Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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I love this concept, but I'm already stuck on level 4, which seems impossible. Can anyone give me a hint?
I was stuck as well until I started trying different ways of turning the large block. When it flips it can occupy the half space (think of the placement of dots on the floor. If you do the turn in the right spot it fills just enough of the hole for the smaller block to slide across.
Wow, I never would have thought of using half-spaces! thanks!
Hey, No problem, I stumbled on it. If you have any thoughts on the next one (level 5)I would be greatful!
Hey @Niki,
Need to find a way to shift the small block (half space) so you can pass through.
Is it just me, or is it super laggy to play this game? I like the puzzles but it's irritation the way that I click then have to wait a half second to see the result.
Stuck on lvl 2 already...
Any hints for 15 (tight corner)?
Figuring out how to turn the brick.
Then how it can center half block off.
And then how that can affect other blocks.
Now what new tricks await me on #6?
For 15 — Tight Corner
You don't need to get the single block around the corner
How might a 2x1 block help you to get over that final hole?
Your hint for #15 was of no help.
I centered the single into the 2 hole.
I fiddled with the both 2x blocks.
I can turn them & half space them.
I can move both around & stack 1.
But no way can I toss 1/2 around the dam corner!
Some real help would be nice thank you.
There's no need to be a jerk — when I give hints, I try not to spoil the levels for other people who haven't reached them yet and give the person asking a chance to have the aha moment for themself by suggesting the area where the answer lies.
The following hints are encoded with rot13
1. Lbh arrq gb hfr gur bar-oybpx ubyr nf na ryringbe.
2. Jung unccraf vs lbh chfu fbzrguvat vagb gur 2-oybpx ubyr juvyr gur 1-fdhner oybpx vf va gur 1-oybpx ubyr? Ubj pbhyq lbh fgbc gung unccravat?
3. Solution: Frg hc gur yriry fb gung gur bar oybpx vf va gur bar-oybpx ubyr naq unf n 2-oybpx ba gbc bs vg. Abj chfu gur bgure 2-oybpx vagb gur 2-oybpx ubyr. Abguvat fubhyq unccra. Abj chfu gur bgure 2-oybpx bss gur 1-oybpx naq vagb gur gvtug pbeare. Gur 1-oybpx jvyy yvsg hc jvgu lbh ba vg naq yrg lbh jnyx nebhaq gur pbeare ba gbc bs gur 2-oybpx.
For 15 - Tight corner:
A 2x1 block is the only one that can take the corner.
It will cover the last hole you need to get over in order to finish the level.
So you'll need to get on top of the 2x1 block.
Managed to finish up the game, only needed help on 15!
any hint on #14 ? been stuck for a while there... thanks
Level 14 has a 4 long hole & a 1 long hole.
So stand a brick on edge, & use it to push.
Level 14 has me stumped. I can flip one on it's end but cannot workout how to get the 2 blocks in the long hole. When I pus the block in it covers half a button and not all the way to the end.
Hello Meblin, you need to find a way to push 2 blocks at the same time with 1 push
Stuck for a while at level 16.
I'm trying to figure out how I can activate the elevator in the upper right corner and block at the same time (or before) the other with a block placed vertically.
I tried also to push the small block in the bottom, with taking care of the lifts but I was not able to push it enough to pass through.
Sorry, about level 16.
I tried also to push the small block in the bottom, withOUT taking care of the lifts but I was not able to push it enough to pass through.
strategy for level 14:
your workshop is the left area, and to pass the threshold you need to get 2 horizontal blocks that are pushed at the same time by one vertically standing block -> |=
strategy for level 16:
you push them all at once, one long "stair" of blocks which go Standing>Vertical>Standing>Vertical, and this last one pushes the top button
but you are pushing the whole thing from the bottom pit, so you can fix the exit bridge before "calling the elevator"
for those stuck in level 4:
one main mechanic of this game is to take advantage of "half tiles". In this case, make the 2 size block vertical, and push it up in the middle of the 3 space gap. Then the path is clear for the one size block
Thanks anonymous@21:13 -- I was strugging a lot with that one, the idea of having *two* standing blocks and pushing the whole assembly from the bottom pit was just not on my radar at all.
Yes, thanks anonymous@21:13.
Just watched a walkthrough on youtube for level 16 but it's different to the level 16 i am seeing where the top and bottom pits are completely separated. anyone got any hints?
I am having difficulties with figuring out what is higher and lower, my brain somehow cannot feel the spatial directions in this very simple graphics. Also, the mechanics looks random to me, I cannot understand when then jelly changes shape and when not. For me this game is impossible with these disadvanteges of mine. :-)
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