
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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May 07, 2022

rampster! [browser]

Go get all the cheese in the puzzlescript puzzler Rampster! by Patty. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart a level)


Matt said...

I'm always impressed when someone can come up with a new twist using puzzlescript. This is a simple, but novel mechanic with surprisingly challenging puzzles.

Anonymous said...

If I could understand exactly how these different mechanics worked, I might enjoy this game. As it is now, I can't make heads or tails out of it. What exactly do the crossed shaped things do?

Bill said...

The cross shaped things are walls that can be pushed. If you are at their level, and you walk into them, they move. If you are above them, you step onto them.

Anonymous said...

I'm currently stuck on level 9...can't figure out how to free the block in the bottom left

Paperback Writer said...

I have the same problem. No idea what to do in level 9 with the bottom left block. It seems stuck right from the beginning...

Yu said...

Same, I get what that block could be used for but I'm missing another block on lvl 9?

Rebecca said...

I came here looking for a level 9 hint, too.

Anonymous said...

For 9:
- check things that happen to the blocks placed on a stair

Nice game, by the way

Anonymous said...

A second hint on 9 (I was stuck there ages too): should you go around or over?

Rebecca said...

"Check things that happen to the blocks placed on a stair"... well, now I know that it's possible to kill the hamster, ha!

Rebecca said...

Finally solved level 9 with the hints above. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Any tips for level 19?

Anonymous said...

Can anyone help with 8?

Anonymous said...

19 is really hard. Here's a negative tip: feel free to ignore the box at the top of the long ramp. The player can't do anything interesting with it. (The designer said they're going to try to find a way to eliminate that box and tweak the level design sometime soon.)

Lu Damato said...

Level 13 : How do I push the Block on the green platform thingy?

Anonymous said...

I am stuck on level 13 too. I can get one block on to the green platforms, but now what?

P. said...

Level 13: ... and then, you could move the 2 boxes on the left side...
Still stuck at 9, here.
And very annoyed to learn the ramp box at 19 is useless, thanks to it I can climb the left square's wall... well, ok, no more!
Otherwise, I try without success, to push my cheese everywhere, so it falls on the green switch ...?

Anonymous said...

would like a bit more of a thud sound when a block falls methinks :)

Squirrel said...

I am so very stuck on level 9. I have read all the hints, and I still can't figure out how to either get the bottom left block in play to go "around", nor how to possibly get high enough to go "over".

Anonymous said...

Tips for level 8? I assume it's something obvious since I'm the only one asking for help on that one...

Anonymous said...

Never mind! I got level 8

Anonymous said...

Squirrel, try pairing the two hints for 9. If the goal is to go over (that's over the horizontal bar not the vertical one), can you arrange the blocks on the stairs to help you get higher? You'll need to find a way to 'hold' the stair block in position. And maybe enter the stairs from a different approach.

Meanwhile, I'm stuck on 14. I can do several things that seem useful, but not at the same time. I keep trying the same thing over and over, expecting to land on something new, to no avail.

Anonymous said...

Level 14 Hint:

if you've worked out how to free the two blocks, then think about some places they could sit while you do something else.

Squirrel said...

Thank you Anonymous! I've completed level 9.

Unknown said...

Anonymous on 10th May, it's not just you; I'm stuck on level 8 now. It took me ages to work out why I can cross some straight edges and not others, and I still can't tell how many levels a given shade of grey represents, so I might abandon it and go back to Give Up the Ghost, where at least I can usually tell what I'm trying to do!

Anonymous said...

I have been stuck on level 15 for the last few days. Does anyone have any hints?

Lighty said...

The trick on 15 is to work out which cheese to eat in which order. You actually use one of the upper area cheeses to prevent a block slipping down the ramp prior to eating it, then you need to move a block to the lower area understanding that a block will push a cheese -how can this help to prevent the switch block from coming up again after pressing the button?

Lighty said...

and Unknown, took me a little time to work out as well but the lighter the grey the 'higher' the platform is, so you can always move from a lighter to a darker area, but you need a ramp to go from darker to lighter.

Lighty said...

If anyone is really stuck, there is a text walkthrough/guide here:

Anonymous said...


benji said...

working on 18 but not going for the full walkthrough quite yet - anyone have any hints?

benji said...

power of posting. figured i was getting red herringed in some way

jay said...

Level 18: do the walkthrough instructions make sense to you? In the diagrams I can't see how those block positions will get you past the wall. It says 'over' the wall but I can't see a way to get up one level (to get "over" wall). I am guessing you need to get "through" the gap in the two walls (via the space just below the cheese) but I am well and truly stuck.

jay said...

duh! scratch that last comment. you do go "over" the wall indeed. such a tricky game.

jay said...

One of the top 3 puzzlescript games i have played. I couldn't have done it without the walkthrough so thank you Lighty. I would have given up at level 18.

Anonymous said...

jay, I also thought there was a mistake in level 18 - how did you get that last block over the wall?

Unknown said...

Anonymous at 04:17,

The last block doesn't go over the wall, it goes round. You build the ramp to get over the wall yourself and fetch the last block, then 2 of the blocks can be pushed up (the board) and down (the implied space) into the gap, forming a platform. Get another block onto the end of that platform and fill in the remaining hole, then use the path you've just made to push the last block round.

This is as far as I've got: I haven't tried the last 2 levels yet.

Anonymous said...

YES! thank you, Anon 13:44!!

Pjorg said...

Hi, this is the developer. Just wanted to say thank you to bontegames for blogging about my game, and thanks to all of you for playing it. I have adjusted some of the level design since release after observing player feedback, so thoughtful comments like those in this blog aren't just a nice way to see people engaging with my work- they also make that work better! Much appreciated.

Also- I remember playing factory balls on the library computers back in middle school. Quite a nostalgia trip to see it in the sidebar next to my own puzzle game. Wish you the best, Mr. Bonte!

Bart said...

@Pjorg Thanks for your excellent puzzler! Do let us know if you have a link where we can follow your game making!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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