
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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March 07, 2022

six-sided streets [browser]

Can you get a rank A building a pleasant little town in the tile-laying game Six-Sided Streets by Chris Klimowski?


The Great Unknown said...

Sort of a calm peaceful Tetris. Nice that the scroll-wheel on my mouse rotates the pieces.

PK Levine said...

I LOVE this game. It's strategic, peaceful but exciting, and really appeals to my pattern-seeking brain and inner board gamer. Thank you for finding it and sharing it, Bart!

Xexus said...

Very nice, I bookmarked this one to the same folder as Tiny Islands

TheAdmiralM said...

Finally got 100 points!

Frobisher said...

Finally got over the 110 hump, only to discover that 120+ is apparently possible :/

My 112 point Island in all its glory

Anonymous said...

Love these types of games. Super simple to play, but with a seemingly infinite numbers of combos it's strangely addictive as you keep trying to better your own score.

Kieros said...

Have my 120 point island that I got SO lucky on

Yu said...

Ohhhh, nooooo!!!

After how obsessed I was with Tiny Islands OMG

113 points my first game, A+, almost flawless!! Didn't fet one of the ports and 3 parks weren't grouped.

Thanks for this one, seriously :D

Canadam said...

Is there a winning strategy? I haven't figured one out yet.. Still can't do better that 113

Anonymous said...

Finally managed S rank with 122 points, here's what I found to help:
- Opening moves should be focused on spreading out to make hills available, allowing you to knock them out early and develop around them rather than being limited by them later
- Grouping parks is by far the most difficult constraint to manage, so make this top priority and keep an eye on every park you place to ensure that it can develop (ideally without cutting off a road)
- Don't be afraid to leave 1 or 2 tile cavities in your island if it's for a good move
- If necessary, placing 2 windmills adjacent to each other isn't a huge deal as long as neither of them is on a hill; likewise, it's acceptable to cut off small nonessential segments of road
- Be mindful of the spaces you leave open--your tiles are placed in groups of 3, so a 5-tile cavity can only hold a single group, which can become a problem if you need more than 3 tiles to fulfill constraints there
- Every hill and port will be absolutely necessary, so take care to ensure that none of them are rendered unavailable
I hope most of this stuff isn't too obvious. These tips will get you to A/A+ most games, S is still going to be a matter of extreme luck (mostly on the last few tiles).

Frobisher said...

I was thinking along those lines as well ;)

Tired: Gotta get my windmills on hills
Wired: Gotta get my ports connected
Inspired: Gotta get my parks as big as possible while doing the other two things

Woml said...

I got a 120 once (lucky...), but I'm still aiming for the maximum score.
If I'm correct, there are always 8 hills, 12 windmills, 39 streets and 24 park tiles, which would mean that theoretically, you could get 39 points for all streets connected to the centre, 8*3=24 for windmills on hills, 4 for the remaining windmills, 6*3=18 for all connected ports, and 8*5=40 for all parks in multiples of three: a total of 125 points.

DURRRRR said...

People on Reddit really seemed to enjoy the game too, so mad props to the creator and please do more stuff!

Anonymous said...

Playing to get the lowest score is a pleasant variant, though it can be frustrating when you're forced to complete a park trio.

Canadam said...

Finally - 120! I started trying to keep development as compact as possible, sending roads out in 3 directions (each to two ports) and leaving the spaces between as open and 'round' as possible to accommodate as big parks as possible (bigger means more edges = more opportunities to make multiples of 3)..

pikoliu said...

This game is incredibly addicting. Still shooting for 120! I love stuff like this and Tiny Islands

Anonymous said...

120 get, the key is the parks

Anonymous said...

I cant tell if I've been playing this for days months weeks hours of if there ever was a time before. I just keep laying towns, I will hit 120, someday, refresh repeat, did you know you can use the mouse wheel to spin the blocks?

Lay the field, watch the trees grow, so pretty, oppps! blocked off the pier. Refresh repeat, must get the number, must get the number.....


Anonymous said...

Damn! Almost! 124 points, one single street tile unconnected...

collie said...

I did like 114 the first night and havent broken 112 since, gota get those numbers. Then, just for fun I'll try for low scores

Dan said...

So trying for a low score is super fun and extra stressful, so long as you can keep all streets from hitting home, no more than 2 green spaces together, and all windmills touching other windmills, you can get Zero, BUT as things get more and more crowded they give you pieces you dont want that only fit one place, and BANG, the score goes from zero to 20. Great new way to play.

collie said...

Best so far, one green and one grey in the wrong place, so close


collie said...

Ahhhhhh, got those numbers, got that zero, now I can die if I need to.

So, now do I go for 125? Can you get -1? I'm most proud of the zero to tell the truth.

collie said...

Hey Bart, this is a serious contender for game of the year, I know it's early but this simple masterpiece is awesome!!!!

PK Levine said...

I am still playing this game BTW. I can't seem to break 119, but even once I do I plan to keep coming back to this -- it's just such an enjoyable diversion.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, after 120 (several times), 121 (twice) and 122 (twice), I reached the maximum 125.
Now I can play something else. Great and wonderful game.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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