Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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Fun little puzzle but stumped me until I remembered an elementary maths rule.
Lacking in story & description.
I explored about 7 rooms.
There are a few mystery items.
Am now stuck & either I suck, or the game does.
That was a great puzzlescript game! I got out and found all the monitors.
As usual, I'm an idiot. I can go through three rooms to get the "Static Projector", and once I have that I can move gray blocks, but I can't even get out of that room. Are you supposed to be able to drop blocks on the black squares?
No, you have to find a way to clear a path without dropping blocks on black squares. It's tricky. I'm a little farther than you. Have found a few green/yellow things that I can't do anything with, but I think I should be able to, because everything else is a dead end.
It's possible to get passed the blocks on C3.
Yeah, figured it out at last. Now working on D3/E3/F3/F2. I'll get there. Good puzzles.
what the hell are you supposed to do at F2?????
F2 and G2 are one puzzle. If you're stuck, I've stitched the two screens together so you can see the level you're trying to solve
F2 links up with G2, haven't worked it out fully yet
I seem to be stuck. I've made it to Log #2 where it describes producing a solid beam but I haven't figured out what to do with the information.
How do you get from F3 to G3?
Power of posting :)
Stuck on D3... does anyone have any solutions? I know I need to somehow have the static thing connected to the blue/gray box in the upper left corner to melt the ice... but I have no idea how to get there. Help appreciated.
The information on the terminals is easter-eggy more than useful. Progress is gated by items you'll eventually discover that let you interact with blocks you've encountered along the way, so if you're unable to progress then you probably need to look for an area you haven't fully made it through yet.
D3 is designed to teach you how the blue orbs work and how they interact with weird-blue-melty-things. What does the yellow dotted line indicate? Can you extend it? The gist of the orb puzzles is that you need to make the yellow dotted line connect the orb to the blue-melty-thing. Have you tried putting a box right next to the orb and then zapping it with your gun from different distances?
I've made it pretty far along, now the only rooms I haven't accessed at least partially are all of row 7 (except D7, I can get in there and read a log but can't access the rest of the level) and A5, which it looks like is accessed via blowing up in B5, only the black spaces block the path needed.
I think accessing A5 is the key, but I have no idea how to get there. Any hints or ideas?
I can't see the map and I'm also stuck after a few rooms with ice. There's a single ice but no "electric" block to melt it down. And I can't see another path...
It works witha different browser. F2 was tricky!!!! I'm starting to get it :D
@Frobisher - I did see the yellow dotted line and I recognized that I have to connect to the blue thing in the corner, I'm just struggling to make that happen!
Hah! Got it! Thanks, Frobisher!
Anyone doing anything with C2? I've got myself locked into the green section and can't seem to get back out. I think C2 will open an exit, but I can't figure how to negotiate the plant.
For Anonymous looking for help on C2 - scroll down to the comments below the game board, and someone has posted a C2 map, and just below that a Rot 13 hint to go with it.
Thanks Smowler!
Any clues for where you get the thermal thing and that first ice flower? That really throws everything I've learned so far for a loop!! How do you get that flower to grow to the right???
Has anyone been able to do E6? How do you get the explosive fruit off of that square? You can't move around in the room that I can see!!
nice little stumper - currently stuck on g4, e1, d6, and want to 100% before i hit the 7th row
F4 just hooooow???
and how do you solve the ice floor rooms?
This is probably the best puzzlescript games i have aver played!
and out with 8/8 <3
Took me a bit and I had to look at the solutions for some rooms, but finally out!!
I am still superstuck with F2/G2! anyone have any hints?
Lu Damato, F4 uses a similar mechanic to F2/G2, and the ice rooms require an upgrade item to solve.
I need help with F2/G2 also. I feel like I'm so close, I'm fairly certain I need to stack both blocks on top of the blue thing in G2 but I can't quite get it to work. Plz, any hint or anything would be appreciated
Oof nvm lol just got it
Hint: G2 should have 1 block right above the blue circle, and the other 2 spaces away from the green thing, and then you can go back to F2 to complete it. Hope that makes sense
I am stuck in the blue section of the map... I have not yet gotten to F1 or G1 or most of the lower section of the map and I feel like I'm trapped. I just got the ability to control the plants near salt water but I haven't been able to use it yet. HHEEEEELLLLPP???!!
Is there a way to get to the bottom right exit of B2?
SOLUTION (Sort of) This is actually an almost complete map to help anyone out. Don't click on this if you don't want a spoiler.
It is missing the exit tile because I forgot to screen grab it before the game ended.
@Megan Pearce - yes you have to use the plant and the grapple gun in C2 as well.
Out with 8/8 also without looking for solutions! Took me a couple of sessions to finish but really nice puzzlescript game.
That map is amazing! Thank you! But I still don't understand how to get to the lower exit in B2... I have tried bringing the plant over from C2, but I can't figure that out. Can anyone show me an image of B2/C2 and how to get out of the green zone?
OMG, I made it out of B2!! it was the Rot 13 hint that helped! I didn't even realize Rot13 was a thing! smh
Are there secret passageways? How do you get to F1?
No secret passages, Megan. You have to explode your way in from E1. SPOILER: The plant path I used took an extra loop up and back on the wide black area than the path shown on the map that anonymous posted.
how do you explode something?
with your exploding melon, of course!
What? I never got an exploding melon?
OMG, I found it!! yay, that will make a big difference!
And done! Definitely the best puzzlescript game ever.
Lots of fun with this one. Now stuck on G5 (backing up through it). I know what I need to do with the plant, just can't do that then connect it back to the red block!
@Bill IIRC you need to 'wrap' the plant around you.
RE: remnants-solve.jpg
To anyone using the map I posted. It is not a solution. It is only a map to help you navigate. Some of the plant paths are the solution, some are not. I just have a terrible memory so made this to stop me from wandering around in circles.
I also have to agree with many others here: this is the best Puzzlescript game so far. It is a perfect blend of increasing difficulty and head scratching frustration but brilliant when you solve them all.
Finished, but with 6 of 8 monitors found. I wish the map showed where they are and/or which ones I've read.
All the monitors are shown on the map. They're easy to miss though. In the game they change colour if you've read them.
Wow, this one was great, I regret sleeping on it for two weeks! I struggle to stay engaged with most puzzlescript games when they get hard, but I do love when they have interconnected rooms, and the mechanics, powerups, and the way the mechanics were taught and layered one by one was just perfect to make me feel like I was making progress the whole time. (Sneaky trick used partway through the bottom row, but I realized I must be missing something...) Escaped the lab with all logs and no hints needed; I even went back and copied the logs into a text file for safekeeping. I'll be shocked if this one doesn't make the 2022 top ten!
I finished it finally! It was a good one! I was stuck on C2 for days, for that room I used a hint, but otherwise I solved every puzzle, read the 8 monitors, and I really liked every single room. I also liked that before I would get bored, a new ability appears, which keeps the game interesting.
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