Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and bontegames.com is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on bartbonte.com.
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April 26, 2024
big dog and little dog [browser]

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Not too bad...interesting mechanic...could for sure be expanded upon in greater depth but solid overall
Bad dog!
I am conflicted about this.
I don't think people should have dogs.
But this one is killing lots of dogs.
So as long as that is all it does I'm good.
I guess I'm missing something. All I see is that if I move the big dog around, nothing happens until it is even with the little dig -- at which point the big dog pushes a human toward the little dog as far as possible. Then I can move the big dog around some more, but every time it's even with the little dog, it rushes toward the little dog again. If I push the other human in between, the only difference is that both humans get pushed.
It's disturbingly entertaining, but the big dog's goal is to get at the little dog. It's not pretty.
> I guess I'm missing something.
It's possible to find a sequence of moves, moving people around so that you don't get stuck and can actually reach the small dog(s).
> It's not pretty.
It's mocking aggressive dog owners, can't you tell?
The small-dog-riding mechanic from the last levels is sick ;)
Ah, games made with spite. My favorite.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
> > I guess I'm missing something.
> It's possible to find a sequence of moves, moving people around so that you don't get stuck and can actually reach the small dog(s).
> > It's not pretty.
> It's mocking aggressive dog owners, can't you tell?
> The small-dog-riding mechanic from the last levels is sick ;)
> 29 April 2024 at 04:21
Okay, maybe there are controls I don't know about, but all I can find are , , , , , and , and I can't find any combination of those that does anything interesting -- at least, on the first level, which is as far as I've gotten.. Help?
Ga-a-a-a-h... Fripping metatext...
>Anonymous Anonymous said...
> > I guess I'm missing something.
> It's possible to find a sequence of moves, moving people around so that you don't get stuck and can actually reach the small dog(s).
> > It's not pretty.
> It's mocking aggressive dog owners, can't you tell?
> The small-dog-riding mechanic from the last levels is sick ;)
What I meant to reply was:
Okay, maybe there are controls I don't know about, but all I can find are up, down, left, right, R, and Z, and I can't find any combination of those that does anything interesting -- at least, on the first level, which is as far as I've gotten.. Help?
@Andy For the first level: move the bottom person next to the middle row of trees (at the height of the trousers, the face at the height of the little dog).
Now you can move around the 2 persons before seeing the small dog, so you can get to the small dog without a person getting in between.
Can anyone please help with the second level? I understood the first level, but I still have no idea what I'm doing.
Nvm I got it
Please help with Level 6
Anon, Level 6: if you get past the first group, you can remove that group. Repeat.
Is anyone still working on this? I'm stuck on the level with 5 dogs (two pairs of two and a single).
Thanks, Bart! That was the hint I needed. (So obvious, once you see it...)
One of the worst games I have ever seen on this site.
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