Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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This is a great game Bart, nice choice.
I do enjoy this game a lot until it starts to cause my browser to lag =(
Interesting dynamics I haven't seen before. Though I'm stuck with one of the levels. Time and trial and error may get me past it. ;)
When are the walkthroughs coming along?
havent laughed out loud like that at a puzzle mechanic in a long time
Ok. No level numbers, but the level with the exit hole in the center of 8 fire pits. There are three ice blocks, one chili pepper and a rock at the bottom. Any clues? I know I've got the push the pepper against my body and soar down to the exit, but I need some help on the spacing. Anyone?
I'm totally stuck on those ghost pepper levels...
@Anonymous about that level: Push out the pepper to the side (not to the bottom or top) and then calculate the space you need to get the snake's head directly on the hole. When eating the pepper, use the snake's body to get the right spacing.
@BDC Same here, I'm stuck at the third(?) level with ghost pepper (where a chili pepper is surrounded by three pits near the top right corner).
@BDC solved that level, need to break the snakes into pieces. The next level looks even more difficult...
I couldn't figure out a ghost level.
I always needed 1 more piece than after breaking up.
So I skipped the level.
Then the game slowed down too much!
I'm through. I can't believe it. The last levels were pretty hard to figure out. I really enjoyed this game.
I'm currently stuck on the level in which there are two ice cubes and one pepper.
Kaden Vanciel i'm stuck there too. Tried separating in a million different ways. But can´t seem to get to the pepper without getting fried.
Totally stuck on the level with the ghost pepper in the ice blocks (1st level where you have to separate I think). I can use the ghost pepper to split, but can't get the logic of it, most of the time I die but sometimes don't... Great game though, very playable and looks fab!
Spoilers ahead!
@Anonymous: You only die if the ghost pepper wears off when the snake's body is on a fruit.
@Kaden & Hespetr3: You have to use the ice cubes to seperate the snake in a really specific way. Continue reading for the solution.
You have to seperate the snake into three parts, so that just the head of the snake remains and you have two seperate body pieces to push around. Push out the pepper with the ice cubes and the body parts.
Thank you BlueDragon :) I couldn't see what was causing my untimely demises!
Thank you, BlueDragonCaboco! It worked. Now on to the next!
I haven't separated at all. Is there a way to try that out?
This was very nice, and in particular I'm glad it saves the history, as I "rage-quit" (really mild-frustration--quit) a few times but then came back. The last level took me a few days, too, but I got it.
That was super! Had to sleep over the last level to figure it out as it gets real tricky when you have to start cutting yourself lol
As a hint for that one level, a single piece of snake can move freely forth and back.
Finished! Great game!
I'm in need of a walkthrough...
Darn, every time I try to do the last level the lagg gets me.
What's going on with this game using up my memory like that?
Anyways I know it is the last level cause I skipped it.
Then I played all the way through again.
I know I can bring the ghost over & or eat it against myself.
I also figure I can make a part of myself that will pull the fire over.
So I am not going to go through trial & error of proving it.
@ the Anonymous one who wrote about this level:
"the level with the exit hole in the center of 8 fire pits. There are three ice blocks, one chili pepper and a rock at the bottom."
Instead of pushing the ice blocks into a vertical line to move the pepper, push them from the side in a horizontal line to free the pepper. Then position your body and the pepper as usual and RIGHT AFTER you eat the pepper, quickly move your head UP /FORWARD one square to enter the center hole.
Dead link.
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