
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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February 02, 2023

the sandwich monster [browser]

Is it a snake? Is it slime? Is it an alien monster? Whatever it is... it's hungry and only eats jam sandwiches. Find out how the sandwich monster behaves and feed it! A puzzlescript puzzler by Clickmazes. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart a level)


Anonymous said...

So very weird.
There is a mouth part, & a butthole part?
They both move the same.
It can exist in two parts.
I am now stuck on the O O level.

Paperback Writer said...

Wow, that's what I call a hard game. I only made it to level 5 and my brain is already melding :D

Bill said...

It's hard because it's so hard to visualize the thing you are. I'm at the level where you are a block of 4 with hamburgers above and below you, and one green square far away.

Anonymous said...

Anyone figure out level 7?

Anonymous said...

Clearly you have all made it past lv4 the O O shape.
But I can't eat the last sandwich, because the butt will vanish.
I assume you have to connect them somehow, but I just can't get it.

Anonymous said...

I discovered that the face can push the butt, but I am still stuck.

Anonymous said...

The itch pages includes some hints in the comments - might those help(?). If it's the OO level then consider DUR as the first three moves.

Anonymous said...

Level 7 seems impossible. Has anybody finished it?

clickmazes said...

Hi! Thanks for giving my game a go :) I've just discovered this blog entry - which has generated a lot of new traffic. As a general rules you don't want to break-up the monster more than you have to, but the levels have been designed to exploit certain nuances of the behaviour of different size monsters. A 5-cell monster is not always more flexible than a 4-cell monster for instance, especially in a tight space. Level 7 requires you to (rot13)...
pvephvg gur tevq gjvpr, bapr nf n 4-pryy zbafgre naq frpbaq nf n 5-pryy zbafgre. Lbh pnaabg ernpu gur tbny vs lbh vzzrqvngryl zretr vagb 5-pryyf. Or cercnerq gb oernx naq ersbez gur zbafgre frireny gvzrf gb fbyir gur yngre chmmyrf.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the tip for level 7, and for this game! I understand the move from 4-cell to 5-cell, but can't figure out how to position the monster for the final approach

Anonymous said...

Just figured out level 7– on to level 8; thanks for a good challenge!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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