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July 09, 2024
ultimate micostouch intergalactic cup extreme [browser]

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Wow. This is puzzler.
Is no one else playing this game?
I'm stuck at the level with two pineapples and lava.
This is really challenging.
Got it, you have to use the pineapples to stop the ball. Power of posting!
And now I'm stuck on the level with the guy who kicks the ball over the edge.
@ anonymous
the guy who kicks the ball can help you
I don't see how. If you have to spoil it, please do.
POP got it!
I am totally flummoxed on 8. Been zigging and zagging switching things around. Seems like I need to move the left transport up and kick the ball into the right one to send it to the goal but cannot make it work.
A very nice one !
Enjoyed it a lot.
Very engaging. Spent a lot of time on level nine, and kind of feel like I was misdirected earlier? But, eventually got it.
@Long For level 8 (rot13):
Xvpx gur onyy sebz gur obggbz bs gur yrsg vfynaq gb na bcra cbegny ba gur evtug vfynaq gung pbzrf hc arne gur gbc bs gur yrsg vfynaq, yriry jvgu gur tbny.
Ok I finally took out the trash...thought this was only a 9 level game but I think it was more like 12 levels overall.
I work all day.
The wife can take out the trash.
Hate me if you want.
I just want to have fun at home.
Finally finished it. I'm not sure if I should be proud I was able to do it, or embarrassed by how long it took. Either way, very nice game.
Ok, I am ashamed to say that I am totally stuck on level 4.
I get that the green guy is meant to help me somehow... but HOW??
Am I supposed to move him, or get him to move, or what??
Help, please, before I go crazy with it!
@anon level 4:
Gur terra thl jvyy xvpx gur onyy njnl ng n evtug natyr sebz jungrire qverpgvba gur onyy cnffrf uvz.
oh ffs! I can't believe I didn't get that!!
Thank you @Kaz! x x x x x
"Gur terra thl jvyy xvpx gur onyy njnl ng n evtug natyr sebz jungrire qverpgvba gur onyy cnffrf uvz."
What the hell is any of this meant to mean?!!
Deciphered the code: in which case, level 4, no he doesn't (glitch?)
The green guy can be moved like a block. Any time greenie comes in contact with the ball he kicks it. He can be pushed across lava and will shove another greenie out of the way if need be. In fact he will sit in the lava (and still kick balls) if he's stopped by a wall. This doesn't come up in the game but fyi.
I’m stuck on level 9. How do you complete it?
If anyone's still out there, I would love to have some help with level 8.
Lvl 8 w/ 2 trashcans: Kicking a ball through one teleporter (activate with X) makes the ball pop out the other. You need to position the two cans appropriately.
Lvl 9 w/ two pineapples and a greenie: You can safely push two adjacent pineapples into the magma. The coast is then clear to position the greenie to redirect the ball.
Good luck.
Thanks for the Level 8 hint, but I did think that was the way to solve it... what I need is a hint on how to get the cans in the right places. I've been trying to get the can on left island up to the narrow part and get the ball in position on the right, but I just can't figure it out.
Lvl 8: Move the ball (regular kick not X kick) to the right to let you push the unactivated can up the left neck, opposite the goal. Then activate the cans and X kick the ball through the can on the lower right. (As I recall, you first have to teleport over and move the right can down a couple of spaces.)
Argh! I don't know why I didn't think of that! Thank you!
OK, now I'm stuck on 11... any help?
In rot13
Ba 11, lbh unir gb cbfvgvba bar tneontr pna va gur irel gbc evtug bs gur yrsg unaq cyngsbez. Gur sebt unf gb or cbfvgvba bar yvar qbja naq bar pbyhza gb gur yrsg bs gung gbc tneontr pna. Gur bgure tneontr pna unf gb or cynprq qverpgyl ba gur obggbz bs gur yrsg unaq cyngsbez va gur fnzr pbyhza nf gur sebt. Ghea ba gur tneontr pnaf naq gura tb gb gur evtug cyngsbez. Chfu gur cvax pebff naq gur gerr qbja hagvy gur cvax pebff vf orfvqr gur sver cvg. Tb gb gur yrsg bs gur cvax pebff, uvg "k" naq ynhapu vg npebff gur svercvg naq gur jnyy ba gur evtug fvqr jvyy fgbc vg. Chfu gur gerr qbja naq sbyybj hc gb chfu gur cvax pebff ng gur irel gbc bs gur evtug fvqr cyngsbez. Gurer jvyy or n fcnpr ba gur evtug fvqr bs gur cvax pebff gb or noyr gb cbfvgvba gurer, uvg "k", ynhapu vg npebff gur pnany. Gur cvax pebff jvyy pebff va sebag bs gur sebt, juvpu jvyy qrsyrpg vg gb gur tneontr pna orybj, ragre vgf cbegny, naq gura gur cvax pebff jvyy rwrpg bhg bs gur obggbz cbegny bs gur tneontr pna ba gbc, jurer vg jvyy gura pebff cnguf jvgu gur sebt juvpu jvyy qrsyrpg vg vagb gur tbny.
Thanks! I was also stuck on level 11, so I found this info really helpful.
This is strange, my level 11 doesn't look anything like what you are describing. There is no frog, no pink cross, no tree. I think you're talking about a different level.
The level 11 I'm looking at has two small platforms with a trash can on each, the pink ball which is on the left hand platform, and a lava waterfall on the right hand platform.
You're right, my bad, I was describing Level 12 in the above explanation - for level 11 -
Vg vf gur yriry jvgu gjb fznyy cyngsbezf naq naq gjb genfu pnaf. Lbh fgneg ba gur yrsg cyngsbez. Tb hc naq ghea ba gur genfupna ba lbhe fvqr naq tb guebhtu vg gb gryrcbeg gb gur bgure cyngsbez. Fuhg bss gur genfupnaf. Chfu gur genfu pna ba gur evtug cyngsbez nyy gur jnl gb gur yrsg, whfg orsber vg snyyf bss gur cyngsbez naq gura tb nobir vg naq chfu vg fb gung vg vf whfg nobir gur ynin cvg. Ghea ba gur genfupnaf ntnva naq gryrcbeg guebhtu gur gbc bs gur genfupna ba gur evtug cyngsbez, bagb gur yrsg cyngsbez. Chfu gur cvax pebff guebhtu gur genfupna ba gur yrsg cyngsbez naq vg jvyy trg chfurq guebhtu gur genfupna ba gur evtug cyngsbez, vagb gur gbc yrsg fcnpr ba gur evtug cyngsbez. Tb qbja gb gur evtug fvqr bs gur genfupna gung vf fvggvat ngbc gur ynin cvg, naq fuhg bss gur genfupnaf. Gura tb gb gur gbc bs gur genfupna naq chfu vg vagb gur ynin cvg. Obgu genfupnaf jvyy or qrfgeblrq, nyybjvat lbh gb tb gb gur evtug fvqr bs gur cvax pebff naq fubbg vg vagb gur tbny.
Gunax lbh! V unq gevrq gb npurvir gur fnzr guvat ol chfuvat gur genfupna bire gur rqtr, ohg gung qvqa'g jbex. V arire gubhtug gb gel gur ynin cvg!
Apparently the level I was stuck on was actually level 10. Does anyone have the solution for that?
Never mind, I figured it out. You have to push the ball down and get the alien to kick it to the right into the block and then maneuver stuff on to the right side of the left island so you can kick the ball into the trash can
I know at this point, this probably won't get answered because no one has looked at this for a couple of months, but I've got to at least try. I am still stuck on level 3. I know I need to use the pineapples to block the ball, but the top pineapple I can only move left or right, and I feel like I need to move it up somehow. What am I missing?
And.... once again, posting seems to be the cure. I figured it out. Duh.
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