
Hi! I'm Bart Bonte, a Belgian independent game designer and is where I blog about new interesting browser and mobile games. My own games are all in the left column (or at the bottom of this page on mobile). More info about me and my games on
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October 07, 2024

pusherfish [browser]

A block-pushing puzzlescript puzzler about a tiny creature who doesn't stay tiny for long: Pusherfish, created by Galactical for the 'tiny creatures' themed Ludum Dare 56 game jam. (Z key to undo a move, R key to restart a level)


Anonymous said...

Very very nice!

Anonymous said...

I don't know the number, but I'm stuck on the first level when you have to blow up while in a narrow space and it squeezes you out. I can't get the 2nd block into the ditch by the exit. Can anyone provide a hint?

Anonymous said...

Suggestion: push a block while big & or push a block out of the way first.
I am stuck on a level with a huge gap and only 2 blocks.
The path out appears to be up on the right side.

Anonymous said...

While we are all asking for some help. I'm stuck at the level where you start at the top left above a dark chasm. You have to inflate and move down. There is a winding path where you push a block with a couple of diagonal black spaces and a line of black spaces blocking the exit up the right hand side. You have two pink blocks. (Sorry, there are no level numbers) If this description helps, any suggestions are welcomed.

-->Nope<-- said...

I think this is the same level I'm on. You are at the top left above that large dark space? Have to inflate to get down and move that single pink block before you get to the other two pink ones on the right hand side of the screen?

Anonymous said...

It is possible to push the block diagonally.

Anonymous said...

The diagonal push was a life saver thanks. (Also Z)
However I think I am now stuck on the same level as A-2:35
Can't get the hole filled to exit due to a single well placed pillar.

Anonymous said...

I too am also stuck on that same level! driving me mad... if anyone has managed to pass that level please take pity on me and tell me how!!

Anonymous said...

yes, that's it

Anonymous said...

Exactly. That lousy pillar is stopping everything. I can diagonally push a block to the center of the ditch, but I can't get the other block positioned in a way that can make the exit. Anyone figure this level out?

kaz said...

For the abyss and blocking column one, pretty heavy spoiler (or possibly a bug solution):
Gur cvax oybpx jvyy trg chfurq Abegu vs Fbhgu naq Rnfg ner oybpxrq jura lbh rkcnaq vagb vg sebz gur Jrfg.

Anonymous said...

Makes no sense, but it worked!!! Thank you!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is not a bug. It uses the mechanism that allows you to move a block from a corner earlier in that level.

Gamerland said...

Walkthrough video for Pusherfish game

a12r13 said...

Nice game although the mechanics are not so easy - some expansion results are not really easy to anticipate... one needs to try and check results....

Anonymous said...

Great! Thank you!

Jade said...

Great game, very nice.


If you are you looking for a solution or a walkthrough for one of the game links, please have a look in the comments.
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