Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Great game!
Very clever mechanic.
I'll go ahead and ask. How do you level "Lined up"? I'm not getting it.
@Anonymous consider an "L" shaped solution.
Heh, now I am stuck on "Lockway."
@Stevens Miller I would be very pleased with a little help on "structure", the one just before "lockway" :-)
Any help on "Double Doors" would be much appreciated
for "double doors", find a way to push the box in the middle one square up (and one square right)
@Marle, start by building a long L shape, that is laying on its back. You'll be able to use that to make a backwards J that solves the puzzle.
Lockway feels like it has a more complicated solution than it actually does. The solution does not involve a single unbroken constellation, which means you don't need to worry as much about putting blocks in places that cut off directions of movement.
@Frobisher, yeah, it was not as complicated in the end as I had expected it would be. Kind of unsatisfying, for that reason, though still a valid use of the available mechanics. Overall, an unusually good PuzzleScript game. I wonder what potential it might have for a three-dimensional version.
Interesting idea! I think the 3d-ness of grid-based pushing puzzles tends to work best when the thing moving in complex ways is the object being pushed (think: Stephen's Sausage Roll or Pipe Push Paradise) and the player's movement is more straight-forward. But I wonder whether the way blocks interact in this one would make verticality complicated?
I definitely think this would benefit from more of an open-world approach, so that the variety of mechanics and ideas can be better highlighted.
picked up "monorail," the level with a disclaimer - so i feel a little smarter. definitely within reach
@Marie 13:28, can you give a little more help on "double doors" please?
double doors:
hint 1: ng gur fgneg, lbh unir gjb bcgvbaf sbe na bcravat zbir: phg gur yrsgjneq ynfre, be phg gur evtugjneq ynfre. unir lbh gevrq obgu? qbrf bar bcra hc zber cbffvovyvgvrf guna gur bgure?
hint 2: gur gjb obkrf ba gur yrsg ner pbaarpgrq, naq guvf pbaarpgvba bayl urycf, v.r., vg zrnaf lbh qba'g arrq gb pbaarpg gurz gb gur bguref gb jva.
double doors:
I still can figure how to make it...
The only way through is to create a channel to the flag, which requires splitting one constellation into two, using the crates. As Anon suggests above, the first question is how to gain access to the second crate, using the first crate. The second question is how you can reorganise the purple stars to create the pathway to the flag, noting that only one of the purple stars is moveable.
There are only three approaches to solving question one:
1) Block the beam on the right, but this doesn't help as if you can't then get to the second crate.
2) Block the beam in the middle
3) Block the beam on the left
It's a choice between 2 and 3, but only one of them will let you address the second question in a way that works.
Thanks for the hints on double doors, was trying one method of 2 and 3 above for the longest time with no luck, then tried the other method (with some of the tricks I was trying before) and got it first try,
Now I'm stuck on "Too Far Up."
Guess it is a sign of a good game that we're still playing, even when it gets hard.
Anyone figure out "monorail" yet?
Monorail is the only one I have left but it's also totally beyond me!
Okay Monorail is down :)
You've got to get a vertical 'carriage' (a white block and a blue block with a space between) to the right-most wall and then create a walkway so you can move into the single space.
It's not as impenetrable as it seems if you play around with it and come back to it.
Any clues for double alley?
@ Stevens Miller, for Too Far Up, it's about pushing up from below, then coming back down again.
For a more detailed spoiler:
Zbir gur yrsgzbfg checyr bar hc, gura gur terl qbja gb 'pngpu' vg na tb qbja bapr zber.
Zbir gur yrsgzbfg checyr hc naq bire ba gbc bs gur zvqqyr checyr,
Gur terl pna gurz or hfrq gb chfu gur checyrf hc naq gura onpx qbja gb pbzcrygr gur pbafgryyngvba
And also stuck a little on double alley, can move the purple out, and split the greys, but then one grey seems stuck.
Jumped over it for now and completing a few more levels.
@Steven Miller : for "Too Far Up" you must find a way to align vertically the 3 blue blocks, and use the grey block to push the push up one in the middle.
How to finish lockway? I can't figure it out.....
For lockway you need to first pull the purple block from the wall. There's really only one way to do this. Then you need to split the 2 greys, then pair the purples, then re-pair the greys.
More complete solution: (rot13)
Znxr na Y funcr jvgu gur terlf gb chyy gur checyr jvgu bar terl ba gur gbc jnyy yrnivat n tnc orgjrra gur terlf.
Hfr gur checyr gb fcyvg gur terlf, gura chfu gur checyr qbja gur tnc ba gur yrsg fb vg'f va-yvar jvgu gur bgure checyr.
gura hfr bar terl gb chfu gur checyr evtug sebz gur gbc nern,
Pbaarpg gur terlf onpx gbtrgure naq rkvg gb gur synt
Feel like I'm close with Zig-zag, but can't finish it. Double alley would seem to be something obvious I'm missing, still battling through the rest. There's a lot of puzzles in here. Nice that the difficulty drops again when a new mechanic is introduced.
Zig-zag and double alley help appreciated
@Lightly and @a12r13, thanks for the hints, they got me through!
@Moblin and @Lightly, in Double Alley, you can break the chain using a purple block.
Finally made it through all of the levels. Pretty fun game.
Any clue on Bodyguards?
i'm sure you've gathered that:
1) you need to move a c+b linkage through the glass. to remote control it, you need a constellation as c+c+b.
2) the c+b linkage won't be the shape you need to make it across on the other side, so you'll need to edit it. however, there's very little space on the left side.
the conclusion is that:
3) once you've moved the c+b linkage to the left, you need to reconfigure to constellation to c+b+c, so you can edit remotely. what feature of the level allows you change from c+c+b to c+b+c?
4) the linkage you need to move across is c above b.
Best hint I can give for bodyguard is you can break the chain by pushing the blue block. That makes the blue block currently chained to the silver block very useful.
Any hint for "rush hour"? Thxxxx
gel gb fcyvg hc nf gur hccre yvar nf jryy nf gur obggbz yvar
(rot 13)
I hope, this helps
Please some help about Outreach??!
I can't figure out basic division 2
I guess i don't understand the mechanics
Nevermind, i got it *facepalm*
With the starting blocks you have, there's no way to reach the area on the right yourself. So the two purple blocks will need some help from one of the other blocks to come into alignment (which block could achieve that? The heart of the puzzle is how to make that configuration work). One thing I kept having to remind myself is that all the stars need to be connected, but not necessarily into a single constellation.
@Thomas for Rush hour, focus on the down crates line, and try to arrange it, from right to left, so that the spaces between blue crates is the same as on the upper crates line (so, from right to left : blue space orrange blue). You'll some tries but once you've done it the level is solved...
@Marie a little complement on Frobisher comment : the trick in this level is how you get to have enough space between the two crates you'll use to manage the right side of the level. When you start, you'll need to spread them as much as you can, but the left part of the level won't be wide enough. There's however a simple way to remedy to this - once you've found it the level is solved...
@a12r13 & @Frobisher:
Thanks! I made it!
But i'm still locked in Zigzag, despite the exaplnations of Anonymous :(((
@Anonymous: This kind of puzzle makes me think my hand is permanently glued to my forehead.
Marie, I was too (for days, despite hints) ... Think ”vertically” and ” break the chain” .
(for Zigzag)
Stuck on Zig Zag. Can get the chain and bridge onto the left but cannot get the bridge to break the chain chain link
Any help much appreciated
still can't get it. Please heeeelp haha :)
make sure you are giving yourself the maximum amount of space between the two c's as you carry the c-b block across-- use the top of the level to break the chain and bring the bridge with the rightmost chain down
Finally did the last one. Excellent puzzles. First Puzzlescript game I've really liked.
is it possible to have more than 5 spaces between the 2 c? I can't put the b under the c, once they are on the left part.
@Marie the trick is to break the chain on top of the level....
@a12r13: i can break it, but then i have c+b on the top left, and the other c on the top right. And i can't see how to link them together again.
I have to put the b under the c before breaking the chain? But i can't
What you need to to is put the b under the c first (meaning, while you're still on the right side). Needs a little bit of work, but not so hard.
okkkkkkkkkkkk. finally got it. thanks a lot. ;)
hint 1: ng gur fgneg, lbh unir gjb bcgvbaf sbe na bcravat zbir: phg gur yrsgjneq ynfre, be phg gur evtugjneq ynfre. unir lbh gevrq obgu? qbrf bar bcra hc zber cbffvovyvgvrf guna gur bgure?
hint 2: gur gjb obkrf ba gur yrsg ner pbaarpgrq, naq guvf pbaarpgvba bayl urycf, v.r., vg zrnaf lbh qba'g arrq gb pbaarpg gurz gb gur bguref gb jva.
what the heck is that!
Stuck on Right Platform, Glass Cases, Awkward Retrieval, One Two Three and Little Cliff 2 (got little cliff but mechanism doesn't work on version 2). Skipped Monorail also.
Any help on these would be much appreciated.
@Meblin Some hints for Right Corner
Your objective should be to move the crate on the right part of the level one square down.
This is not "so" difficult...
Once done, the rest is easy.
@Meblin For GLass Cases
Did you notice that if a teleporter crate is pushed against a glass wall, then you can push the one with which it's linked ?
That's what you must try.
For Keyhole : you need to move one of the grey crates on the left side
One Two Three is the same trick as for Glass Cases - but easier in fact (or I found a solution that's not intended...)
Thanks for the hints.
Only Awkward Retrieval and Monorail left now
Just cracked Awkward Retrieval
Hello ! I'm stuck on keyhole and one two three... Could anyone help me ?
For Monorail -> svefg znxr n Y funcr oevqtr jvgu 2p naq 1o, bar fdhner yrsg sebz gur jnyy
OK, all levels completed !
Very nice game, thanks, Bart !
I would love to get some help with "Unblocked"
I figured out "Unblocked."
The secret: don't make assumptions, and try everything.
What is the mechanics for basic division 2 please ?
Was great fun playing this
Watch Walkthrough for Stars Align
Includes puzzle solutions for all levels
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