But then how to move it to the platform at the bottom of the screen so it can slot in where it's needed?

Anonymous said...

For A7 moving that block off of the platform doesnt help you. you have to move it downwards on the platform. and the only way to do that is to create a loop off of the upper left corner of the platform. the trick is, while moving the blocks around you have to avoid moving other blocks into the top row.

Anonymous said...

Thanks a lot Peter and Hello for you hints on this rightmost switch between b15 and b16. Though very precise, in fact they didn't make any sense until I going around for the 100th time I mistakenly resetted that "room" between b15 and b16, and 2 bombs appeared that I had completely forgotten. Then getting that switch was easy of course. The hint I needed there was simply "reset"!

Reese said...

I'm seriously 100% stuck and at a full dead stop on what to do on B.18 after it was updated. Image of what level I'm talking about: I found out that you don't need to destroy the upwards conveyor to solve it from reading the comments on the game's page but I still have absolutely no idea what the shell I have to do to solve it. I'd really appreciate help with it.

Anonymous said...

I need a hint for AB6 please.

I'd love building this stack chain reaction Anon described a few days ago, but I can't even build a single stack of blocks anywhere, with all these blocks facing the wrong way, no apparent way to smash them into a neutral block, and a single pillar (so far away) to prevent a stack from immediately falling apart...

peter said...

AB6: the bomb is a neutral block

peter said...

Anonymous S5 (seems we are the only ones working on this).
i started to think i was making progress by getting the square block down from the upper right platform before exploding the glue box, thinking an extra square glue box would make things much easier. working with the idea of trying make the 3 down/right boxes...trying stack the pieces in order to combine them and then stacking them again ta transfer to the right side seems impossible due to limited use of the elevator blocks

Anonymous said...

peter: how are you getting the square block from the top platform without exploding the glue box? Here's where I'm at: you actually only need, minimally, one downward right block and a right arrow to cross the gap. That's only two blocks! But, the limitation I'm facing is that requires two elevated right arrows. One can come from the elevator, and another from the left platform (by moving and storing that block against the left-most grate). However, the issue I'm facing is being unable to build a bridge to the upper platform without use of that elevated right block (the one now stuck against the grate). If we can bring down the square block from the platform without glue, and without use of one right block, I think we may be close to a solution...

Anonymous said...

i was able to get that square block by, after making the first bridge from ladder to the big platform then using almost all of those blocks to nake a wedge against the column thats a few spaces below where that left elevator would rise. it leaves you with all of the pieces on the ground though, so its probably not helpful.
dont know how you see it possible to cross the gap by only bringing 2 blocks. i see your need 4 total.

Anonymous said...

You're right-- it would be three blocks (one down-right, one right, and one down OR one right). That still makes it possible to bring them over without building another bridge (which doesn't seem possible given the need to carry over right blocks, thereby cutting off the bridge to the platform)

peter said...

it would be possible by bringing over just 2 blocks if they were both down/right blocks

peter said...

also you mentioned an easy method to combine blocks in the upper right corner. i see dont see that.

Anonymous said...

No, I was mistaken about the two blocks-- you would only just reach the edge, it seems. The combining method requires a sticky down block and sticky right block, stacked with two blocks, sandwiched with the down block to the right, balanced against the grate. From there, you just take a block and push up on the down block stack, releasing both blocks into each other

Anonymous said...

peter: when retrieving the top square block using your wedge against the column below the left elevator, how did you span the second gap (where the right elevator would rise)? Playing with an idea...

And, yes, you were right (and I was originally right)- you can use two down-right blocks. That said, I don't think it's possible to raise two right blocks, so the block combo seems like it will have to be down-right, down, and square

peter said...

first thing i did was replace one of the right blocks in my original bridge with a down block, freeing that one, then placed a block on the button to fill the last gap.
the issue with this is that 3 more bocks would be needed to make another bridge in order to get behind that block and bring it back out of that stuck corner.

Reese said...

How do I get to S1? i've tried brinning a bomb down but I can't get to a safe distance to detonate it.

Anonymous said...

getting to (S1) you need another block to provide that space

Marnie said...

I can get past A2 but still can't figure out how to get to the goal. I can bring over an arrow from the previous room (left arrow) but am baffled at how to get that across and into the hole.

Anonymous said...

Some more on S5: I'm pretty sure the level requires two sticky square blocks and two down-right blocks. I've found another place to combine to create down-right blocks (the grate on the left), which means the only remaining piece to figure out is how to create a second sticky square block. My theory right now is that we need to create one with some combination of left and right sticky block, but the question remains how to trigger any two pushers at the same time. Would appreciate any help, if people have managed to crack this one!

peter said...

if you are thinking that to be the solution, how would you raise the 2 down right blocks in order to move them to the right side?
i could be wrong, but i feel like im close to solving, using a square block, a down block and a down right block to bring to the right side; and yes its possible to combine by activating 2 pushers at once, (the way i managed requires using all 3 pushers). i did it by using the middle and right pusher to combine by creating a vertical line with 2 blocks stacked that ,when pushed down activates the the middle pusher the lower left pusher. the lower left pusher then activates the upper right pusher and combines the block. its a lttle bit tricky.
at this point i have the three blocks im trying to move all stacked and ready to move to the other side i just trying to figure that part out in terms of which types of sticky blocks will ne needed.

Adam said...

I'm unsure of how to get past A15. I can use the three boxes to push myself up to get to the platform and push the two boxes on the right down, but not sure where to go from there.

Anonymous said...

For those working on S.5, I just want to post words of encouragement - it's great seeing the collaborative solving! The progress you're making with it is very positive.

Adam: For A.15, that's a good start, but now the three blocks are pretty stuck so you need to work on getting them free. A trick you learnt recently is very useful.

Anonymous said...

peter: Could you be more specific about the vertical stack you're using to trigger both pushers at the same time? Everything I've tried triggers the right switch too quickly. I've been able to make two down-right arrows using the left grate, by making a square sticky block at the beginning and working from the right--you can build a bridge and "store" blocks from the top against the right-most pillar after lifting to the main platform. If I can figure out how to combine to make another square sticky block, I think we're close to a solution.

peter said...

S5 anonymous: ill do my best.. you are using the middle and right pushers to combine. place your two blocks to be combined in those spots. now move the one that is on the right side of the middle pusher up one space. thats your starting point. place one block that is stacked on a neutral block to the right of the bottom button. place another stacked block on a neutral block 3 spaces above that one(just left of the black column). then add a left block above each to set them in motion when pushed. the lower stacked box will press button immediately when pushed, for the stack above place the down left block to the left of it and then a right block to the left of that (middle) button. lastly 4 more blocks above the bottom left pusher to activate the switch above. seems like this is clear let me know that you get it.

Reese said...

I believe you use the bomb and the right facing sticky conveyor as the other 2 blocks in the sequence to get a block from A7.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, peter. Yes, those instructions are clear-- I've just been having trouble implementing with four blocks remaining to push up to the left switch...

peter said...

anonymous: 4 blocks is all you need. i dont see what the trouble is

Reese said...

You actually don’t need to do that.

peter said...

Anonymous: my conclusion after all this trial and error is that the only way possible to move the blocks needed over to the right side is with 2 sticky square blocks and one sticky bomb, hence you cant create any sticky blocks before moving that square block off of the right platform.

Anonymous said...

peter: I agree, we need two sticky square blocks. But to only use two blocks, we need to use down-right blocks. I think I made some progress realizing you can create down-right blocks against the grate on the left side (using the down-left block above a left block). Yes, that method requires making sticky blocks before getting that raised square. But, if there is a way to combine some sticky left-right combination (perhaps using your method), we're good to go.

I'm not sure how you're using the sticky bomb, but remember since we need a right block over the switch on the other side, we can only transport two blocks maximum. I find it helpful to have some constraints established in this massive, mind-consuming level

Anonymous said...

anonymous: i still dont see this combination method to create the diagonal blocks.
and also, how to lift 2 block s up then?

Anonymous said...

To combine blocks, you position a left block and a down-left block against the right corner and right edge of the grate on the left (both holding blocks). Then, take a stack (I've been using a square sticky block underneath any block), push up on the left-block stack-- should create a down-right block. And, if you have a block (I've been using a down block) to catch it, you can save it, which makes creating two down-right blocks possible. Still trying to figure out how to create a second sticky square block to deliver them to the right.

I am only raising one right block (using the elevator). The other right block is the one on the platform on the left.

Anonymous said...

Quick note: perhaps obvious, but the blocks stacked on the left and down-left block should be a down and right block, to create down-right.

Meblin said...

Any help with A.13 would be much apreciated.
I think I know where I need blocks to go but cannot work out ow to get them in place.

peter said...

S5 Anonymous: im gathering that the approach you have been using is to avoid building a bridge from the ladder to the upper platform and just accessing the upper level by using your block which is stacked on a glue block as a means to hold down the bridge platform before activating it. if this is the case, how do you avoid having that glue block become stuck and unusable after pushing it?

peter said...

Meblin for A13 bringing the down block across tot he left platform will help you bring the right block over to the right side where you need it

Anonymous said...

peter: yes, right now my process is to access the upper level with a stacked block. I then push those blocks to a bridge of two down blocks and five left blocks leaning against the pillar on the right (where the right pusher would push). I detonate the block on the button activating the elevators (since I don't intend to use it again), which frees up the stacked glue block

I figure building a bridge uses up a right block I need for one of my down-right blocks, and it requires activating the bottom-left pusher, which will be possibly necessary later to create another square sticky block. I get to the point of building two accessible down-right blocks, but am at a dead-end with where to go from here re: getting another square sticky block

peter said...

anonymous: ok, im going to follow your steps and see if i can make anything of it.
just 2 points: 1. building a bridge does require using that right block but doesnt require activating the bottom left pusher 2. you can combine blocks very simply by using middle and right pusher just by using a bomb and another block as a place holder but obviously you cant use this technique in addition to what you are already doing since youve used your bomb.

Anonymous said...

peter: can you elaborate on that last point, "using a bomb and another block as a place holder." Do you mean we can combine blocks before accessing the upper level?

Anonymous said...

One point to clarify my trouble with combining blocks: it's not too much trouble to lean a block against either pillar, in addition to using a neutral block to hold another down below. The limiting factor seems to be running out of blocks to use to push up on the left switch

peter said...

anonymous: yes, just place the blocks to be combined by the respective pushers, then place another block in between them to hold them in place. next place a block on each of the buttons. then blow up the spacer block

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, yes, so simple. But yeah, I think we need that bomb, and it seems we're meant to utilize all three pushers to combine, somehow

peter said...

anonymous: S5 were you able to retrieve the block placed on the button in the very top right corner?

Anonymous said...

peter: yes- build a bridge using a right block, a neutral square (which you push from upper level), and another right block. You should only lose use of one right block in the process (the one now stuck against the right wall), which has to eventually go to the right side, anyway

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