
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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April 02, 2024

sokobrawn [browser]

Solve block pushing puzzles with brute force: Sokobrawn by Steven Miller.


Anonymous said...

Would have helped to start off slower and explain what you can and can't do and how the objects interact with each other. Shouldn't have to struggle to even figure out what to do with level 1!

Anonymous said...

Terrible game.

Anonymous said...

Way to make me feel dumb again Mr. Miller.

Paperback Writer said...

Hmmm, already in the 3rd level I am clueless. No idea how to press both buttons.

ScandiOne said...

Paperback Writer, try putting the metal chunk against the wall, then go hit the wall at the opposite side :-)

Paperback Writer said...

Thanks for the help. Seems like it is a game I have to play on the weekend. Right now it will break my head :D

Anonymous said...

Assistance on level "Depth" is most welcome.

The Great Unknown said...

I sincerely apologize for saying "terrible game". It's a brilliant game, just (I believe intentionally) rage-inducingly difficult at first. But once you get used to the mechanics, it gets absolutely sadistic.

Anonymous, I am also stuck on level "Depth".

Warm up: Left, Down, Right



Connections: U Rx5 DRU LLU Lx4 DRU Rx5 ULLUL Dx4 RDL UUU RRR DLU

The Great Unknown said...

Anyone still playing this? Any hints on level "Depth" would be much appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I was the first Anonymous who asked about this level. I figured it out but stopped playing the game. Will pick it up again. For "Depth" in rot13:

1. jr xabj juvpu gjb oebja fdhnerf arrq gb or erzbirq ol cebprff bs ryvzvangvba

2. ohzcvat nal frevrf bs fdhnerf chfurf n ybbfr fdhner va pbagnpg (cebivqrq gurer vf rzcgl fcnpr bccbfvgr bs jurer vg trgf ohzcrq)

3. gur terl fdhner qbrf abg tb nyy gur jnl gb gur evtug

The third clue adds a lot more to the solution, the first two are more vague

Anonymous said...

what do min and max mean and why are they always the same number

The Great Unknown said...

Anonymous, many thanks for the subtle hints on level "Depth"! Too many steps for a full walkthru, but basically: wreck the lower left crate, load the single crate into the tunnel mouth on the right, push the block of crates against it, and bump them once more to knock the crate down the tunnel. Put 2 crates on the upper left Xs, put metal box on upper right X. Phew.

I started level "Passage". The metal box appears impossibly stuck, so I tried: UUULLLLUUR After that it seems much harder.

Anonymous, max=your worst score so far, min=your best score so far.

Anonymous said...

why would I ever want to keep track of my worst score?

Meblin said...

For Passage This should get you started


The Great Unknown said...

I solved "Key" if anyone wants hints.
Anonymous, good question. Maybe has to do with the "Step Goal: 1000" stat on the level select screen. I racked up 1000 steps, and it unlocked a new blue info square encouraging me to take more steps, but my step goal is still 1000. Hmmm...

The Great Unknown said...

"Key" walkthru. A is the 2 block set, B is the other.

The Great Unknown said...

In level "Bulk" I found a new game mechanic. You can break up a group of metal boxes by
trapping one box in a red square, and bumping the rest away.

Anonymous said...

Any hints for Chimney?
Solved the first version of the level but it seems I've found an unintended solution...

Anonymous said...

For Chimney:

1. gur evtug "svatre" vf lbhe oybpxvat sevraq 2. gnxr bhg gur obggbz yrsg yvtug oebja fdhner gb fgneg 3. fgvpx na vaqvivqhny fdhner ng gur gbc evtug

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous Chimney hints:

Thank you!
First hint did it (though the finger naming was confusing at first) :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe column would have been better? Wasn't really sure what to call that feature. This game is very challenging. Working on sculpture and going to take a break as I cannot find a solution.

Anonymous said...

It's challenging indeed but very satisfying to get through.
Take a break and let me know if you need help: can try my hand on 'gentle' hints :)

The Great Unknown said...

Good news: The designer is taking hint requests on the main page!
Bad news: I understand the hints for "chimney" but shoving the single crate from the left or below seems to get the 3-crate group stuck. I admit defeat and am ready for an actual walkthrough.
Good news: some of the later ice-block levels are a bit easier.

Anonymous said...

@Great Unknown - Chimney

You're right about getting the 3 crate group stuck on your approach. So what's left?
More hints - spoilers:
1. Lbh jba'g hfr gur 3 pengr tebhc gb chfu gur fvatyr pengr gb gur gbc evtug gnetrg
2. Hfr gur 3 pengr tebhc gb oybpx gur fvatyr pengr sebz yrnivat gur gbc evtug gnetrg

The Great Unknown said...

Thanks, Anonymous! With your hints, and 273 moves, I beat "Chimney"! I'm now no longer having fun, just relieving a compulsion, and 9 more levels to go. Has anyone actually beat the whole thing?

Anonymous said...

I'm on Weak Link. I first asked about Depth on the 4th. I take breaks and I'm not great at these games but am progressing. I think I really lucked out on Strength. I unintentionally did something that made me go "oh?" that helped me solve it. I doubt I would have thought of it on my own. This game is great and I think I can take a break from these things for 5 years, if I finish this one!

Anonymous said...

Done...Corridor (and Weak Link) were challenging but Strength might be the hardest. Spacious also requires "out-of-the-box" thinking, different than all others. I lucked into that (just like Strength). With that I appreciate the author's work and am not going to look at another puzzle game for another 5 years! That one scratched the itch for a long time.

Lighty said...

Completed all apart from Strength. I can see an option for using the middle floating block to be able to bump up, but can't see how I can create this and get into the right hand corridor. the hints suggest a potentially easier method but can't see it.

Any hints / help much appreciated.

puzic said...

More appropriate name for Strength should be Houdini (well that is as close I can get to a hint without actually publishing the solution).

Anonymous said...

Any hints for Chimney?

Does the X in the upper right need to be covered with the grey or a yellow box?

It seems we need four yellow boxes to fill the chimney with the lowest yellow box being unconnected to any other yellow box, plus the grey box is used to push them down?

I've been able to get close to the solution, but can't figure out how to get the upper right X covered and stay covered.

The Great Unknown said...

For Chimney, yes, the upper X needs to be covered by a wooden crate.

Move upper left crate to just below and left of upper X. Use group of 3 crates to push crate the crate up. Push group right, metal box up, and bump it right.

Returning us to the original problem, how to free the metal box, but keep the X covered? It can now be done with a single bump!

From there, it's a long struggle to load 2 crates into the chute, then finally the metal box.

Let me know if you'd like more clarification.

The Great Unknown said...

Lightly, I also found Strength the hardest level. You need to build a giant "light-switch" around the lower right X, that your dude can operate from within the red square. The light-switch is 5 boxes in the shape of a backwards letter C.

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one to have issues with "Push prevention"?
I figured out to move the iron box from the left space to the center one but I can't find any option to make it go on the lowest white X, to free the second iron box located in the right area...


Anonymous said...

To K 14 April 2024 at 15:51
Once your block is on the center zone, from the left once you can punch the wall in the bottom..

puzic said...

Problem with "Sculpture"

I was happy to solve the whole game, but then it was updated to remove the unintended solution. Now I am stuck as ever :(
Did anyone solve Sculpture with upper left X moved one step left (after update) and do you have any hints?

Lighty said...

I went back to try to solve everything and got stuck on sculpture again but then got it.

Some hints below (rot13):

1. Gur fbyhgvba vaibyirf fcyvggvat gur ynetr oybpx vagb 2 fvzvyne fvmrq oybpxf

2. Gb trg gb gur rkvg, lbh arrq gb ybpx lbhefrys va

3. Ubj pbhyq lbh ghea bss gur zvqqyr erq fdhner bapr va gur evtug unaq fvqr?

4. Gur zvqqyr erq fdhner nyybjf lbh gb ahqtr n frg bs oybpxf gb gur yrsg

5. Ohg svefg lbh'yy arrq gb ahqtr gurz hc

puzic said...

Thx, Lightly, I have solved it now :) Intended solutions is actually easier than unintended :)

your hint number 2 was actually enough thx, again

Lighty said...

For those still struggling, I've just uploaded a walkthrough to YouTube

not the most efficient for some levels, but I'm trying to keep my steps up.

The Great Unknown said...

Lightly: Halleluiah, a walkthrough! Corridor had me stewing for days- scooting yourself up between the crate and ice is deviously clever.

Bart: I nominate Sokobrawn for your traditional New Year's Day top 10 list.

eszterencs said...

It took some time to solve all the levels, I finished only today. Great game, funny idea, I liked the little "brute force" muscle man! :-) For strength I needed a hint, it was the hardest level for me.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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