Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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Is there some new feature on level 8?
I don't see any possible solution.
Try to get the blue guy to the bottom right and the yellow guy just in front of the gate. Then move left.
There is no trick here.
Nice idea but too much motion.
Can you do level 10?
For level 10 the door combo is G&R then R&B.
Unfortunately I get aura migraines that look a lot like this game.
Somehow it feels like the game is triggering me as I play.
I can only play for about 8 levels at a time.
I have never wanted a simple "R" for Restart so badly in my gaming life than with this game. Level 12 is heck!
Also stuck on level 12.
Got motion sick and had to stop.
Level 12, rot 13:
Zbir evtug gjvpr, hc, evtug gjb gvzrf zber, naq abj erq vf ba gur ohggba jvgu oyhr gb vgf yrsg. Abj yrsg gjvpr naq hc fb terra naq oyhr ner ng gur gbc pbearef bs gur znva nern. Yrsg gura qbja naq evtug guerr gvzrf gb trg oyhr naq terra cnfg erq, gura hc, evtug naq gurl'er nyvtarq jvgu gur tngrf, qbja naq vg'f rnfl.
Nice, good level of difficulty, and saves progress, which is my new favorite thing to comment on.
Took me a couple of days, levels 12, 16, and 20 were especially tricky for me, but they all can be done.
The restart level feature is in the pause menu.
I wish there was a not flashing option!
It is not necessary to make the game harder using vision effects.
Level 15 is a bear.
Now stuck on level 16, which is tricky as you guys and everyone else are saying. Well... not really "everyone else".
Level 16, rot 13:
Gur gevpx vf gb fcyvg gur juvgr oybpx vagb erq naq plna, naq wbva gubfr cvrprf jvgu gur fgnegre plna naq erq. Frdhrapr: evtug gjvpr gb fcyvg gur punenpgre, qbja gjvpr gb fcyvg gur juvgr oybpx jvgu erq orybj plna, naq abj erq vf ba gur ohggba bcravat gur tngr. Qbja gjvpr zbirf gur evtug plna arkg gb gur obggbz erq, gura hfr gur erq punenpgre gb chfu gung bar evtug gb zretr gurz. Erfg vf rnfl.
I finally finished the game after a week. The primary issue being the flashing/out of sync colors. After a few minutes, you just have to walk away. Mostly, it was determination to finish the game based on the comments. Is it a game that I would return to in order to play again? Nope. And I still stand by my earlier comment. "R" for Restart would be a plus (yes, I know it's in the pause menu).
Can't play more than 5 minutes - blinking and mixed colors is just awful
Not being able to restart levels makes it even worse.
It would be a good game based on a good idea, but the lack of restart button (I know it is in the menu, which is only reachable with mouse, it is not very user-friendly, when you play with the keyboard) and the continuous, very annoying flashing made me quit at level 13, and I lost interest totally.
Maybe it would be a good idea if the flashing would go away after a few level, as they progess repairing in the story. Annoying flasing is funny for 2 minutes, after that it is just bothering.
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