
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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August 13, 2024

transition [browser]

To save up on memory, each room is embedded with a reset that activates upon leaving: Transition, the latest puzzlescript puzzler by NinaBirb. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart a level)


Riiick said...

Great game!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone offer a hint for "Where's the Target?"

Anonymous said...

The level names are pretty good hints, which makes it kinda annoying that you aren't able to see them again if you forgot what the current level's name is.

Anonymous said...

Interesting gameplay mechanic! I love that, despite the fact that the level names are clues, it isn't immediately obvious or intuitive, so you still have to think about what you're dealing with. This is clever, and I'm adding it to my list of games that I enjoy going back to.

Anonymous said...

Hints for "Where's the Target?"
Hint 1:
Lbh xabj gur gevpx bs chggvat gur terra oybpx jurer lbh tb onpx gb, evtug?
Hint 2:
Vg jbhyq or terng vs lbh pbhyq trg gung bgure lbh vagb gur bgure ebbz, fb jura lbh erfcnja, gung'f jurer lbh tb.
Hint 3:
Juvpu lbh pna qb, vs lbh chfu vg jvgu gur lryybj obk!
Hint 4:
Bapr gurer, chfu bar terra obk ba gur gnetrg, naq chg gur bgure bar jurer lbh erfcnja gb trg onpx gb gur svefg ebbz.

Anonymous said...

Aha! Thank you! It was that last step I was missing.

Long Peter said...

Where is the target took the longest, but still not to hard

collie said...

Ok, this one is very clever. I love when the puzzle concept is more satisfying than solving it.

Hespetr3 said...

I can´t seem to beat Two Keys. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

Hints for "Two Keys"
Hint 1:
Qba'g hfr gur terra xrl gb bcra n qbbe hagvy lbh unir gb.
Hint 2:
Hfr gur terra xrl gb xrrc gur svefg lryybj qbbe bcra orgjrra erfrgf
Hint 3:
Gur lryybj xrl jvyy bcra gur terra qbbe

Amil said...

Interesting reset feature

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on Over There. I'm sure there's a simple solution I'm missing, but no idea what it is.

Anonymous said...

"Over There" is a bear! Here are some hints:
Hint 1:
Jura lbh'er terra, lbh'er vzzhar gb orvat erfrg.
Hint 2:
Jura lbh'er abg terra, lbh'er abg vzzhar. Lbh pna hfr guvf gb lbhe nqinagntr.
Hint 3:
Gur gevpx vf gb yvar hc gur cvrprf cebcreyl, fb gung obgu gur terra obk naq gur tubfg ner jurer lbh jnag gurz va gur bgure ebbz.
Hint 4 (Solution Part 1):
Yvar hc gur cvrprf, yrsg gb evtug yvxr guvf: Lryybj, Lryybj, Terra, Lryybj, Tubfg.
Hint 5 (Solution, Part 2):
Chfu gurz nyy guebhtu gur qbbe, ohg qba'g tb va lbhefrys. Gura, pbzzvg fhvpvqr ol ehaavat vagb bar bs gur xvyyre guvatf.
Hint 6 (Solution, Part 3)
Va gur frpbaq ebbz, chfu gur terra obk gb gur gnetrg, naq gura gel gb yrnir gur ebbz. Lbh'yy raq hc va gur fcnpr jvgu gur synt.

tounetou said...

Please, what is the code you use to cypher your clues?

Anonymous said...

The code is rot13

Hespetr3 said...

Thanks for the hints on Two Keys, it helped!


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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