
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 09, 2022

type and magic: chapter 1 [browser]

Type your way to freedom in the puzzle platformer Type and Magic: Chapter 1 by Senokos. Those typing lessons from Brandon might come in handy after all.


imterriblystucked said...

I had to rage quit. It's a good concept... not for me specifically

Anonymous said...

Same, there is little 'fun' for me in characters that inexorably travel forward to their doom, just anxiety

Anonymous said...

Nice idea but timing based gameplay is not for everyone obviously. Game gets difficult real quick. Maybe a couple of timing based levels here and there is ok, but like others I had to quit early.

Anonymous said...

I found a new side of myself today - I cannot multitask between a space key, game on screen, and typing, haha. I'm glad I can function at writing endless reports even though I failed this game big time. As those above, I agree that it is a nice game.

Anonymous said...

I thought 'Brandon teaches typing!' could help me with this. No way.
Quit at the first jumplevel.
To have the time at least to type the first word before moving could be helpful a bit.

Anonymous said...

I actually found it really entertaining; I had a course in touch typing, though.
Waiting for the next chapter and didn't try handing over all the gold i found till now.

TiCKed said...

No trouble with the typing...(except as previously noted, forcing myself to NOT hit the spacebar between words). But the timing issue killed me. Didn't feel like I had the proper control of the game play to time jumps and landings....

Vincent W. said...

Cool idea for a puzzle platformer! It took me a bit to get used to timing my typing and jumping, but having to constantly move between the alphabet keys and the spacebar feels awkward.

The optional collectables were a nice incentive to 100% the game though :)

Rebecca said...

This was fun! I hope some developers keep ignoring the complainers to make games with this amount of difficulty, because it's exactly what I like. There are plenty of easier games out there already.

Yu said...

I like it but I can't type while watching the screen ^__^u

eszterencs said...

I really liked the challange to coordinate typing, timing and jumping, it is not easy at all, but that makes it fun! Although I miss a menu screen where I can select levels and I can see if I accomplished everything, like I found all the objects etc. Looking forward to play chapter 2!

PaleRose said...

I'm a fast typer...but I almost rage quit until I realized the key to this game was actually timing and coordination. Hadn't played anything that challenging in a while. So proud I got through it. :')


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