
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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June 29, 2023

the password game [browser]

Are you ready to play The Password Game by Neal Agarwal? Good luck!


Stevens Miller said...

I see no way to comply with Rule 9.

svr said...

two roman numeral separated by other text

Anonymous said...

the roman numerals need to be in CAPS

Anonymous said...

got to level 13 and am giving up... kinda fun for a bit? But have to ask the question... what is the point?

Anonymous said...

I never played Wordle before but won in 3 trys.
I gave up on the country after 10 guesses.
What a waste of time this is.

Anonymous said...

Giving up at rule 16, no idea how to find the "best move" here

david said...

played as far as i could a couple of times now. got to level 28 or so. hilarious at times. quite fun. weird bugs.

one of the fundamental problems is the roman numeral one clashing with other rules later on.

I've also had paul die for no apparent reason (plenty of caterpillars) and also had my strong men turn into women. this was one a bit sus. not only did some weight lifters turn into women, they also weren't deemed strong. Don't know if it was a bug or dodgy social commentary?

I think i'll continue to try to complete.

BlueDragonCaboco said...

I got to rule 25 after about 5 tries... Don't overfeed Paul... I'm done now, retrying takes too long. -.-

TheAdmiralM said...

Someone please clue me in to the chess move. I thought I'd tried everything, but nothing seems to work. And evidently taking pieces is an illegal move? I'm lost.

I'm assuming at the end it says "That password is already taken" but who knows.

Anonymous said...

for chess notation, remember:
- if you capture a piece, then put an 'x' before the square notation.
- if you put the king in check, add a '+' at the end

ChicagoBuck said...

I got so far, and then Paul was slain! UGH!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rule 16 kinda killed it for me.

Anonymous said...

I used a "chess bot" and it worked! Yay!

Anonymous said...

The burning one was a bit much, as it erased everything that was already crafted. Destroying previous work isn't fun, and kind of a jerk move for what otherwise was an interesting exercise. Not fun Neal

david said...

does anyone have a search query term or something for the youtube videos? you need to find one without extra roman numerals in and it's very time consuming! lol

Anonymous said...

Gave up trying to put the *@#!@#! chess move. Even with the link provided in these comments, I still can't figure out how to type it up or get it accepted by this thing... Game ain't that good that I want to try again.

Stacey said...

I cannot get the phase of the moon...

Anonymous said...

Chess move and Captcha combined didn't allow me to comply with the add up to 25 rule. :(

SgtThursday said...

you can regenerate the captcha until you find one that doesn't break other rules

Stacey said...

ok stuck on chess move

Xyzzy said...

I was able to get to Rule 32, but unfortunately had used up all available digits and couldn't continue without breaking Rule 5.

Wouldn't have spent so much time on it, but I'm on super long vacation and it amused me.

Any idea how many rules and how it ends?

Rhii said...

Rule 13 is broken I typed 🌜
and searched every single moon phase thing and every single emoji thing and nothing worked

eszterencs said...

It is impossible to solve it today, because the wordle word and the country from the picture includes chemical elements which added up with the chemical elements in the roman numbers more than 200 :-D I will try again tomorrow...

eszterencs said...

Ah, the country is different with every try :-) and wordle word can be lowercase letters... okay, I can re-try it :-D

eszterencs said...

Sorry for posting so much, this is the last one. I reached rule 33 (for 32 I used a number bigger than 100), and then I unfortunately overfed the chicken (I was very careful though, but 6 or 7 caterpillar is already too much for it), and no way to start over again. This game is pretty irritating, I was just very curious, where it ends... :-) But I found a walkthrough:

eel said...

Paul is evil.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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