Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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That was great!
I'd definitely recommend planning out what the level is asking you to do, working backwards from the exit, as there are a couple of levels where you can easily get yourself into a fail-state at the very beginning, but not realise it until the very end!
Great game. Now stuck at the "trigger" level, can't get the first robot rescue the others... any hint ?
I think I'm losing interest in these Puzzlescript games.
Finally made it to the end ! Very nice, finally not so difficult, thanks to Z (the key :-)
I don't understand what the mechanic is here.
Ah.. spoke to soon. I get it now.
How many levels are there?, I'm about to start 9. A save feature in a level would be nice.
Stuck on level 8. I can get 3 boxes up to the top platform, but then can't move them to get all three to the left of the final wall so that I can get enough robots in the pit to reach the button. Any help appreciated. Always seem to have one stuck on the right hand side of the top large 'pit'.
The trick is to leave a gap between the first and second boxes when you move the three boxes up from their original positions. Then you will be able to move all three boxes into the pit without having one stuck on the right hand side of the large pit.
Finally made it. Awesome Game!
The last two levels are weird though
@Stevens Miller
I’m not the biggest fan of sokoban puzzlescript games either. I only really enjoy the unique ones like paint everything everywhere! https://www.bontegames.com/2021/07/paint-everything-everywhere-blogger.html. My personal favorite sokoban style games are cyber tank and cyber tank 2 https://www.coolmathgames.com/0-cyber-tank because they don’t really feel like sokoban games.
Can anyone elaborate on the clue from Anonymous at 17:56? I still can't get all three boxes into the pit.
Re. 22:48
As I recall, you need to get the three boxes in a row like this x.xx at the very top of the game board.
Cybertank seems to be a copy of Lasertank, most level designs also were copied from the original Lasertank.
Having solved the first eight levels I'm now utterly stuck in the first of the two weird rooms referred to by Anonymous on 30th June above. I can get as far as the three heads, but that's it.
Thank you 12:17, but that doesn't really add any new information. The X XX clue was already provided. I've done that and I can't figure out what's next so I'm looking for some further explanation.
The weird levels are 11 and 12, where you run from the fire
On level 8, once you have the boxes in X XX position, maneuver the first one down so that it is not on the right side of the pit. I don’t quite remember after that, but you do not want any of them touching the right wall of the pit. Good luck!
OK then - I'm completely stuck on level 9. Any hints what to do?
Oh, slaps head, it was much easier than I'd mistakenly thought. The first 'weird' level is an absolute killer though.
Very nice game.
The level 8 was the most difficult for me.
Thx for the hint above.
I'm stuck on what I think is the last level, the one where you have to race the fire to the exit. I end up getting caught near the end when I have to push the boxes along the top pathway, then double back and clear them from below, then go back again to get to the exit. I feel like I'm getting through things as quick as I can, but I'm short by quite a few moves. Anyone have any tips?
For level 8, I know I need to get the first box down away from the left wall of the pit - I just don't know how to do that! I always end up with too many guys in the pit and they can't get back out to get the remaining boxes.
Oh my god, never mind - I finally got #8. Power of posting.
Anon, 21:11. When you push down those boxes on the top pathway, look at what's happening to to the staircase you built in the bottom right. Does that change your plans for how you treat your end moves? You might need to be patient instead (and get a little toasty).
Now I'm stuck on 9... I can't figure out how to get up to the level above the red squares (after you press the green and blue buttons). Any help?
Thanks for the level 8 hints, through that now. On level 10 trying to work out how to stack the boxes to make it back to the lower area....
For those still stuck on level 8 ,the above box positioning hints are great. After that, it's a case of taking it one box at a time.
I'm stuck on 10 as well. Having trouble getting a 3-high stack like needed!
Any hints for level 12 (flames in the lower left, exit in the upper right) trying to move to the very first ladder? I can not stack the boxes high enough to reach the ladder. I so wish there were a way to see a video walkthrough of puzzle script games! Thanks!
Anyone willing to write a hint about 9? I can't get up to the level above the red squares (after you press the green and blue buttons).
OMG, I figured out 9... I realized you don't have to put the box directly under the ladder!
If you've figured out 10, can you give any hints?
HELP! I love this game but I'm stuck on Level 10. Whatever happen to Walkthroughs.
I know, Anonymous @ 12:01!! I've been thinking that myself, it's been ages since I've seen a walkthrough for a puzzlescript game. I have abandoned many games I would have loved to complete, but no one's posting any hints & there's never a walkthrough!
Finally done 10! 11 and 12 were relatively (?) straight forward after that.
For those still struggling, here's some guidance (rot 13):
bapr lbh'ir tbg obgu ebobgf ng gur gbc, yrnir bar hc gb npgvingr gur terra fjvgpu. Ersrerapvat sebz yrsg gb evtug: Fgnpx gur svefg uvtu obk ba gur ybjrfg obk naq nyfb qebc gur frpbaq obk. Lbh pna gura 'jnyx' gurz gbjneqf gur svefg ynqqre. Qebc gur ybjre obk sebz va orgjrra gur 2 ybat ynqqref ol chfuvat sebz gur evtug gb perngr n fdnher bs 4 obkrf (2k2). Jura qbvat guvf, lbh'yy arrq gb tb haqrearngu gb yrnir gur gbc svany obk va cbfvgvba.
Abj oevat lbhe sevraq qbja naq 'jnyx' gur 2k2 obk haqre gur oyhr fdhnerf. HFr gur pbeerpg pbzovangbva bs oyhr ohggba cerffrf gb nyybj lbh gb chfu gur gbc obk evtug gjvpr gb riraghnyyl ynaq ba gbc bs gur evtug unaq fvqr bs gur 2k2.
Jvgu gur 2 ebobgf ba gur yrsg, lbh pna abj jnyx gur 3 uvtu fgnpx gb gur evtug gb perngr gur fgnvepnfr gb yrnir gur gbc nern. Gur erfg fubhyq or boivbhf.
Hopefully that's clear without being a move by move solution.
Thank you for that explanation, Lighty, but what do you mean by "When doing this, you'll need to go underneath to leave the top final box in position."? Go underneath how?
Push the boxes to the right so you can then go over the top of them and then push them back left. Basically, you shouldn't move the last top box until you've got the 2x2 boxes in the correct position to drop the top box down.
Hope that makes sense.
I made (my first) walkthrough for the whole game:
Hopefully will help those still stuck.
Thank you, Lighty!
THANK YOU!! It's such a relief to finally finish that level!
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